7th D-EITI reporting published

📢 Just in time before 2024 comes to an end, the German Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) has published all mandatory EITI reporting content on the German extractive sector. 👉 The latest information and data on the German extractive sector can be found on the D-EITI reporting portal at www.rohstofftransparenz.de
BGR report on the raw materials situation in Germany 2023 published

⛏️ What is the current situation in the German raw materials sector? ⚡ What challenges is the industry facing? 💡 And what new developments offer positive prospects? 🧾 All this and much more interesting information can be found in the new report from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources on the raw materials […]
D-EITI payment reconciliation pilot to be included in EITI standard procedure

🔎 The procedure for risk-based quality assurance of payment flows from the extractive sector, which was piloted by the D-EITI in 2020 and has since been successfully implemented, has now gained international attention. ✅ It was recently confirmed by the international EITI Board as the new standard procedure for EITI-implementing countries. 🤝 Germany is thus making […]
BDI Raw Materials Congress 2024

“Daring to enhance raw material sovereignty” – is the motto of this year’s BDI Raw Materials Congress 2024. We look forward to exciting contributions and discussions on the topics of security of supply in Europe, stable raw material supply chains and partnerships, challenges and the future of the raw materials industry and much more. #RoKo2024 […]
Updated information on economic importance of the extractive industry

💡 Did you know? 📶 The mining and quarrying sector accounted for around 0.26% of Germany’s gross value added in 2022. The share has risen again compared to the previous year. 💵 Government revenue in the form of taxes from the extractive industry amounted to around 814 million euros in 2022. ⛏ In 2023, Germany […]
2nd Raw Materials Summit organized by the Raw Materials Working Group in Berlin, 10.10.2024

What could the #rawmaterial policy of tomorrow look like? And what role do the #circular economy and #sufficiency play in this? All this and many other exciting topics will be discussed today at the 2nd Raw Materials Summit of the Raw Materials Working Group. 👉 An insight into the exciting program can be found in […]
5th Alternative Raw Materials Week from October 7-14 in Berlin

🎤 The members of the NGO network AK Rohstoffe are organizing the Alternative Raw Materials Week for the fifth time from October 7 – 14, 2024. 💬 Numerous events will focus on taking a critical look at German raw materials policy and its human rights, social and environmental aspects. 👉 An overview of all Alternative […]
EITI National Coordinators Meeting in Geneva

Impressions from the last EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) National Coordinators Meeting that took place during the 60th EITI Board Meeting in Geneva. Find more materials and information about the event here: 👉 EITI National Coordinators Meeting 2024 | EITI Photos: ©EITI
Peer learning between D-EITI and Armenia EITI

In view of the implementation of the new 2023 EITI Standard, the D-EITI Secretariat was invited to present its new approach on merging work planning and monitoring, covered by Requirement 1.5, to Armenia EITI. We are looking forward to more peer learning exchange which are a great way to support each other in EITI implementation. […]
Akzente Interview mit EITI Geschäftsführer Mark Robinson

🚀 “Wir haben schon einiges bewegt, aber unsere Arbeit ist noch nicht getan”. 🎤 Im aktuellen Interview mit GIZ Akzente spricht Mark Robinson, Geschäftsführer der EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) zu der Umsetzung, den Hintergründen und aktuellen Herausforderungen der Initiative. 🌍 Die Bundesregierung unterstützt seit Jahren die Umsetzung der EITI in verschiedenen Ländern, so auch in […]