
Remarks on the reporting


The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard that promotes financial transparency and accountability of government revenues generated by the extractive industry. By implementing the voluntary initiative based on the EITI standard, over 50 countries worldwide are helping to combat corruption and mismanagement and promote good governance in this important economic sector.

National implementation and reporting topics

A Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) was established at the beginning of 2015 to implement the EITI standard in Germany (D-EITI). The group with representatives from government, companies and civil society is responsible for implementation and regular EITI reporting in accordance with the EITI standard. Since 2023, the mandatory information and data have been published online1 during the reporting year. In addition, there are reports on topics that D-EITI MSG believes are relevant for the extractive sector.

The D-EITI reporting thus offers the public the opportunity to find out about various but intertwined topics of the extractive industry in Germany. These are:

  • Which natural resources are extracted in Germany?
  • Natural resource production in Germany
  • What are the legal framework conditions?
  • What revenues does the state generate from the extraction of natural resources?
  • Economic importance
  • Sustainability in the extraction of natural resources
  • Payment flows of the extractive industry (report by an independent administrator)


With the 7th D-EITI reporting (reporting year 2022/2023), the D-EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group would like to focus on the following information about the extractive sector and its framework conditions:

The most important revenues from the extraction of natural resources on the state side are the taxes of general company taxation (corporate tax and income tax together with solidarity surcharge and trade tax). In addition, there are natural resource-specific mine site and extraction royalties. Together, these revenues generated by the extractive industry amounted to approximately €814 millions in 2022. This represents 0.04% of total Federal Government revenue. Compared to the previous year (around €487 million), revenues increased by around 67% (cf. revenues generated by the extractive industry)

Disclosure of the payment flows from the extractive industries has shown the following: in 2022, the payments made by the companies participating in the D-EITI process to government agencies for the payment flows corporation tax, trade tax, mine site and extraction royalties as well as lease payments and payments for infrastructure improvement amounted to €803 million. Compared to the previous year (€216 million), revenues increased by 27% (cf. Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance).

In 2022, 69 mining licenses were newly granted nationwide in the sectors considered by D-EITI. On the last key date of 31 December 2022, according to the Federal Office of Statistics approx. 1,340 km², i.e. approx. 0.4% of the area of Germany is used as mining land. Compared to the previous year, the use of land as mining land has thus fallen minimally (cf. Managing human intervention in nature and landscape).

The report provides an overview of the contribution of the domestic extractive sector to the relevant energy sources in Germany. In 2022, the share of primary energy consumption in Germany accounted for by the natural resources included in the D-EITI reporting was around 35% for crude oil, 23.3% for natural gas and around 10% for lignite. Domestic production of crude oil and natural gas covered around 2% and around 5% of consumption in Germany respectively, while lignite production covered around 100%. Consumption of exclusively imported hard coal was higher than in the previous year and accounted for around 9.8% of primary energy consumption (see Effects of the energy transition and the structural change on the extraction of natural resources in Germany).

Part of Germany’s exports come from the domestic extractive sector. In 2022 (2023), Germany exported goods worth a total of around €1.59 trillion (€1.58 trillion). Products of the extractive industries accounted for some €11.4 billion of this amount (€5.2 billion), according to the primary raw materials considered by D-EITI, equivalent to 0.72% (0.33%) of total exports. At around €9.0 billion (€2.9 billion), crude oil and natural gas accounted for the largest share of exports. However, these are predominantly re-exports of natural gas (cf. Economic importance of the extractive industry).

The report also gives an overview of Employment and Social Affairs. At the end of 2022 (2023), around 59,000 people (58,000 people) were employed in the extractive industry. This corresponds to around 0.17% of all employees in Germany subject to social security contributions (the same in 2023). Compared to the reporting period 2016 (1st D-EITI report), the number of employees in the sector fell by around 12,300 in 2022 (approx. 13,300 in 2023), mainly due to the phasing out of hard coal mining by the end of 2018 (cf. Employment and Social Affairs).

In accordance with the current requirements of the EITI Standard 2023, the D-EITI is increasingly reporting on the impact of the energy transition on the extraction of raw materials in Germany. To this end, the information on the “Effects of the energy transition and the structural change on the extraction of natural resources in Germany” has been restructured and the legal framework has been supplemented with the Heat Planning Act and the Geothermal Energy and Heat Pumps Act draft.

Risk-based approach for quality assurance of payment data

At the request of the International EITI Secretariat, the MSG has introduced and further developed a procedure for alternative quality assurance of payment flows in the area of financial transparency, in which the payments made by extractive companies to government agencies are disclosed.. Since the third reporting cycle, the reconciliation of payments made by extractive companies participating in the D-EITI with the revenues of government agencies, known as payment reconciliation, has been replaced by a general and risk-based analysis of government processes. The pilot phase has  ended and the developed risk-based approach was included as a standard procedure in the EITI Terms of Reference for implementation in all EITI member countries in October 2024. The D-EITI is thus successfully contributing to the further development of the international EITI standard.

The collection of payments, the quality assurance process and the risk assessments were carried out and supported by an independent administrator appointed by the MSG and in accordance with the EITI Standard. Participation by the reporting companies was on a voluntary basis. As part of the seventh reporting, the independent administrator determined that there is a low risk of irregular payment flows. Therefore, a plausibility check of the payment data is sufficient. The quality of payment data to government agencies is thus ensured.

This seventh D-EITI reporting was prepared by the German MSG in cooperation with the independent administrator Grant Thornton AG, auditing company, Dusseldorf. The reporting on payment flows in the extractive sector contains information for the 2022 reporting year. The remaining chapters contain additional data for 2023, if available.

All information and data listed in this report as well as further visualisations and downloadable data tables in open-data format can also be found online on the D-EITI reporting portal

Information on the D-EITI process and the D-EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group can be found at

MSG objectives for D-EITI

We, the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG), commit to the principles set forth in the 2023 EITI Standard by setting ourselves the following objectives with respect to EITI implementation in Germany:

  1. Ensuring timely reporting that is understandable and accessible to the general public, based on a transparent, open and innovative EITI process in Germany;
  2. Processing contextual information concerning the German extractive sector, with a view to promoting a broad debate on resource policy that includes aspects of (economic, environmental, and social) sustainability;
  3. Achieving an understandable, commensurate and increasingly comprehensive reporting to the general public in compliance with the EITI Standard and in harmony with the EU Accounting and Transparency Directives. Besides, added value shall be generated;
  4. Contributing to the further development of the EITI Standard and its implementation and acceptance as a de-facto global standard, to support the global striving for transparency and accountability as well as the fight against corruption in the extractive sector;
  5. Sharing experiences from the multi-stakeholder process, in particular with respect to participatory democracy, citizen engagement and knowledge transfer, and also with regard to EITI implementation in a state with a federal structure;
  6. Substantially enhancing Germany’s credibility in providing political and financial support to the EITI;
  7. Ensuring the ongoing implementation of the D-EITI with the intended multi-stakeholder model while building capacity for broad-scale public debate.

Which natural resources are extracted in Germany?

Crude Oil and Gas


Interesting Facts

Crude oil

  • In 2022, Germany supplied around 2% of its oil requirements from domestic production.
  • 56% of the total German production in 2022 and 54% in 2023 came from the Heide-Mittelplate I oil field located in the Wadden Sea
  • Crude oil is created by the transformation of huge deposits of plankton.
  • On average, crude oil deposits are found at a depth of around 1.5 km. Technical progress, however, has made it possible to open up oil fields at a depth of 5,000 m and more.
  • More than 25,000 drilling operations have been carried out since crude oil and natural gas production

Natural gas

  • Natural gas has been extracted from domestic gas fields for the past 100 years.
  • 5% of the demand for natural gas in Germany was covered by domestic production in 2022.
  • Almost all domestic natural gas production comes from Lower Saxony.

Crude Oil


Crude oil has been industrially extracted in Germany for more than 150 years. The successful oil well in Wietze near Celle in 1858/59 is generally recognised as being one of the first in the world. Crude oil production in Germany peaked in 1968 with an annual production of around 8 million tonnes. Proven and potential crude oil reserves in Germany were estimated to be almost 23 million tonnes as of 1 January 2024. Most of the crude oil reserves are in the North German Basin, primarily in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. At the end of 2022, there were 43 oil fields in production.

Economic importance

With a share of around 35% of primary energy consumption, crude oil is by far the most important energy source in Germany. In this context, fossil fuels with a share of about 79% (2022) and 77% (2023) generally account for a much larger share than renewable forms of energy.1 In 2022, domestic oil production amounted to around 2% of Germany’s annual consumption and the share thus remained the same compared to the previous year. Germany is one of the world’s largest users of mineral oil, making it almost entirely dependent on importing crude oil and crude oil products. Crude oil imports in 2022 rose by about 7 million tonnes compared to the previous year, to about 88 million tonnes and fell to about 77 million tonnes in 2023. These imports in total were valued at €61 billion and came from 30 countries, with 41% of the imported crude oil alone coming from Russia (22.4 million tonnes), the US (12 million tonnes) and Kazakhstan (9 million tonnes) – all figures for 2022.2 In 2023, Norway, the US and Kazakhstan delivered the largest volumes. Until mid-2023, Russian crude oil was imported exclusively in the form of linefill (residual quantities in the Druzhba pipeline, about 0.2 million tonnes) and has since no longer played a role in the area of crude oil imports.3 Germany produced slightly less than 2 million tonnes of crude oil in 2022 and about 1.6 million tonnes in 2023.4 The country’s share of global oil production amounted to approx. 0.04% in 2022 and 0.03% in 2023. The value of crude oil produced in Germany in 2022 is estimated to be €1025 million, which represents 0.03% of GDP. Crude oil accounted for around 6% of the total value of natural resources produced in Germany in 2022.

In terms of economic significance, crude oil thus ranked third behind lignite and natural gas in the list of fossil energy resources produced in Germany and in seventh place out of all natural resources extracted nationwide.

In a 2022 international comparison of crude oil-producing countries, Germany was in 59th place (1970: 26th place). At the end of 2023, 1,940 persons were employed in oil production in Germany (see also Employment and Social Affairs).5


In 2022, 43 oil fields were in production in Germany. These fields extract oil by means of some 683 production wells in drilling installations (onshore) and production platforms (offshore). In 2022 and 2023, the oilfields of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony yielded almost 90% of the total German production. The remaining quantity was mainly produced in the Federal States of Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria, together with very low production levels in Hamburg, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The largest German crude oil field is the Heide-Mittelplate I field in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea (Wattenmeer) National Park. It has been developed since 1987 by a drilling and production platform and by oil well facilities on the mainland. This oil field accounted for about half of Germany’s total crude oil production in 2022 and 2023.


Crude oil is a fossil fuel and mainly used as fuel for vehicles and means of transport and for heating buildings. Over the last few years, oil has accounted for 93% of energy consumption in the transport sector and has been used in the form of gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel.6 Oil makes up around 20% of the energy used for heating buildings. Crude oil is also used in the chemical industry in particular, for example in the production of plastics and dyes, foams, detergents, medicines, lubricants and cosmetics.


Natural gas​


In 1910, natural gas was discovered while drilling for water in Neuengamme, today a district of Hamburg. The industrial production of natural gas started in 1913. However, natural gas production in Germany remained minimal until the end of the 1960s, with only a 1% share of the primary energy consumption in Germany (West). The oil crises of the 1970s focused increased attention on the consumption of energy and the need for the development of energy sources.

Domestic production grew with the discovery of large gas deposits on the German-Dutch border and the increasing conversion of town and coke-oven gas to natural gas (from 12 to about 20 billion m³ (Vn)7 raw gas between 1970 and 2005). This was accompanied by a steady expansion of the gas infrastructure. In 2005, domestic natural gas production covered around 25% of German natural gas consumption. Since then, however, production has declined. The sure and probable reserves of natural gas are also declining. These amounted to around 38 billion m³ (Vn) as of 1 January 2023. The decline in natural gas reserves and production is mainly due to the increasing depletion of the deposits and the resulting natural decline in extraction. There have been no significant new discoveries in recent years.

Economic importance

Natural gas is still the second most important source of energy in Germany with a share of around 24% of primary energy consumption. In 2022, natural gas production in Germany amounted to around 5.3 billion m³ (Vn) of raw gas, covering only about 5% of domestic natural gas consumption. This decreased by around 16% in 2022 compared to the previous year. In 2022, 1449 TWh of natural gas valued at €74 billion were imported. The most important importing countries in 2022 were Norway (475 TWh), the Netherlands (475 TWh) and Russia (316 TWh). Compared to previous years, the effects of the war in Ukraine have significantly changed German gas import structures. From September 2022, the supply of Russian pipeline gas to Germany was stopped completely. Apart from that, there was a reduction in imports (-13%) compared to the previous year. A considerable proportion of the natural gas imported was re-exported to neighbouring European countries (535 TWh). At the end of 2022, LNG (liquefied natural gas) was imported directly to Germany for the first time using the floating LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven.8 In terms of the economic significance of domestically produced natural gas, Germany ranked number 499 in the comparison of all natural-gas-producing countries in 2022. The country’s share of global natural gas production amounted to just under 0.1% in 2022. The value of the natural gas extracted in 2022 amounted to an estimated €4.2 billion. That is equivalent to about 0.1% of GDP. Natural gas accounted for around 22% of the total value of natural resources produced in Germany in 2022. At the end of 2023, 1,065 persons were employed in the German production of natural gas.10


Almost 99% of German natural gas was extracted in Lower Saxony in 2022. Other Federal States (Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Bavaria) contributed only marginally to the total production. Natural gas was extracted from 280 production wells on 66 gas fields. Like crude oil, natural gas can be found in underground deposits. Similar to the exploration of crude oil, the exploration of natural gas takes place primarily through seismic surveys and exploration drilling. Natural gas is extracted through a riser pipe inserted into a borehole that is stabilised with cement and steel.

In addition to the development of conventional deposits, non-conventional natural gas deposits could be developed, too. Non-conventional deposits include natural gas deposits in shale, clay, marl and coal seam rock, that can be developed using “hydraulic fracturing” or “fracking” for short. Fracking involves injecting a suspension (water, proppants and additives) and the resulting increase in pressure to create small cracks in the rock containing the natural gas in a controlled manner. This process releases the gas so that it can be brought to the surface through the drilling pipes.

Fracking in Germany has been used for many decades in the development of conventional deposits, especially in dense sandstones (mostly at greater depths) and has been tried and tested for many years. However, the use of fracking for the commercial development of shale, clay, marl and coal seam rock (i.e. non-conventional deposits), on the other hand, is generally not permitted in Germany until further notice. This excludes up to four test drillings. However, there must be scientific monitoring.11, 12 The German Bundestag has not yet made use of the opportunity to review the ban on fracking on the basis of the report submitted by the Expert Commission on Fracking in 2021.13 The topic of fracking continues to be discussed controversially in Germany.


As a fossil fuel, natural gas is mainly used in industry (36%) and in private households (32%, mainly for heating). In addition, it is used to generate electricity (12%) in the trade, commerce and services sectors (13%) and in district heating/cooling (including combined heat and power plants; 6%). In transport, natural gas plays a very minor role as a fuel. Natural gas also other uses – as a reactant in chemical processes (e.g. for ammonia synthesis in the Haber-Bosch process (nitrogen fertiliser)), for iron ore reduction in the blast furnace process but particularly in the production of hydrogen through steam reforming.


1 [AGEB 2023], for a detailed source reference see other sources in the endnotes/sources.

2 A list of the most important oil-producing countries 2022 can be viewed here: (accessed 21 June 2024).

3 Federal Statistical Office (2023): Oil imports from Russia decreased to 3,500 tonnes in January 2023. URL: (accessed 13 June 2024).

4 Information on significant exploration projects can be found, for example, here:; Crude oil production in Germany – BVEG, BGR – The BGR – New BGR report on the natural resources situation in Germany ( (accessed 27 June 2024).

Federal Employment Agency (2024), for a detailed source reference, see endnotes/sources.

6 AG Energiebilanzen e.V. [Working Group on Energy balances] (2023): Evaluation tables for Germany’s energy balance. URL: (accessed 13 June 2024).

7 Standard volume (Vn).

8 AG Energiebilanzen e.V. [Working Group on Energy balances] (2023): Energy consumption in Germany in 2022. URL: (accessed 13 June 2024).

9 Information on significant exploration projects can be found, for example, here:; Crude oil production in Germany – BVEG, BGR – The BGR – New BGR report on the natural resources situation in Germany ( (accessed 27 June 2024).

10 Federal Employment Agency (2024), for a detailed source reference, see endnotes/sources.

11 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2022). URL: https:/ (accessed 20 July 2024).

12 Cf. Section 13a (2) and (6) of the Water Resources Act. URL: (accessed 14 June 2024)

13 Expert commission on fracking pursuant to Section 13a (6) of the Water Resources Act (2023). URL: (accessed 25 July 2024)



Interesting Facts

Hard coal

  • The subsidised hard coal mining industry in Germany ended on 31 December 2018 with the closure of the last remaining mines in Bottrop and Ibbenbüren.
  • The termination has been carried out in a socially acceptable manner and on a legal basis.
  • Since then, the demand for hard coal in Germany has been covered 100% by imports, in 2022 mainly from the Russian Federation, the USA, Columbia and Australia.


  • With production at around 130.8 million tonnes in 2022, lignite accounted for 10% of primary energy consumption in Germany.
  • Lignite accounted for around 20% of gross electricity generation in 2022.
  • The coalfield in the Rhineland is the largest lignite coalfield in Europe and Germany is Europe’s largest producer of lignite.
  • Germany is the world’s third-largest producer of soft lignite after China and Indonesia and uses its production entirely for its own consumption.
  • Germany covers nearly 100% of its lignite requirements from its domestic reserves.
  • Recultivation and compensation for land required for mining are important issues for the German lignite mining industry.
  • Germany will gradually reduce its use of coal to produce electricity and end the practice entirely by the end of 2038 at the latest1

Hard coal


Hard coal mining in Germany gained economic importance in the course of industrialisation in the 19th and 20th centuries. Production increased steadily, reaching an annual peak of more than 200 million tonnes at the beginning of the Second World War. After WW2, German hard coal was used in the electricity, steel and heat supply industries. In the mid-1950s, more than 600,000 employees in 170 mines extracted 150 million tonnes of hard coal every year. This situation changed at the end of the 1950s. German hard coal could no longer compete efficiently in the world market since its extraction was carried out exclusively through underground mining and needed subsidies from public authorities until funding was discontinued in 2018. In recent decades, imported coal and, above all, cheaper crude oil have replaced domestic hard coal.

The current situation of the German hard coal industry is the result of a continuous adaptation process which started with the founding of the Ruhrkohle AG – a merger of 51 Ruhr area mines – in 1969.


On 7 February 2007, the German Federal Government, the Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland, the RAG AG and the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE) agreed to end the subsidised production of hard coal in Germany at the end of 2018 in a socially-acceptable manner. The phase-out process is governed by the “socially acceptable phasing-out of subsidised hard coal mining in Germany” framework agreement of 14 August 2007 and by the German Hard Coal Financing Act, which came into force in December 2007 (in this connection, see Subsidies and tax concessions). For more information on the end of hard coal power generation, see Effects of the energy transition.

Economic importance

Consumption of hard coal in Germany increased by 2.7% in 2022 compared with 2021 and increased to around 39 million tonnes SKE (SKE: hard coal unit, a unit that is mainly used in central Europe). In 2022, hard coal in Germany therefore still covered 9.8% of primary energy consumption and contributed 11% to German gross electricity generation. The last two German hard coal mines closed at the end of 2018. Germany has to meet all its hard coal requirements through imports because German hard coal mining had been phased out. After the EU’s coal embargo on Russian exports came into force on 11 August 2022, existing German hard coal imports had to be replaced at short notice. As a result, the Russian share of hard coal imports fell from around 50% in 2021 to 29% (13 million tonnes) in 2022 and was mainly replaced by supplies from the USA (21%), Colombia (16%) and Australia (14%). Imports from Poland, the only remaining significant coal exporting country in the EU-27, remained at the previous year’s level of around 1.6 million tonnes. Of this, around 1.5 million tonnes was coke. Overall, Germany imported about 44.7 million tonnes of hard coal and hard coal products (primarily coke) in 2022. At the end of 2023, 1,000 persons were employed in German hard-coal mining.2


Internationally, hard coal is mined both in underground and open-cast mines. In Europe, coal is mined almost exclusively underground and that was the case in Germany until the end of 2018. Hard coal was mined underground in Germany down to a depth of up to 1,400 m, exclusively using the “longwall mining” technique. Longwall mining involves removing the coal along a coal face up to 450 m long with a coal plough or cutting it with a longwall shearer between two extraction lines. Several thousand tonnes of coal can be mined from a longwall every day. The process is widely used today, with around 50% of the world’s hard coal being extracted using this method. The most important German deposits were in North Rhine-Westphalia in the Aachen coalfield, the Ruhr and the Saarland. In addition to these, there are a large number of smaller hard coal mining areas in Germany.


In 2022, heating and power stations accounted for roughly 51% of the total consumption of hard coal, the steel industry accounted for 42%, while other producing industries, the domestic heating sector and small consumers accounted for some 4%.



As early as the 17th century in Germany, lignite was being produced as a replacement fuel for wood, which was becoming increasingly scarce. With increasing industrialisation and the development of new deposits, the 19th century saw an increase in lignite production from 170,000 tonnes in 1840 to 40 million tonnes in 1900. This trend continued unabated in the 20th century until production reached an all-time peak in 1985 with 433 million tonnes produced that year. Much of this increase in overall German lignite production was attributable to the East German lignite coalfields. Following German reunification production of lignite in the East German lignite coalfields fell by 67% between 1989 and 1994. Total German production fell from 410 million tonnes to 207 million tonnes during this period. Reserves of lignite totalling 3.7 billion tonnes are accessible via developed and definitely planned open-cast mines. Further reserves total around 32 billion tonnes.

Economic importance

Lignite is still one of the most important sources of energy in Germany, accounting for a share of around 10% of primary energy consumption. This is behind oil, natural gas and renewable energies but ahead of hard coal. The amount mined annually was around 130.8 million tonnes in 2022, which represents an increase of 3.6% over the previous year. Germany covers nearly 100% of its lignite requirements from its domestic reserves. The value of the lignite extracted in Germany in 2022 amounted to €2.03 billion. Lignite accounted for around 11% of the total value of natural resources mined in Germany in 2022. This means that lignite was the fourth most

important natural resource in Germany, in terms of the value of production. In 2022, Germany’s share of global

lignite production was 11%. Germany is Europe’s largest producer of lignite and the world’s third-largest producer3 of soft lignite after China and Indonesia, but it is continuing to reduce lignite production in the context of the European climate targets, the compromise found by German society on the coal phase-out as a result of the Commission on “Growth, Structural Change and Employment” KWSB 2019 and the entry into force of the Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation (Kohleverstromungsbeendigungsgesetz – KVBG) in 2021. In October 2022, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and RWE AG agreed on key points for bringing forward the coal phase-out by eight years to 2030 in the Rhenish coalfield area. The law to accelerate the lignite phase-out in the Rhenish coalfield area, which came into force in December 2022, made the early phase-out binding. Germany has the third largest reserves after Russia and Australia.4 In 2022, exports of lignite and lignite products remained at the previous year’s level of around 0.9 million tonnes SKE (+ 0.2%). With the decline in lignite production in the wake of German reunification, the number of persons directly employed in lignite mining fell from 130,000 in 1990 to 6,899 in 2022 and to 6,630 in 20235 (exclusive of persons employed in coal-fired power stations).


Lignite is extracted in three areas (the Rhenish, Lausitz and Central German coalfields), where mining is only carried out in open-cast mines today. Lignite is currently mined in ten active open-cast mines in Germany. The lignite deposits in the Rhenish coalfield are in the Lower Rhine Basin in the triangle between the cities of Aachen, Mönchengladbach and Cologne. The Lausitz lignite coalfield, which also used to be called the east Elbe lignite coalfield, is a coalfield in south-east Brandenburg and north-east Saxony. Since German reunification, the Central German lignite coalfield is generally assigned to Saxony-Anhalt as well as the north-western part of Saxony and the extreme eastern part of Thuringia.


Around 90% of the lignite Germany produces is used to generate electricity and district heating. Due to the lower energy and higher water content of soft lignite as compared to hard coal, the economic benefits of lignite result from the combination of the open-cast mine and power plant being near the location of the lignite deposits. Around 10% of lignite produced is refined into solid or pulverised fuels for commercial use and private households (e.g. brown coal briquettes, pulverised lignite, fluidised bed lignite and lignite coke). Lignite contributes 20.1% (2022) of gross electricity generation in Germany. The domestic production of lignite covers the country’s annual consumption.


1 In the Rhenish mining area, the lignite phase-out was brought forward to 2030. URL: (Accessed  26 July 2024).

2 Federal Employment Agency (2024), for a detailed source reference, see endnotes/sources.

4 [BGR 2024], for a detailed source reference see other sources in the endnotes/sources.

4 [AGEB 2023], for a detailed source reference see other sources in the endnotes/sources.

5 Federal Employment Agency (2024), for a detailed source reference, see endnotes/sources.



Interesting Facts

  • Salt has been actively extracted by humans for over 5,000 years.
  • The importance of the historical extraction of salt for many towns is often reflected in their names (e.g. Bad Reichenhall, Halle, Bad Salzdetfurth).
  • If saline springs were discovered in a town and used for balneological purposes (baths, drinking cures), the epithet “Bad” (spa) was generally added to the town’s name. This ushered in the birth of today’s spas.
  • In the mid-19th century, Justus von Liebig discovered the importance of potassium as an essential plant nutrient.
  • When miners coincidentally discovered the world’s first known potash deposit while searching for rock salt near Staßfurt in 1856, the first potash mines and works were subsequently established in Germany around 1860.
  • As early as in the high-medieval period, the brine pipeline from the Reichenhall mine to Traunstein was one of the first pipelines for natural resources in the world.
  • The Werra potash mine is the largest active underground mining area in Germany.



In addition to the mineral natural resources described in the following section (vii. Other natural resources), salts are industrial minerals. Industrial minerals are mineral resources that can be immediately used in industry due to their special chemical and physical properties, i.e. without any substance conversion. A distinction is made between rock salt, potash salts and magnesium salts.

Germany has large salt deposits, which are mainly concentrated in northern Germany. Over millions of years, deposits of salts resulted in several 100 m-thick layers. Bavarian and Austrian Alps salt is also millions of years old and has been extracted for thousands of years.

The commissioning of the world’s first potash factory in Staßfurt in 1861 marked the beginning of what is now a 150-year tradition of German potash mining. The extraction of salt by solubilisation, i.e. by making it soluble using water injected via boreholes, or by mining in salt mines, has a long history. People were digging for salt in the Berchtesgaden area as early as the 12th century. In the 16th century a salt mine was built there which is still in operation today.

Economic importance

In 2022, the amount produced in Germany was approximately 14.1 million tonnes of rock salt (including industrial brine) and some 6.0 million tonnes of potash and potash salt products. This is roughly equivalent to a value of €4.0 billion and it accounts for a 1.0% share of GDP. Salts accounted for around 22% of the total value of natural resources mined in Germany in 2022. This means that salts ranked 3rd among all natural resources mined in Germany in terms of economic importance behind natural gas and the aggregates. Domestic production covered 100% of German requirements for salts (2022). With a total production of approx. 5%, Germany was the fourth largest producer of salt in the world in 2022, after China, the USA and India, and also the fifth largest potash producer with around 5% of the world’s total production. In 2022 and 2023, a total of 8,198 and 8,398 persons were directly employed in potash mining in Germany and a further 2,386 and 2,472 were employed in salt mining.1



Extraction takes place in Germany in five potash mines (in Hesse, and Thuringia), seven salt mines (in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia), six salt works (in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, and Saxony-Anhalt) and ten solubilisation facilities (in North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia), including one operation for the extraction of potash salts (Thuringia).2

Salt and potash mining is carried out in the mines by means of drilling, blasting or cutting techniques or by brining out underground deposits (solubilisation). Brining out is done by introducing freshwater or half-brine into the salt deposits through borehole probes, after which the salts dissolve. The brine is then pumped through a probe and processed above ground in salt works or specialised facilities, where it eventually becomes salt, potash salt and other products.



Rock salt and evaporated salt is used for commercial and industrial purposes as well as for food and de-icing. Salt is an indispensable natural resource for the chemical industry, e.g. in the production of soda, chlorine and caustic soda. Glass, plastic and aluminium could not be produced without salt. It is used as regenerating salt in water softening plants, in the feed industry, in road services, for snow clearing and in the food industry. Sodium chloride meets particularly high purity requirements as an active pharmaceutical ingredient.

The potash crude salts, which are mainly extracted by mining and to a lesser extent by brine, are mainly used as fertilisers in agriculture. However, they are also used as industrial salt in electrolysis and other industrial processes and are in demand in high-purity form from the food and animal feed industry and for pharmaceutical purposes.


1 For a detailed source reference, see Endnotes/Sources.

2 Current information on mines and salt works in Germany for potash and salt extraction can be found at: (Accessed on 19 July 2024).

Quarried natural resources


Interesting Facts

  • Every year, the building materials and quarrying industry extracts roughly 560 million tonnes of primary raw materials (excluding quartz sand, kaolin and fine ceramic clay) or uses these materials in production. In addition, approx. 100 million tonnes of secondary raw materials are used every year in the production of building materials to conserve resources.
  • Quarried materials comprise a variety of mineral resources; gravel, sand and natural stone account for the largest share of the total volume extracted.
  • Around 80% of the quarried materials are supplied to the building industry, while around 20% is used in the chemical, steel or glass industries.
  • Quarried natural resources are needed for the manufacture of many products that we use in our daily lives. Stone powder, for example, is the basic ingredient of toothpaste.
  • Statistically, each one of us needs over 1 kg of sand and gravel per hour.

Quarried natural resources

Natural stone and earth materials include a variety of mineral resources, in particular gravel and sand, crushed natural stone, natural stone, limestone, marlstone and dolomite, gypsum and anhydrite stone as well as coarse ceramic clay and loam. Stone and earth are bulk raw materials; they are site-specific due to geological conditions and are not evenly distributed across the country.


Quarrying has been handed down since the beginning of human history. According to scientific findings, the oldest known “stones from human hands” originate from the 9th to the 8th millennium B.C., taken from ground fortifications in the Middle East. The extraction of quarried natural resources also has a very long tradition in Germany. In the past, these natural resources were mainly extracted by hand, but companies today use modern technology. Geophysics, GPS, intelligent machine and plant control and largely automated processes control the extraction of these natural resources.

Economic Importance

Every year, the building materials and quarrying industry extracts roughly 540 million tonnes of primary raw materials (excluding quartz sand and gravel, kaolin and fine ceramic clay; these natural resources are covered in the section on industrial minerals) or uses these materials in production. In 2022, gravel and sands with 253 million tonnes and broken natural stone with 210 million tonnes represented the largest share of natural resources in terms of quantity in the German extractive industry. The total value of quarried natural resources was around €5.8 billion in 2022. Thus in 2022 around 31% of the total value of natural resources mined in Germany was attributed to quarried natural resources.

Germany meets its own requirements for quarried natural resources largely from reserves within the country. Quarried products are generally mined on a regional basis and are transported over short distances to the consumers. The reason for this is that the transport costs are relatively high compared to the value of the material. Accordingly, foreign trade plays mainly a role in areas adjacent to the border. The main customers are the countries which are Germany’s direct neighbours, e.g. the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium. In 2022 (2023), imports in terms of volume were approx. 16.4 (14.2) million tonnes valued at €1.5 (€1.2) billion. Exports in terms of volume were approx. 26.3 (23.2 million tonnes valued at €0.9 (€0.9) billion.1 In 2022 (2023), the quarried natural resources sector (including Other mining) employed 38,229 (37,777)2 people in Germany who are subject to social insurance contributions.


Quarried natural resources are mined decentrally and, with just a few exceptions, are extracted in open-cast operations. According to the association, gravel and sands were extracted in around 1,970 plants and natural stones at around 760 locations in 2022. A plant/location may include several production sites in Germany.3 When extracting sand and gravel, a distinction is made between dry and wet extraction, depending on the groundwater situation, and these two scenarios require different production techniques. Nearly all quarried natural resources require processing and refinement before they are sent on for their intended use. As non-renewable natural resources, they are also site-bound because of their volumes.


Around 80% of the quarried materials are supplied directly to the building industry (e.g. civil engineering to build road bases and wearing courses, track ballast) or are initially processed by the building products sector into basic and building materials (e.g. cement, concrete, quick lime, mortar, insulation materials, tiles, bricks) and then supplied to the construction industry. The remaining approx. 20% are used in the chemical, steel or glass industries. In addition to the quarried quantities of primary earth and stone, approx. 100 million tonnes of secondary raw materials (mineral construction waste and by-products from industrial processes) are used in the building industry every year.4 These result from e.g. the demolition of buildings, the production of pig iron (blast furnace slag) or from electricity generation in conventional power stations (FGD gypsum, fly ash). The use of secondary raw materials contributes to the substitution of primary natural resources. The substitution rate is around 15%.5

Other natural resources

Industrial minerals


Industrial minerals are mineral rocks that can be immediately used in industry due to their special chemical and physical properties, i.e. without any substance conversion. In addition to the salts already mentioned in section v., this group includes kaolin (also called porcelain earth), quartz sand (clay), special clay (fine ceramic clay), quartzite, feldspar, sticky sand, bentonite, silicas, fluorite and barite. Industrial minerals have been extracted in Germany for hundreds of years in very diverse quantities.

Economic Importance

Apart from salts, the two most important industrial minerals in Germany in terms of volume are quartz sand/gravel and fine ceramic clay with production volumes of around 10.5 million tonnes and about 2.6 million tonnes respectively in 2022. In 2022, the total value of the industrial minerals extracted in Germany was around €278 million.


The extraction of industrial minerals in Germany is extremely regional in structure, due to natural conditions. While, for example, kaolin is produced in Bavaria and Saxony and silica in Bavaria, the extraction of special clay is mainly concentrated in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse. Apart from salts, industrial minerals in Germany are mainly mined above ground by small and medium-sized enterprises. In contrast, fluorite and barite are also mined underground. In Germany, industrial minerals are extracted at around 200 extraction sites, although this number varies slightly each year.


Due to their chemical and physical properties, industrial minerals are mainly used in the paper, chemical, glass, ceramic, refractory, foundry and steel industries. However, the pharmaceutical industry, environmental management (exhaust gas purification, wastewater treatment plants, solar panel and wind turbine plants) and the automotive industry also use industrial minerals.

Iron ore

In Germany, iron ore is mined in North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony-Anhalt. The iron ores extracted here are not smelted into iron, however; they are used mostly in the form of crushed stone, chippings and brittle sands as a coloured and iron-rich aggregate for the concrete or cement industry. Germany’s requirement for iron ore to produce pig iron is covered entirely through imports. In 2022 and 2023, the figure was around 35 million tonnes6, 11% less than in 2021. In 2022 and 2023, the ore came primarily from Brazil, Canada, the Republic of South Africa, Sweden and USA.



1 Federal Statistical Office (2023): Query export and import (foreign trade): Germany, years, commodity classification, GP2019 (4-digit). URL: (accessed 24 April 2024).

2 Federal Employment Agency (2024) for a detailed source reference, see final note i.

3 Bundesverband Mineralische Rohstoffe e.V. [Federal Association of Mineral Resources] (2023): Management Report for 2022/2023. URL: p.18 (accessed 14 June 2024)

4 Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V. (German Building Materials Association – Quarried natural resources) (2022) Report on the “Demand for primary and secondary raw materials in the non-metallic minerals industry up to 2040 in Germany”. URL: (accessed 11 September 2023).

5 Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V. (2023): Steine Erden Zukunft – Annual Report 2024. URL: (accessed 25 June 2024).

6 Data for 2023 are provisional, DESTATIS revision status 06/2024 for iron ore imports.

Who is responsible? Laws and responsibilities of public authorities


In Germany, the extraction of natural resources is for example regulated by the Federal Mining Act (BBergG), which replaced the old mining laws of the Federal States as well as numerous ancillary mining laws of the Federal and Federal State governments in 1982. The BBergG is complemented by various regulations on mining law matters. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) is responsible for mining law within the Federal Government. The mining authorities of the Federal States (see figure 1 below) implement the law and are responsible for approving and supervising mining activities, depending on the mineral resources. For certain natural resources not covered by the BBergG, some Federal States have adopted their own regulations for these landowners’ natural resources in the so-called Excavation Law of the Federal States.

With regard to their legal regulation, a distinction is made between three groups of natural resources in Germany:

  • Free-to-mine natural resources are not the property of the landowner. The exploration and extraction of these natural resources is subject to the BBergG, requires a mining license and must be approved by the mining authorities of the Federal States in a two-stage application procedure: firstly, the granting of a mining license (concession under public law) and then the site-specific approval of the operating plan procedure.
  • Privately-owned natural resources are owned by the landowner and are subject to mining law (see Section 2(1) number 1 BBergG). The exploration and extraction of these mineral resources do not require a mining license, however they require approval (operating plan procedure) by the mining authorities of the Federal States.
  • Landowners’ natural resources are all natural resources that are not free-to-mine or privately-owned and are owned by the landowner. They are not subject to mining law and are therefore not supervised by the mining inspection authorities. Instead, the approval procedures for the landowners’ natural resources are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) or in accordance with provisions of state law (e.g. Excavation Laws, Water or Building Law, Nature Conservation Law).

Depending on the Federal State, natural resource and type of extraction, middle and lower-management levels of governmental bodies are responsible for the latter group of landowners’ natural resources.


Overview of the mining authorities of the Federal States


Ministry of Environment Climate and Energy

District President Freiburg, State Office for Geology, Mineral Resources and Mining


State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

Government of Upper Bavaria,Mining Office of Southern Bavaria

District Government of Upper Franconia, Mining Office of Northern Bavaria


Senate Administration for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry

State Office for Mining, Geology and Natural Resources, Brandenburg


Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy

State Office for Mining, Geology and Natural Resources, Brandenburg


Senator for Economic Affairs, Ports and Transformation

State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology Hanover


Authority for Economic Affairs and Innovation

State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology Hanover


Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Viticulture, Forestry, Hunting and Homeland

Regional Council of Darmstadt Occupational Safety and Environment Dpt. Wiesbaden, Regional Council of Gießen,Department IV “Environment”, GießenRegional Council of Kassel,Department III “Environmental Protection”

Lower Saxony

Ministry of Economy, Transport, Construction and Digitalisation

State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology Hanover

North-Rhine Westphalia

Ministry of Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy

Arnsberg District Government Department of Mining and Energy in North-Rhine Westphalia


Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture

State Office for Geology and Mining


Ministry for Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital Affairs and Energy

Upper Mining Office of the Saarland Mining Office of Saarbrücken


Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport

Saxon Chief Mining Authority


Ministry of Economy, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt

State Office for Geology and Mining of Saxony-Anhalt 


Ministry of Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature

State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology Hanover


Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Nature Conservation

Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation

Legal regulation

Legal division of natural resources in Germany

natural resources
Legal breakdown Free-to-mine natural resources (subject to mining law) Privately-owned natural resources (subject to mining law) Landowners’ natural resources (not under mining law)
Subject-specific division Energy resources: coals, hydrocarbons (including oil and natural gas), geothermal energy Industrial minerals: fluorite, graphite, lithium, phosphorus, all salts that are readily soluble in water, sulphur, barite, strontium, zirconium Metal ores: e.g. iron, copper, lead, zinc ores, etc. Also: all natural resources in the area of the continental shelf and coastal waters (including gravel and natural stones) 1 Industrial minerals: bentonite and other montmorillonite clays, feldspar, mica, kaolin, diatomaceous earth (diatomite), ‘pegmatite sand’, quartz (quartz sand and gravel) & quartzite (if suitable for refractory products and ferrosilicon production), soapstone, talk and clay (if fireproof and acid-proof). Quarried natural resources: basaltic lava (except columnar basalt), roofing slate, trass. Also: all privately-owned natural resources, which have been extracted underground (incl. gypsum, natural stone, brick clays etc.). Quarried natural resources (in opencast mining): anhydrite, gypsum, limestone, basalt columns and other natural stones, gravel and sand, quartz and quartzite (if unsuitable for the manu- facture of refractory products and ferrosilicon) and other natural resources not listed in this table Also: peat
Right of disposal over natural resources These natural resources are “free”, i.e. they do not belong to the landowner. Their exploitation requires mining rights and the permission of the mining authorities. These mineral resources belong to the landowner. The landowner is entitled to use them.
Type of legal regulation Regulated pursuant to the BBergG § 3 (3) § 3 (4) Governed by other legal jurisdictions, e.g., construction law (Excavation Law), Water Resources Act or State Water Act, Federal Immission Control Act, Federal or State Nature Conservation Act.

Own presentation. Based on the following source: State geological service of the Federal Republic of Germany

URL: Infogeo – Staatliche Geologische Dienste Deutschlands – Rohstoffsicherung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Zustandsbericht – PDF (Accessed: 5 December 2022)

1 In the territory of the former GDR, special requirements may exist for free-to-mine natural resources under the Unification Treaty.

How are resource extraction projects approved and monitored?


The procedures for the approval and supervision of raw material extraction projects in Germany are not regulated in the same way for all mineral resources. They vary depending on the natural resource type and its legal anchoring in the Federal and State Governments.

Mining licences

Mining licenses are the basis for exploring and extracting free-to-mine mineral resources. They are applied for in the form of a permit, license or proprietary mining rights.

We can distinguish between three types of mining licenses:


The permit is a mining license that grants the right to explore free-to-mine natural resources in a particular licensed mining site. The permit is limited to a maximum of five years and can be extended by three years (see Section 16(4) BBergG). There is a legal entitlement to the granting of a permit, provided there are no grounds for refusal. The permit may be refused if, for example, no work programme is available or the specified period is not taken into account in the planning. The grounds for refusal are listed exhaustively in Section 11 BBergG. If for reasons for which the permit holder is responsible, exploration is not started within one year, the permit must be revoked (Section 18 BBergG).


The license is a mining license granting the right to explore and extract free-to-mine mineral resources in a particular licensed mining site. The license is granted for “a period of time appropriate for the completion of the extraction in the individual case”. Fifty years may only be exceeded if this is necessary in view of the investments normally required for the extraction. An extension is possible (see Section 16(5) BBergG). There is a legal entitlement to the granting of a license, provided there are no grounds for refusal.

The license can be refused if, for example, it cannot be proven that the mineral resources can be extracted according to their location and nature (see Section 12 BBergG). A license shall be revoked after three years in cases where extraction is not commenced or is interrupted, unless there are grounds for obstruction pursuant to Section 18(3) sentence 2 BBergG. The grounds for refusal are listed exhaustively in Section 12 BBergG (incl. reference to Section 11 BBergG).

Proprietary mining rights

Proprietary mining rights are a special form of mining license for the extraction of free-to-mine mineral resources. They comprise the rights and obligations associated with the granting of a license, but also allow mortgage lending and the registration of easements. The proprietary mining rights are entered in the land register with the name and address of the applicant and details of the field. The proprietary mining rights are granted for “a period of time appropriate for the completion of the extraction in the individual case”. Fifty years may only be exceeded if this is necessary in view of the investments normally required for the extraction. An extension is possible (see Section 16(5) BBergG). If the regular extraction of natural resources has been interrupted for more than ten years, the proprietary mining rights must be revoked in certain cases (if Section 18(4) sentence 1 BBergG is applicable). In order to apply for proprietary mining rights, the applicant must already hold a license for the specified field. In addition, proprietary mining rights may be denied if, for example, it cannot be demonstrated that an economic extraction of the natural resources is to be expected (see Section 13 BBergG).

For the documentation of the mining license, so-called mining rights registers and mining rights maps are created in accordance with Section 75 et seq. BBergG. The information on permits, licenses and proprietary mining rights as well as information on the relevant fields can be viewed there. In the EfA Bergbau project community, 14 of the 16 federal states jointly develop the BergPass application software, by means of which mining applications can be submitted (BergPass® – Start ( The application to inspect the mining rights register will be available online in future.

Special case: Mining license according to old law

In addition to the above-mentioned authorisations (permit, license or proprietary mining rights), the authorisation forms also include authorisations derived from old law, which are referred to as old rights. These are mining licenses granted before the current Federal Mining Act of 1982 entered into force. They include, for example, the opencast lignite mining industry in the Rhenish mining area or the salt mining leasehold rights (Salzabbaugerechtigkeiten) and old crude oil contracts in Lower Saxony. They remain valid under current law (see Section 149(1) sentence 1 BBergG) if they have been notified to the mining authorities and confirmed by the mining inspection authorities within a transitional period of three years after the BBergG 1982 came into force. In contrast to authorisations under the new BBergG, authorisations under the old law are neither limited in time nor do mine site or extraction royalties have to be paid. In practice, these old rights related/relate in particular to coal and lignite, salts and hydrocarbons. However, the approval of an operating plan is also required for the extraction of mineral resources under the old law.

Special case: special requirements on the territory of the former GDR

The mining law system of the GDR only knew the nationally owned natural resources and other mineral resources. The nationally owned natural resources essentially comprised the natural resources that were free-to-mine and privately owned according to German federal law; they were owned by the people. Other mineral resources mainly consisted of the landowners’ natural resources and were classified as property. With the Lending Ordinance of 15 August 1990, the basis was created for converting mining licenses for nationally owned mineral resources into free-to-mine natural resources and thus recognising them in the legal system of reunified Germany. The transferred mining licenses are considered proprietary mining rights. Excluded from this are confirmed old rights based on Section 153 BBergG with the status of a license (according to Section 8 BBergG). Just like mining licenses under old law, mining licenses that are considered proprietary mining rights are unlimited in time and exempt from mine site and extraction royalties (see Sections 149 and 151 BBergG). In contrast to the former federal territory, the old rights (see section on mining licenses under old law) in the federal states on the territory of the former GDR extend not only up to 1980, but also to the deposits explored up to 1990, in accordance with the legal requirements adapted as a result of unification. They also not only include the free-to-mine but also the privately-owned natural resources.

Overview of old mining laws, mining laws in the GDR and modern mining laws

You can find an overview of all mining rights at Data on mining authorizations​.

Approval of an operating plan

Exploration, extraction and processing operations that are subject to the BBergG are generally only established, operated and closed on the basis of plans (operating plans) that have been drawn up by the company and approved by the competent authority. The approval of such operating plans is subject to conditions (conditions of approval). They refer, among other things, to operational safety and occupational health and safety, protection of the surface and the avoidance of harmful effects, protection of the deposit and precautionary measures for the proper reutilisation of the areas used for raw material extraction. The BBergG distinguishes between different types of operating plans, such as framework operating plans, main operating plans, final operating plans and special operating plans. For more information see section Managing human intervention in nature and landscape.

Operating plans basically include the following:

  • A presentation of the scope of the project
  • A presentation of the technical implementation of the project
  • The duration of the project
  • Evidence that the conditions of approval have been met

The operation of a mine is typically dynamic in nature due to the ongoing adaptation to the deposit, as the specific location of the mining operation changes as the mining of lignite or salt progresses and extends to areas of the deposit that have not yet been mined (this is not the case with borehole mining, such as deep geothermal energy, oil and natural gas). This mode of operation also entails specific risks for employees and third parties. Because of this peculiarity, continuous monitoring of the operation is required, staggered according to time intervals. As a general rule, the main operating plan should not exceed two years and should be approved by the competent authority. The permanent coordination between the company and the competent authority is intended to ensure intensive state control of the mining companies, while at the same time ensuring flexibility in planning.


Against the background of the phase-out of lignite-fired power generation (see Effects of the energy transition), an amendment to the BBergG extended the standard duration of main operating plans for lignite opencast mines, see Section 52(1) BBergG.1 This will extend the timeframe for the rescheduling required due to the coal phase-out and the planning certainty of open-cast lignite mines, the end of which is foreseeable due to the premature phase-out of lignite. The regulation also applies to other mining sectors if sufficient control is possible even with a longer inspection period. In the interest of speeding up and streamlining the approval process for framework operating plans and all associated additional approvals for opencast lignite mines affected by the coal phase-out, the first instance jurisdiction for administrative court actions has also been transferred to the higher administrative courts, Section 48(1) No. 14 VwGO (Rules of the Administrative Courts). Procedural arrangements have also been put in place to speed up these administrative procedures.

In Germany, the conditions under which natural resources are extracted are generally not negotiated directly between the extracting companies and the state authorities. The conditions for the exploration and extraction of mineral resources are laid down in generally applicable laws and are implemented by the relevant authorities.

In addition to the approval procedures, contractual agreements between companies and government agencies are also made in some cases. However, as explained above, these are not the rule but the exception. Where private-law agreements are relevant for extractive companies in Germany, this is listed and explained in Selection of payment flows and quality assurance.

Permit under water law

If a mining project involves the use of a body of water, a permit under water law is required in addition to the approvals under mining law (see § 8 in conjunction with § 9 WHG (Water Resources Act)2. Such uses of water bodies include, in particular:

  1. the removal and discharge of water from surface waters,
  2. the impoundment and lowering of surface waters,
  3. the removal of solid substances from surface waters, where this has an impact on the water characteristics,
  4. the introduction of substances into water bodies,
  5. the removal, pumping or conveying to the surface and discharge of groundwater.

Unless there is one of the aforementioned activities, the following are also deemed to be uses

  1. the impoundment, lowering and diversion of groundwater by installations designed or suitable for this purpose,
  2. measures which are suitable to cause permanent or not insignificant adverse changes in water quality,
  3. the fracturing of rocks under hydraulic pressure for the exploration or extraction of natural gas, petroleum or geothermal energy, including associated deep drilling,
  4. the underground storage of reservoir water resulting from the measures referred to in point 3 or from other measures for the exploration or extraction of natural gas or petroleum.

Where an operating plan under mining law provides for the use of water bodies, the mining authority shall decide on the granting of the permit. The same applies to the revocation of a permit. The decisions of the mining authority must be taken in agreement with the competent water authority.

Permits under water law must be entered in a so-called water register (section 87 WHG), which is publicly accessible. The procedural regulations for this are governed by state law.

Environmental impact assessment

Similar to other projects with significant environmental impacts, environmental impact assessments are also required for projects under mining law. The Ordinance on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects (EIA-P Mining) regulates when an environmental impact assessment (EIA) or a preliminary assessment of the individual case is required. In this connection, it depends, for example, on the size of the project, measured by the extraction volume or the required extraction site, whether an EIA is required for the mining project. An example is contained in the following table. In addition, an EIA is mandatory for all mining projects to the extent that they are included in the list of projects with mandatory EIA according to Section 1 of the Ordinance on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects (EIA P Mining), which was adopted on the basis of Section 57c BBergG.

If an EIA is necessary, a planning approval procedure with participation of the public, whose interests are affected by the project must be carried out in accordance with mining law. This procedure involves public participation in that the plans for the extraction of mineral resources and a report on the likely environmental impact of the project are made available to the public in the municipalities concerned for a period of one month in accordance with Section 16 UVPG (Act on EIA). The public display will be announced in advance in accordance with Section 73 VwVfG (Administrative Procedure Act). The competent authority shall set a reasonable deadline for the objections of the public concerned after the end of the public display period. The authorities concerned will be consulted at the same time as the public exhibition. Comments from the authorities and associations as well as objections from citizens are discussed jointly with the company and the approval authority at a discussion meeting3 (Section 73 VwVfG).  A decision on the objections is made by the competent authority (in this case the mining authorities of the federal states) and set out in the planning approval decision. The planning approval under mining law is also a binding decision that is not characterised by planning considerations and discretionary powers. In addition, it not only integrates decisions of other authorities, but in accordance with Section 57a (5) BBergG also applies to subsequent operational plans. Any information to be published on environmental impact assessments of mining projects is available on the environmental portals of the state and federal governments.4

In contrast, no planning approval procedure is carried out for operating plan procedures without an EIA. Accordingly, the responsibility of other authorities to decide on authorisations, permits, licenses, etc. remains unaffected in these cases. So to the extent necessary for the concrete implementation of a natural resource project, further authorisations, permits and licenses etc. are to be obtained from the respective competent authorities. These can include building permits, forest conversion permits, authorisations under the Immission Control Act 5, permits under explosives law or the granting of exemptions from prohibitions under nature and landscape law.6

Public access to environmental information and “Authorisation Notices”

According to environmental information law, every person has free access to environmental information from bodies obliged to provide information. To this end, the federal and state governments have enacted regulations that implement the requirements of international law (“first pillar” of the Aarhus Convention) and the European Union’s Environmental Information Directive 2003/4/EC. A distinction must be made between the Environmental Information Act (UIG), which regulates access to environmental information at federal level, and the statutory provisions of the federal states on access to environmental information, which apply to agencies in the federal states that are obliged to provide information. The Federal Freedom of Information Act (IFG) applies to other official information held by federal authorities.

Environmental information (see Section 2 III UIG and corresponding regulations in the environmental information laws of the federal states) includes both data on the condition of environmental elements such as air, atmosphere, water, soil, landscape and natural habitats (No. 1) and information on factors such as noise, energy, substances or radiation (No. 2) as well as measures or activities that affect the above-mentioned environmental elements or factors or aim to protect the environment (No. 3). According to Section 3 I UIG, “bodies required to provide information”, i.e. all public administration bodies specified in Section 2(1), not just the “environmental authorities” (cf. Section 2 I UIG), must grant access to environmental information.

Anyone wishing to access environmental information must first submit an application (Section 4 UIG) to a body obliged to provide information. The request should specify the information to which access is sought. Fees may apply (Section 12 I UIG).

The right to access information may be restricted in order to protect certain interests that are exhaustively listed in the UIG (Sections 8, 9 UIG). Among other things, these include the protection of personal data, copyrights or trade and business secrets. An appeal may be lodged against the rejection of a request for access to information.7

Environmental information on emissions from individual natural resources extraction facilities (and other industries) is also made available to the public on request. This information includes authorisations, permits or licenses granted to the company to impact the environment. Approval decisions that have a significant impact on the environment must be published independently by the competent authorities (see Section 10 II UIG).8 Some federal states use extensive “environmental portals” to publish authorisation notices and general environmental information.9 At federal level, there is a central Internet portal that provides information on the environmental impact assessments described under 3 b.iii. above. Since 2021, this portal can also be used for the dissemination of general environmental information (see Section 10 III UIG).10

Example of an authorisation decision

Citizens can obtain specific information on the environmental impacts approved by the authorities from the authorisation notices. The following is an excerpt from the notice “Water law permit (…) for the discharge of saline wastewater from the Neuhof-Ellers and Werra plants into the Werra” for the company K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH in Philippsthal.11 The company mines potash-containing salts in the plants and discharges salt water into the Werra river as part of the mining process. The authorisation notice from the Kassel Regional Council states the amount of saline wastewater that is permitted to be discharged. In addition, extensive aspects are addressed, such as the participation of the public and of associations or the impact on protected assets such as “water”, “human health”, “animals, plants and biodiversity” and “landscape”.



“[…] I. Reasons for the decision

1. Permission

The applicant is […] granted the water-rights permit to discharge salty waste water from the Werra and Neuhof-Ellers works into the River Werra via the discharge points at the Hattorf site at plot 46/2 (Werra) […] and the discharge point at the Wintershall site at plot 379/3 (Werra) […] and via ditch 3 (waste water from the compensation and safeguarding measures), time limited until 31 December 2021 with the following content:

1. Discharge quantity

A total of max. 6.7 million m3/a of salty waste water is allowed to be discharged into the Werra from the production and operations of salt dumps and salty waters from the Neuhof-Ellers and Werra mines, the Hattorf/Wintershall mine, the diffuse inflows/springs of the Neuhof-Ellers works and the salty surface water of the factory site of the Neuhof-Ellers works.

There are no limits on the quantity for discharging salty groundwater from the safeguarding and compensation measures, which are or become necessary because of solid residues in the piles, but instead the following load limits apply.

2. Loads

The annual load of discharged mineralisation (K, Mg, Na, Cl, SO4) from groundwater from the safeguarding and compensation measures, which are or become necessary because of the piles of solid residues, is not allowed to exceed an annual limit of 28,500 tonnes.”12


1 Federal Mining Act (BBergG):

2 Water Resources Act (WHG):

3 See example Lower Saxony: BergPass® – Information to the public

4 Federal EIA Portal (, EIA Network – Environmental impact assessments of the German states (, for example EIA Portal Lower Saxony (

5 Regarding the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), also refer to the glossary.

6 A separate authorisation under water law may be included in the administrative act of the mining authority.

7 The above information and text passages originate from the Federal Ministry for the Environment. This and further information is available at: (accessed 9 October 2024).

8 Details specifying where such information is accessible or can be found is sufficient.

9 Example: Environmental Portal North-Rhine Westphalia (; Lower Saxony (; Thuringia ( An overview of the existing environmental portals is available at download/#umweltinformationen.

10 The central Internet portal is available at:

11 The complete notice can be downloaded and viewed at Data on environmental information​.

12 Quotation on page 12 of the authorisation notice.

Where can I find information about the licences granted?


Register of licences

Legal basis

In Germany, the right to explore and extract is only granted by the state for free-to-mine natural resources. The right to dispose of a free-to-mine natural resource is referred to as a mining license and can be applied for from the mining authorities of the Federal States (see How are projects for the extraction of raw materials approved and monitored?)

In accordance with Section 75 BBergG, the mining authorities keep a so-called mining rights register and a mining rights map in which the mining licenses newly granted under the BBergG or maintained under Section 149 BBergG (so-called “old rights and contracts”) must be entered.

Public access to the mining rights register and the mining rights map was made possible within the scope of the German implementation of the D-EITI. Since 21 July 2017, the following information on granted and maintained mining licenses can be inspected upon request to the mining authorities in accordance with Section 76(3) BBergG without having to demonstrate a legitimate interest:

  • Owner
  • Fields to which the mining license relates
  • Date of application and granting
  • Duration
  • Mineral resource to which the mining license relates

Mining exploration licenses and permits can also be viewed due to the amendment (see also Explanation of mining licenses).

The competent authorities can also make this information directly accessible to the public, which has already been the case in many federal states for some time. For example, some Federal States publish clear online license registers. Other federal states are planning to set up corresponding systems.

Furthermore, all mining licenses in Germany in the hydrocarbons sector are published in the annual publication “Erdöl und Erdgas in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland” (Crude oil and natural gas in the Federal Republic of Germany) 1,2

An overview of all mining licenses can be found at

Example of an online system: the NiBiS map server

A good example of the publication of information on mining licenses on the Internet is the NIBIS map server maintained by the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) in Lower Saxony. On this website, citizens can obtain information on more than 400 specialised maps on the topics of contaminated sites, mining, soil science, erosion, geology, geothermal energy, geophysics, hydrogeology, engineering geology, climate and natural resources. With regard to mining licenses, the following data and, in some cases, initial decisions issued are regularly available to the public on the NIBIS map server for the Federal States of Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein:

  • Information on the licence holder
  • Coordinates of the licenced area
  • Date of granting and validity period of the licence
  • Type of mineral resource

Mining licenses in the NiBiS map server

Implementation in other Federal States

Other Federal States have also made it possible to view the mining rights register and the mining rights map online. Examples are Baden­Württemberg at, Berlin and Brandenburg at, North-Rhine Westphalia at,Saarland at or Saxony-Anhalt. 3 In Thuringia, anyone can inspect the digital mining rights register or the digital mining rights map upon written request (e.g. by submitting an online request via the contact page TLUBN website). In the BergPass application software, the application for access to the mining rights register will be available online in 14 of the 16 Federal States.


1 State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) (2023): Annual report “Crude oil and natural gas in the Federal Republic of Germany”. URL: (Accessed on 9 October 2024).

2 Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG) (GERMAN ASSOCIATION FOR NATURAL GAS, PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY) (2023): BVEG annual report 2023. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

3 Metadatenverbund (MetaVer) (2024): Use of the search term “Mining licenses Saxony-Anhalt” (Accessed 9 October 2024).

Where is information about the beneficial ownership of a company found?


Beneficial Ownership

The question of who is behind a company and who is its so-called beneficial owner has become increasingly important in recent years with regard to combating the financing of terrorism, money laundering and their predicate offences, such as tax crimes. The framework is set by the European Union with its Money Laundering Directive, most recently the 5th EU Money Laundering Directive (Directive [EU] 2018/843), which is implemented by Member States. On 19 June 2024, the new EU money laundering package was announced in the Official Journal of the EU, which consists of the 1st EU Money Laundering Regulation, the 6th EU Money Laundering Directive and the AMLA Regulation and will apply from 10 July 2027 or must be implemented by then. The 1st EU Money Laundering Regulation and the 6th EU Money Laundering Directive provide for further tightening of transparency regarding beneficial owners.

Beneficial owners of companies are those natural persons who ultimately own or control a company or those natural persons at whose instigation a transaction1 is ultimately carried out or a business relationship is ultimately established (see Section 3(1) of the Money Laundering Act – GwG). The improved accessibility of this information should make it easier to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Enhanced due diligence obligations apply if the beneficial owner is a so-called politically exposed person (PeP). A PeP is defined in Section 1(12) GwG as any person who holds or has held a high-ranking important public office at international, European or national level. It also includes persons who hold or have held a public office below national level but of comparable political importance. PePs include, in particular, ministers, state secretaries, members of parliament, members of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies of state-owned companies (if the federal or state governments hold a stake of more than 50% and have more than 2,000 employees) and members of the management bodies of courts of audit.

In order to facilitate the identification of PePs, each EU Member State and the European Commission shall establish and update a list of PePs in accordance with Article 1(13) of the 5th EU Money Laundering Directive (Directive (EU) 2018/843), a list which specifies the precise functions to be considered as important public offices within the meaning of the Directive. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Finance is responsible for drawing up and updating the list and sending it to the European Commission. The European Commission brings together the lists of EU member states and its own list and publishes a common list.

German Transparency Register

In Germany, beneficial owners can be found in the Transparency Register, which is accessible via an Internet portal. As part of the implementation of the 4th Money Laundering Directive (EU) 2015/849 of 20 May 2015, a transparency register was set up on 26 June 2017 in the form of a catch-all register that holds data on beneficial owners, provided this data is not already available in other publicly accessible registers.

The Act on the European interconnection of transparency registers and the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1153 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the use of financial information to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other serious crimes (Transparency Register and Financial Information Act), which was announced on 30 June 2021, changed the transparency register from a catch-all register to a full register. This means that all legal entities are obliged to notify their beneficial owner directly to the register-keeping office of the Transparency Register for entry. From 1 January 2023, an entry on the beneficial owners of all German companies and other legal entities will be available in digital format in the Transparency Register.

Information on beneficial owners in the Transparency Register

The first and last name of the beneficial owner, date of birth and place of residence, country of residence, type and scope of the beneficial interest and all nationalities are recorded.

Management of the Transparency Register

The Transparency Register is kept by Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH as the entrusted agency. In principle, the associations and legal entities in Germany specified in sections 20 and 21 GwG are obliged to report the current details of the beneficial owner to the Transparency Register in electronic form. Upon registration, the office keeping the register carries out a conclusiveness check of the reported data, Section 18(3) GwG. The content of the reported data is checked if a discrepancy report has been submitted.

Incorrect, incomplete or missing entries are subject to fines in accordance with Section 56(1) sentence 1 no. 55 GwG. The competent regulatory authority for the imposition of fines is the Federal Office of Administration (BVA). In addition, persons subject to anti-money laundering obligations (e.g. credit institutions, financial services institutions, insurance institutions, auditors, real estate agents or lawyers and notaries if they buy or sell real estate or commercial enterprises for the client) and certain authorities2 must report any discrepancies they notice in the Transparency Register in accordance with Section 23a GwG. Obliged parties are also liable to a fine for failing to submit a required discrepancy report (Section 56(1) sentence 1 no. 66 GwG). Since the introduction of the obligation to report discrepancies in accordance with Section 23a GwG (1 January 2020), obliged entities have submitted a total of 8,851 discrepancy reports in 2020, 18,052 in 2021, 34,287 in 2022, 127,092 in 2023 and 120,352 in 2024. Authorities that are permitted to inspect the Transparency Register in order to perform their duties have submitted seven discrepancy reports in 2020, three in 2021, three in 2022, eight in 2023 and fourteen in 2024 to date. Final and non-appealable decisions on fines are published on the Internet by the BVA if the fine exceeds 200 euros.3

Inspection of the Transparency Register

The information on the beneficial owners in the Transparency Register is accessible to authorities, courts and the bodies specified in Section 2(4) GwG within the scope of their statutory duties, and to persons subject to anti-money laundering obligations within the scope of fulfilling their due diligence obligations under anti-money laundering law.

The Transparency Register has also been accessible to the general public since 1 January 2020 in accordance with the provisions of the Amending Directive to the 4th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive (Directive [EU] 2018/843) (Section 23(1) GwG). In this context, a ruling by the European Court of Justice on 22 November 2022 in joined cases C37/20 and C601/20 stipulates that the provision of the EU Money Laundering Directive is invalid, which stipulates for the entire EU that information on the beneficial owners of companies or other legal entities entered in the Transparency Register is accessible to all members of the public without restriction in all cases. In order to protect the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection of beneficial owners, the data may only be made accessible under certain conditions. The notification obligations regarding beneficial owners remain unchanged and the continuation of the Transparency Register is also not affected.

In an EU member state, national laws must be in line with EU law. Therefore, a legitimate interest in accessing the Transparency Register must currently be demonstrated. Art. 74 of the 6th EU Money Laundering Directive provides for the reintroduction of the legitimate interest; this regulation must be implemented by the EU member states by 10 July 2025.

If interested parties wish to view the Transparency Register, they must register once online on the website The individual registration steps are explained in more detail in the quick guide “Inspection of the Transparency Register for members of the public”.

To cover the administrative costs, a fee of EUR 1.65 is payable for each document that is inspected (see the list of fees in the special fee schedule of the Federal Ministry of Finance for the Transparency Register dated 15 December 2023, Transparency Register Fee Ordinance [TrGebV]).

If the beneficial owner has interests worthy of protection, it is still possible to have access to the Transparency Register restricted by the office keeping the register. For this purpose, the beneficial owners must present facts according to which public inspection would expose them to the risk of becoming victims of certain criminal offences (e.g. extortion) (Section 23(2) GwG). As of 20 September 2024, 4,423 requests for restriction have been

submitted. Since 2021, the office keeping the register has published annual statistics on the number of restrictions granted and the reasons for restrictions on its website under Downloads (direct link to the Statistics in PDF format) and transmitted them to the European Commission (see Section 23(2) last sentence GwG as amended).

As of 1 January 2021, law enforcement authorities and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) were granted automated access to all data in the Transparency Register as part of their duties (see Section 26a GwG). The Transparency Register and the Financial Information Act have extended this possibility to the supervisory authorities, the Federal Central Tax Office, the local tax authorities and the federal and state constitutional protection authorities.

For D-EITI reporting, the Independent Administrator has a legitimate interest and is therefore authorised to access the Transparency Register.  For the companies invited to report, it determines whether they have an entry in the Transparency Register and whether this is plausible on the basis of the information available to it and to be obtained.4

The Independent Administrator was able to inspect all entries of the companies participating in the D­EITI in the Transparency Register and to check them for plausibility. On 24 April 2023, it announced: “After reviewing the information […] and comparing it with public sources available to us, we have not identified any implausibilities in the information (as of 21 April 2023). As a precautionary measure, we would like to point out that an audit in accordance with Section 23a GWG was completed for one participating company in April 2023 and an audit was still pending for another participating company at the time of our inquiry.”

The private sector players in the MSG examined whether voluntary disclosure of information on beneficial owners is possible. The companies pointed out that there are practical and legal obstacles to obtaining the consent of those affected. A basis under data protection law is required for the disclosure of beneficial owners and PePs. Without the consent of the data subjects, individual case assessments are necessary for each data subject, which is time-consuming, as contact persons in the companies must first be identified and contacted.

The EU member states are currently working together with the EU Commission on the networking of the European Transparency Registers in accordance with Art. 30 et seq. of the Amending Directive to the 4th EU Money Laundering Directive (Directive [EU] 2018/843). This networking will lead to access to the Transparency Registers of all Member States via a common European platform (“BORIS”). Following the announcement of the ECJ ruling, 12 member states suspended access to their Transparency Registers. The networking of the European Transparency Registers was partially suspended for this reason. However, the authorities already have access to the networked data.

Other publicly available information on company structures

Information on registered natural and legal persons as well as commercial partnerships (e.g. corporations, general partnerships) is recorded in the registers of the competent registry courts. These registers document persons authorised to represent the company and, for certain legal forms, information on other parties involved that must be published (e.g. in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB), Limited Liability Companies Act (GmbHG), Partnership Act (PartG), etc.).

The commercial register serves to disclose the facts and legal relationships of merchants and commercial companies that are of particular importance for legal transactions.  All authorised representatives and shareholders of commercial partnerships are entered in the commercial register and can be viewed by the public. The shareholders of a GmbH are included in the publicly accessible list of shareholders.

As part of the implementation of the so-called 4th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive 2015, the 2017 GwG reform also created regulations that expanded the required shareholding information in shareholder lists in accordance with Section 40(1) GmbHG and the GmbH Shareholder List Ordinance.

Anyone is permitted to inspect the commercial register for information purposes (cf. section 9(1) sentence 1 HGB33). The right includes all documents to be submitted, including the lists of shareholders submitted to the register. Entries and documents from the commercial, association, cooperative and partnership registers can be viewed publicly online via the joint register portal of the federal states (, as is also possible in the Transparency Register.

The Company Register contains entries in the above-mentioned registers and the disclosed documents, as well as accounting documents and company reports in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) and publications in accordance with capital market regulations (e.g. German Securities Trading Act (WpHG)). As with the commercial register, anyone can view the Company Register online (Sections 8b, 9(6) HGB; see

The beneficial owner of listed companies can often be determined on the basis of the voting rights notifications in the Company Register. Pursuant to Section 33 (1) WpHG, reaching, exceeding and falling below 25% of voting rights is subject to notification, whereby far-reaching attribution facts apply pursuant to Section 34 WpHG (e.g. in the case of fiduciary constellations). These notifications must be published in accordance with Section 40 WpHG and can be viewed in the Company Register. The 25% threshold also corresponds to the notification requirement for significant shareholdings in unlisted stock corporations (Sections 20 et seq. AktG (German Stock Corporation Act).

There is further information about companies and individuals that can be viewed online, which serves different purposes and can only be mentioned here as examples. For example, insolvency proceedings can be viewed in the Insolvency Notifications and data from debtor directories in the Joint Enforcement Portal of the Federal States.

Public contracting authorities are obliged or can access the electronic competition register in the context of procurement procedures in order to check companies with regard to the existence of final criminal convictions and penalty orders or decisions imposing fines for certain economic offences. Details are regulated in the Competition Register Act.


1 A transaction refers to all actions that have the purpose or effect of moving money or other assets.

2 The supervisory authorities, the authority pursuant to section 25(6) and section 56(5) sentence 2 as well as the Financial Transaction Investigation Unit shall be subject to the duty set out in sentence 1, provided that this does not impair the performance of the authorities’ duties.

3 Federal Office of Administration (2022): Decisions on fines (Transparency Register). URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

4 This is done in accordance with the terms of reference to the Independent Administrator, which were decided by the D­EITI MSG

Corruption prevention regulations in Germany


Corruption prevention regulations in public administration and the private sector

Corrupt behaviour can occur in a variety of forms and in different areas of a society. Whether bribery or corruptibility in international business transactions or in one’s own country, whether venality in politics and administration – corruption undermines the foundations of a society by damaging the trust of citizens in the state and the economy and can also cause material damage.

In Germany, various regulations and instruments are used to prevent and prosecute corruption in administration, politics and business. These include laws, administrative regulations and awareness-raising measures. Since corruption often happens in secret, transparency is key to preventing and detecting illegitimate practices.

Public administration

Public authorities make decisions and set rules, particularly for private sector activities. Public officials are exposed to certain corruption risks in the performance of their duties. Criminal offences and

penalties are regulated in particular by the German Criminal Code (StGB).1 Accepting and granting benefits as well as bribery and corruption are punishable. The penalty ranges from three years (Sections 331, 333 StGB) to 15 years (Section 335(1)(2) StGB). Corruptibility of judges (Section 332(2) StGB) and corruptibility and bribery of elected officials (Section 108e StGB) are crimes and punishable by a prison sentence of one to ten years.

In accordance with Section 71 of the Federal Civil Service Act (BBG), civil servants of the Federal States and local authorities may not demand, accept promises of or accept any rewards, gifts or other benefits in relation to their office/official duties for themselves or third parties in accordance with Section 42 of the Civil Service Status Act (BeamtStG). The prohibition applies to all benefits of an economic and non-economic nature.

An analogous provision applies to employees covered by collective agreements (salaried and hourly workers) in accordance with Section 3(2) of the Collective Agreement for the Public Service (TVöD): Rewards, gifts, commissions or other benefits relating to official activities must not be accepted.

Civil servants in Germany are subject to special obligations, such as the duty of confidentiality and the obligation to comply with the official channels. In connection with acts of corruption, however, they are entitled under Section 67(2) sentence 1 no. 3 BBG or Section 37(2) sentence 1 no. 3 BeamtStG to report suspicions of a corruption offence under Sections 331 to 337 StGB to the competent highest service authority, a prosecution authority or other bodies without following official channels.

In addition to statutory regulations, the prevention strategy in the area of federal administration is essentially based on the Guideline of the Federal Government for Corruption Prevention in the Federal Administration from 2004 and its annexes. The administrative regulation specifies concrete measures to prevent corruption, e.g. the regular identification of work areas particularly at risk of corruption, the multiple-control principle, the appointment of a contact person for corruption prevention, awareness-raising and further training for employees as well as guidelines for awarding public contracts.2

The following key requirements exist at EU level: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2017/1371 of 5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law and the Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3(2)(c) of the Treaty on European Union on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the EU.

Under international law, Germany’s obligations to combat corruption arise primarily from the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) of 20033, the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) of 1997 and the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe of 1999.4 Separate regulations exist for state administrations at the federal state level. They are essentially based on the Federal Government’s directive.

Municipal administration

A wide range of regulations and measures to prevent corruption can also be found at municipal level, such as service instructions, codes of conduct and contact persons. In view of the local self-government guaranteed in Art. 28 (2) Basic Law, the municipalities are granted the right to regulate all matters of the local community on their own responsibility within the framework of the law. As a rule, municipal administrations have detailed anti-corruption measures in place.5

Bribery and corruption of elected representatives

Anyone who holds a political mandate bears particular responsibility for the integrity of the political system in Germany.6 Corruption in the form of bribery and venality (e.g. “vote buying”) damages this integrity and therefore democracy. To counter this danger, the criminal offence of bribery of members of parliament was introduced in 1994. As part of the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the offence was expanded in 2014 and Section 108e StGB was revised under the heading of bribery and corruption of public officials. On 19 October 2021, the penalty threat was significantly increased. Corruption and bribery of elected officials is therefore punishable by a prison sentence of one to ten years, and in less serious cases by a prison sentence of six months to five years.

Prevention and control through transparency

Corruption is an offence that is committed in secret and the parties involved have no interest in exposing it. Furthermore, the actual damage to individuals and the general public cannot usually be determined, or only after a delay. Measures to create transparency are therefore important instruments in the fight against corruption. These include, on the one hand, the regulations to combat money laundering with the help of the disclosure of “beneficial owners” through the Transparency Register (see Beneficial Owner). In addition, the transparency rights under the Environmental Information Act enable the disclosure of the contents of authorisation notices that companies in the natural resources extraction sector require for their practical activities, for example to avoid unlawful environmental pollution (see Public access to environmental information and “Authorisation Notices”).

Another instrument is the reporting of corruption by employees in companies and public authorities (whistleblowers). They are often the first to notice abuses and can use their information to ensure that violations of the law are uncovered, investigated, prosecuted and stopped. At state level, there are reporting offices for corruption, for example at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), the state criminal investigation offices or in the form of ombudspersons in various federal states and municipalities. The contact persons for the prevention of corruption (at federal level in accordance with the Directive on the Prevention of Corruption, section 5) also receive reports of suspected cases of corruption.

The Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law has now been implemented. On 2 July 2023, the law for better protection of whistleblowers and for the implementation of the directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law came into force. The central component of the law is a new parent law for better protection of whistleblowers (Whistleblower Protection Act). The law also applies to the reporting of crimes, so that the reporting of corruption offences under Sections 321 et seq. StGB is also covered.

The Federal Criminal Police Office provides information on annual developments and corruption statistics in the Federal Situation Report on Corruption. In addition, the Federal Ministry of the Interior publishes an annual Report on Corruption Prevention in the Federal Administration (since the 2020 reporting year, the “Integrity Report”), which provides an account of the implementation of the Corruption Prevention Directive to the German Bundestag.

Private Sector

Corruption is harmful to business and society and is also prohibited. Corruption in the form of bribery and venality in business dealings is a criminal offence (Section 299/Section 300 StGB) and can be punished with a fine or a prison sentence of up to three years or a prison sentence of three to five years.

Many companies support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which underline, for example, in Goal 16 “Peace, justice and strong institutions” and more specifically in Subgoal 16.5 “Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms”.

Based on 10 universal principles and the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact (UN GCD) pursues the vision of a more inclusive and sustainable economy for the benefit of all people, communities and markets, today and in the future. Currently, the signatories include over 25,000 companies and organisations from civil society, politics and science in more than 160 countries. In Germany, more than 1,250 participants are registered, including about 1,200 companies from DAX to mid tier and SMEs. In principle 10 of the UNGC on Anti-Corruption, companies are asked to “fight all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery”.

Other sustainability frameworks also contain principles or requirements in the area of anti-corruption. Criterion 20 of the German Sustainability Code, for example, specifies behaviour that complies with the law and guidelines. The user group includes large and small, public and private companies with and without sustainability reporting, companies subject to reporting requirements and all those organisations that want to inform their stakeholders about their sustainability performance. Selected indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) need to be reported.

Compliance is generally understood to mean ensuring that a company, its executive bodies and employees and, where applicable, third parties act in accordance with the statutory, internal and external regulations that affect the company by means of suitable, usually sub-legal measures. This does not only include compliance per se, but also the formal and informal organisation of compliance through the implementation of appropriate measures. Compliance management systems in companies are based on a risk-based approach that takes into account the long-term interests of the company, ethical behaviour, reputational risks and special liability risks in addition to avoiding conduct that is relevant under criminal law and subject to fines. Compliance regulations and codes of conduct play a central role as an instrument of prevention and a core element of an effective compliance management system. In addition, many companies have compliance officers and whistleblower systems as central points of contact for the implementation of compliance regulations.

In codes of conduct1 , companies usually formulate a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, which is generally binding for all employees.

Although there are no comprehensive legal regulations on compliance, some government regulations in particular are close to compliance. For example, the law on administrative offences and company law (Section 43 GmbHG and Sections 91, 93 AktG) should be mentioned here. In addition, the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) in the 2022 version plays a central role, for which every listed public limited company must issue a declaration of compliance in accordance with Section 161 AktG. In addition, there are a number of special statutory provisions, such as for insurance companies in the Insurance Supervision Act, for companies in the financial sector in the Securities Trading Act, in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 supplementing MiFID II Directive with regard to organic requirements for investment firms, the Investment Services, Conduct and Organization Regulation, in the Banking Act or in the circulars of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), in particular the Minimum requirements on risk management (MaRisk) or the Minimum requirements on the compliance function and other conduct, organization and transparency obligations (MaComp).

If a company fails to take appropriate compliance measures and a corruption offence is committed as a result, the company may be fined in accordance with Sections 130 and 30 OWiG (German Administrative Offences Act). The respective requirements on compliance are not specifically regulated by law.



1 In addition to the Criminal Code, corruption offences are also punished under disciplinary and labour law, for example.

2 The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) submits a report on integrity in the federal administration (Integrity Report) to the Bundestag committees on 30 September of each year, which is published on the BMI website once it has been approved. URL: https://www.bmi. (accessed 9 October 2024).

3 United Nations Convention against Corruption, ratified by Germany in 2014.

4 Germany ratified the Criminal Law Convention in 2017. The Civil Law Convention has not yet been ratified, as the Federal Republic of Germany has not yet fulfilled all the requirements, particularly with regard to whistleblower protection. In addition, ratification would require authorisation from the EU, as the agreement affects competences under EU law.

5 The municipalities provide information on the Internet about corruption prevention and contact persons, see for example Wiesbaden, capital of the Federal State of Hesse: (Accessed: 3 January 2024)

6 Code of conduct against corruption and the guidelines for superiors and heads of authorities: URL: https://www.verwaltungsvorschriften-im-internet. de/BMI-O4-0001-NF-673-KF-001-A001.htm (Accessed 9 October 2024).

Examples of Code of Conduct of companies participating in the D-EITI will be published on the respective company websites: Harbour Energy, Dyckerhoff group, Heidelberg Materials, Holcim GmbH, K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH, Quarzwerke group, Sibelco Deutschland GmbH, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Vermillion Energy Germany GmbH & Co. KG and Wacker Chemie AG

What revenues does the State generate?

Revenues generated


Extractive companies in Germany pay various fees, duties and taxes on their activities. A company that extracts free-to-mine natural resources in a Federal State pays specific mine site and extraction royalties to that Federal State as per the Federal Mining Act. Excluded from this are natural resources that are extracted on the basis of “old rights” (see Legal framework b.). Regardless of the activity involved, all companies in the extractive sector – and most other companies – are subject to trade and corporate tax.

Who is responsible for revenues collection?

Due to the federal structure of the Federal Republic of Germany, tax administration is split between the Federal Government and the Federal States. Depending on the type of tax, it is levied by the financial authorities of the Federal Government, the Federal States or the local authorities. One exception to this rule is mine site and extraction royalties, which are levied by the mining authorities of the Federal States.

Which payments are made by the extractive industry?

Corporate tax and solidarity surcharge

Extractive companies with the legal form of a corporation (in particular a limited liability company or public limited company) which have their head office or management in Germany are subject to unlimited corporate tax. Corporations which do not have their head offices and management in Germany are subject to corporate tax on the income generated in Germany. In Germany, corporate tax amounts to 15% of the taxable income. The revenue is shared by the Federal Government and the Federal States. Corporate tax is levied by the tax authorities of the Federal States. A solidarity surcharge set at 5.5% of the corporate tax determined is levied as a supplementary tax to corporate tax. The solidarity surcharge is payable to the Federal Government and is collected by the tax offices of the Federal States.

Mine site and extraction royalties

Companies and persons require a permit to prospect for “free-to-mine” natural resources (Section 7 BBergG). Owners of this type of permit are required to pay annual mine site royalties as per Section 30 BBergG. Pursuant to Section 30(3) sentence 1 of the BBergG a mine site royalty generally amounts to €5 per square kilometre of a mine site in the first year after the permit has been granted; the amount increases by €5 per year to a maximum of €25 per year, whereby the legislation of individual Federal States may provide for differing royalty amounts and even exemptions under certain conditions (see Section 32(2) BBergG and table: Federal State law regulations on mine site and extraction royalties (PDF)). The expenses incurred for prospecting are set off against the mine site royalties. Mine site royalties must be paid to the Federal State in which the licensed mine site is located.

If natural resources are found, a license is required for their extraction. However, extraction is only possible if the necessary operating plan permit and any other approvals such as water right approvals have already been granted. If the extracted natural resources can be used for financial gain, the permit holder must pay extraction royalties for the extracted free-to-mine natural resources as per Section 31 BBergG. The standard rate for extraction royalties is 10% of the market value of the natural resources in question (Section 31(2) sentence 1 BBergG). Here too, individual Federal States may stipulate different regulations in their legislation for the calculation of mine site and extraction royalties under certain conditions (see Section 32 BBergG and table: Federal State law regulations on mine site and extraction royalties).

Owners of old rights are exempt from extraction royalties in accordance with Section 151(2) no. 2 BBergG (see Legal framework). In practice, this primarily affects lignite and (until the end of 2018) hard coal extraction and old grants for granite, coloured earths, salt and brine. Even before BBergG 1982 came into force, the operators of these sites had received unlimited-term, irrevocable extraction rights free from royalties or had acquired old rights in the “new” Federal States in eastern Germany in the course of privatising proprietary mining rights. For this reason, they are not recorded in the State ordinances on extraction royalties. This excludes Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. In these Federal States, special aspects required new licenses to be applied for in accordance with the BBergG within the framework of the Unification Treaty. These licenses are always subject to royalties. Therefore, exemptions were created in the Extraction Royalties Ordinances of both States (Parliamentary advisory service of the State parliament of Brandenburg 2008).1 In Saxony-Anhalt, the exemptions were limited until 31 December 2023.

Mine site and extraction royalties only apply to free-to-mine natural resources. While mine site royalties are appropriated into the respective Federal State’s budget, the revenue from extraction royalties is used for inter-state financial equalisation. Mine site and extraction royalties are levied by the mining authorities of the Federal States.

For the table on federal state law regulations on  mine site and extraction royalties of the 5. D-EITI report, click here.

Trade tax

Trade tax is levied on real estate or property. Assessment of trade tax involves several stages: The municipalities due to receive the trade tax are routinely responsible for levying the tax. It is levied by the municipality in which the enterprise is located. The purpose of the trade tax is to tax the objective earning potential of a commercial enterprise. However, unlike corporate tax, trade tax is not linked to economic performance. Additions and deductions correct the income of the commercial enterprise (Sections 8 and 9 GewStG (Trade tax)). To calculate trade tax, the responsible tax office determines the taxable amount, which is 3.5% of the objective earning potential. For all the companies in its area of jurisdiction, the responsible municipality sets a uniform tax factor, which must be at least 200% (Section 16(4) sentence 2 GewStG) and calculates the trade tax based on the taxable amount determined by the tax office and the individual tax factor.

Extractive companies with the legal form of a partnership or limited company are subject to trade tax. If operating facilities are located in an area belonging to several municipalities or are operated in a number of municipalities, the tax assessment basis (assessment basis for trade tax) is distributed among these individual municipalities (so-called “reallocation”). As a general rule, the wages in the individual operating facilities are used as a yardstick for the calculations. This means that each municipality involved can levy its share of the trade tax.

An overview of the trade tax assessment rates (2022 and before) of the municipalities in Germany is available via the Federal Statistical Office.2 Trade tax is the main source of tax for municipalities, followed by land tax. The Federal Government and the States’ share in the revenues of the trade tax through an allocation and redistribution mechanism for trade tax. The remainder of the trade tax for the municipalities flows into their general budgets, thus helping to finance the local infrastructure and to provide education and social services among other things.

Lease payments

In Germany, the extraction of natural resources is governed by the BBergG, if the resources concerned are free-to-mine or privately-owned natural resources. As per Section 3(3) BBergG, free-to-mine natural resources include metals, salts and fossil fuels such as hydrocarbons, lignite and hard coal. The ownership of a property does not extend to free-to-mine natural resources, so in this respect the property rights of the landowner are limited. In contrast, privately-owned natural resources are the property of the landowner. The landowner may carry out prospecting and extract the resources if found, without the need for any additional special legal title in addition to the operating permit and other required public-law approvals. Its inclusion in the scope of validity of the BBergG aims to make their extraction subject to a uniform legal framework throughout Germany and (in particular) to uniformly regulate natural resource extraction in underground mining and ensure uniformity in the management of mining inspection authorities.

In addition to privately owned natural resources, there are the so-called “landowners’ natural resources”. These are bulk raw materials, such as gravel and sands, which are predominantly used as building materials and are extracted through open-cast mining. Like the privately owned natural resources, these are also the property of the landowner, but they are neither subject to mining law nor to mining inspection authorities.

A company does not have to own the land to extract privately owned natural resources and landowners’ natural resources. If the owner of the land simply makes it available to the company on the basis of a legal private contract (e. g. through a lease agreement) – and this is often the case – that alone suffices. Such contractual arrangements may include fixed payments or payments that depend on the quantity extracted, or a combination of both variants. On the Federal State side, official bodies including local authorities (e. g. counties or municipalities) and forestry offices may have the roles of landowners and landlords. The revenues from these leaseholds may be transferred to municipal budgets or Federal State budgets, thus making it possible to finance statutory tasks.

Excise duties

Energy and electricity taxes are particularly relevant for companies in the extractive sector, within the framework of excise duties. Like the other excise duties, energy and electricity taxes are explicitly excluded from the reporting obligation within the framework of the legal commercial (corporation) payment report, as per the EU Accounting Directive and its implementation in Section 341r, no. 3 b) HGB (German Commercial Code).

The Energy and Electricity Tax Act is based on the harmonised provisions of the EU Energy Tax Directive 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003. On 1 April 1999, the electricity tax was introduced in Germany within the framework of the law covering entry into the ecological tax reform, and the tax rates of the energy tax (at that time still called mineral oil tax) were gradually increased. This created incentives to reduce energy consumption and to develop resource-conserving products and production processes.

The Electricity Tax Act and the Electricity Tax Implementing Ordinance constitute the legal basis for levying electricity tax. The Federal Government is entitled to electricity tax revenues, which in each case amounted to €6.8 billion in 2022 and 2023.3 The revenue from the electricity tax and the higher taxation of fuels and heating materials obtained in connection with the ecological tax reform contribute to keeping social insurance contributions at a manageable level. Administration and collection tasks are carried out by customs administration.

The electricity tax is levied for drawing electricity from the grid, but it is usually levied as an indirect tax on the supplier and passed on to consumers via the electricity price for practical reasons. This means that companies in the extractive sector must also pay electricity tax. The statutory tax rate is €20.50 per megawatt hour. Reduced tax rates can be considered for various purposes, e. g. railway electricity, whereas the production industry can particularly benefit from tax relief. In addition, all consumers can benefit from tax exemptions for environmentally friendly electricity generated and used by themselves. (see Subsidies and tax concessions).

The energy tax is an excise duty on energy products. It is governed by Federal legislation, and levied to tax the use of energy products as fuels or heating fuels within the German tax territory. The Energy Tax Act defines energy products as being (in particular), petrol, diesel fuel, light and heavy fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, natural gas and coal as well as biodiesel, vegetable oil and energy products of a similar nature that are used as motor or heating fuels. The amount of the tax varies according to the energy product and its intended use and is regulated in the Energy Tax Act. Tax concessions are standardised in the Energy Tax Act for certain energy products and intended uses (see Subsidies and tax concessions). Like the electricity tax, energy tax is levied by the customs administration, and the revenues flow to the Federal Government. In 2022, energy tax revenue totalled approx. €33.7 billion due to the fuel discount and approx. €36.7 billion in 2023. The revenue from energy and electricity taxes is the third-largest source of income for the Federal Government, after income tax and VAT.4

The sheer financial volume of electricity and energy tax payments by companies in the natural resources extractive sector, and the financial scale of electricity and energy tax concessions (see Subsidies and tax concessions) cannot be feasibly presented without a disproportionate amount of bureaucratic effort. Statistics that differentiate between individual economic sectors are not yet kept.5

The financial scale can be estimated on the basis of data from the Federal Statistical Office concerning the use of energy in manufacturing companies and information in the EU’s state aid transparency database (see Subsidies and tax concessions.).

EU energy crisis contribution

According to Chapter III of Council Regulation (EU) 2022/1854 of 6 October 2022 on emergency measures in response to high energy prices (OJ L 261I, 7.10.2022, p. 1), profits of companies and permanent establishments of the Union operating in the oil, gas, coal and refinery sectors are subject to an EU energy crisis contribution limited to two years (generally the financial years 2022 and 2023) (EU Energy Crisis Contribution Act of 16 December 2022 (Federal Official Gazette I p. 2294, 2325). The EU energy crisis contribution is 33% of the assessment basis. The assessment basis is the amount equal to the positive difference by which the tax profit for the tax period exceeds the average of the tax profit for the four preceding financial years, increased by 20%.


1 Parliamentary advisory service of the State parliament of Brandenburg (2008): Exemption from royalties and fees of lignite extraction sites in Brandenburg. URL: https://www. (accessed 5 April 2024).

2 Destatis: Tax factors of taxes on objects, edition 2022, common publication. URL: (accessed 5 April 2024).

3 Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) (2024): Cash tax revenue by type of tax and local authority (accessed 25 June 2024).

4 Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) (2024): Cash tax revenue by type of tax and local authority (accessed 25 June 2024).

5 There was no consensus in the MSG on the extent to which the energy and electricity tax payments are part of the essential payment flows. Therefore, they are not part of the payment flows reported by the companies.

Tax secrecy


How important is tax secrecy in Germany?

Tax secrecy has a high priority in Germany. Since taxpayers must fully disclose their tax details to the financial authorities within the framework of their cooperation obligations, the privacy of their information must be ensured. This is ensured by the regulations in Sections 30 et seq. of the German Tax Code (AO) and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The provisions of the Sections 30 et seq. AO regulate who must protect tax secrecy and under what conditions the disclosure or utilisation of data (which is subject to tax secrecy) is permitted. Tax secrecy thus serves to protect the taxpayer.

A breach of tax secrecy can only be permitted under very strict conditions. Any disclosure of information which is subject to tax secrecy is only permitted if expressly authorised by Federal law, if the data subject agrees to the disclosure, or if there is a compelling public interest in the disclosure of the tax data in question.

This is why the disclosure by the tax authorities of data for voluntary reporting initiatives – like the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – requires the explicit consent of the companies concerned. Because payment reconciliation regarding tax payments within the framework of the EITI process was carried out with the tax authorities for the 1st and 2nd D-EITI reports, the permission of the taxpayer in the form of a power of attorney for the Independent Administrator was required in each case for each of the finance authorities involved to query the relevant tax data. For this year’s reporting the D-EITI has – since the third report – applied an alternative procedure for assuring the quality of the payments disclosed by the reporting companies (see Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance). With this procedure it is not necessary to obtain a release from tax secrecy and thus the considerable extra work1 that this involves for companies and the tax authorities, as the data is only collected from the company and not from the tax authorities.


1 The release from tax secrecy required in the context of payment reconciliation is not an established standard procedure. Accordingly, the implementation initially involved a fundamental coordination effort between companies, authorities and the Independent Administrator in order to ensure a legally secure process. Since the legally secure process required that an individual exemption be prepared by the companies for each authority concerned in each reporting year, there was also a considerable and permanent implementation effort.

Public reports


Statutory reporting obligation for extractive companies (§§ 341q et seq. HGB)

The Accounting Directive Implementation Law (BilRUG) of 23 July 2015 implemented the requirements of the EU Accounting Directive 2013/34/EU of 26 June 2013 into German legislation. The provisions of Sections 341q et seq. German Commercial Code (HGB).

HGB largely correspond to the requirements of the EITI. All the “large” limited companies and limited liability commercial partnerships involved in the extractive sector or in the logging sector in primary forests are subject to these reporting requirements under commercial law (cf. Section 341q HGB). The term “large” in the legal sense refers to companies that exceed at least two of the following three criteria on two successive reporting dates (Section 267(3) sentence 1 HGB):

  1. Balance sheet total of €20 million.
  2. Net turnover of €40 million.
  3. An annual average of 250 employees.

Within the meaning of Section 264d HGB capital market-oriented limited companies, as well as credit institutions and insurance companies in the legal form of limited companies (including limited liability commercial partnerships) are also subject to the reporting obligation, irrespective of their size. Besides reporting at the level of an individual company, the HGB also provides for an obligation to report at corporate level. Here it is not a prerequisite that the parent company itself is involved in the extractive sector or in the logging sector in primary forests. It is sufficient if this applies at least to a subsidiary.

The companies subject to the legal provisions are required to disclose payments made to government agencies above a “materiality threshold” of €100,000 per government agency, if these payments fall under one of the reasons for payment specified in Section 341r no. 3 HGB. In addition to tax payments, this includes e.g. licenses, concessions (for both it applies to mining licenses as such) and other contractual relationships related to the extraction of natural resources. The data must be allocated to individual projects, if more than one project has been carried out in the year under review.

Similarities and differences in the reporting obligation as per EITI

In addition to the reporting obligations pursuant to Sections 341q et seq. HGB, certain financial flows of the extractive industries are also disclosed via the EITI (see Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance). The reporting requirements under commercial law largely correspond to those of the EITI. However, there are also differences.

One fundamental difference between the reporting obligations stipulated by the HGB and the EITI lies in the extent of the reporting. EITI stipulates that the participating companies from the natural resources extractive sector publish all material payments they make to government agencies. In contrast to the HGB, the material payments are not exhaustively listed by the EITI and must be clarified in the course of the EITI process (see Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance). The EITI standard does not provide for a distinction between payments above or below the limit of at least €100,000 annually. The stakeholders of the German EITI have agreed to adopt the materiality threshold of Section 341t(4) HGB.

In contrast to the HGB provisions, EITI relies on the mutual disclosure of the payment flows for quality assurance as standard. The Federal State previously also had to grant an insight into its income from the extractive sector in the form of payment reconciliation.

At the request of the EITI Board and the international EITI secretariat, D-EITI took part in a pilot project as part of the 3rd and the 4th D-EITI report involving the alternative method of quality assurance for the disclosed payments that dispenses with disclosure from both parties. The procedure will continue to apply. As has been the case to date, the data is collected in addition from publicly available information on payments by extractive companies for presentation in the D-EITI reporting. This fulfils one of the EITI’s main objectives of making payment flows accessible to all interested parties in the form of open data and thus supporting the public debate. Quality assurance is applied to this data instead of the payment reconciliation through systematic analysis of the state processes and systems on which royalties and tax collection is based and a subsequent risk assessment. This methodology from the pilot project was retained for the present reporting (cf. on this the report of the Independent Administrator in Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance.

Similarities and differences in the reporting obligation as per EITI

In addition to the reporting obligations pursuant to §§341q et seq. HGB, certain financial flows of the extractive industries are also disclosed via the EITI (see Payment flows of the raw material sector). The reporting requirements under commercial law largely correspond to those of the EITI. However, there are also differences.

One fundamental difference between the reporting obligations stipulated by the HGB and the EITI lies in the extent of the reporting. EITI stipulates that the participating companies from the natural resources extractive sector publish all material payments they make to government agencies. In contrast to the HGB, the material payments are not exhaustively listed by the EITI and must be clarified in the course of the EITI process (see Payment flows of the raw material sector). The EITI standard does not provide for a distinction between payments above or below the limit of at least €100,000 annually. The stakeholders of the German EITI have agreed to adopt the materiality threshold of § 341t(4)HGB.

In contrast to the HGB provisions, EITI relies on the mutual disclosure of the payment flows for quality assurance as standard. The Federal State previously also had to grant an insight into its income from the natural resources sector in the form of payment reconciliation.

At the request of the EITI Board and the international EITI secretariat, D-EITI took part in a pilot project as part of the 3rd and the 4th D-EITI report involving the alternative method of quality assurance for the disclosed payments that dispenses with disclosure from both parties. The process was continued in the 5th D-EITI report. As has been the case to date, the data is collected in addition from publicly available information on payments by extractive companies for presentation in the D-EITI report. This makes provision for one of EITI’s main concerns, which is to make the payment flows available in the form of open data, thereby supporting the public debate. Quality assurance is applied to this data instead of the payment reconciliation through systematic analysis of the state processes and systems on which royalties and tax collection is based and a subsequent risk assessment. This methodology from the pilot project was retained for the present report (cf. on this the report of the Independent Administrator in chapter 10).

Materiality threshold €100,000 per payment €100,000 per payment
Company size criteria* Total assets: €20 million Net sales: €40 million 250 employees Total assets: €20 million Net sales: €40 million 250 employees
Overview of how the resource sector works About context report x
Cross-interest dialogue on the contribution of the raw materials sector in Germany About multi-stakeholder group x
Is reporting mandatory? No, no sanctions for companies; possibly jeopardizing the EITI status Yes. Disclosure can be enforced by fines.

Revenue allocation


How are the revenues of the natural resources sector allocated?

The Federal State structure of the Federal Republic of Germany is reflected in the distribution of tax revenues. The level which has the authority for the revenues, i.e. how they are distributed between the Federal Government, the Federal States and the municipalities is regulated by Article 106 of the Basic Law (GG). Here a distinction is made between so-called “community taxes” and taxes which flow in their entirety to the municipalities, Federal States or Federal Government. In the case of community taxes, the revenues are shared between the Federal Government and the Federal States.

With regard to the extraction of natural resources, corporate tax and income tax are relevant examples of community taxes. The Federal Government and the Federal States are each allocated 50% of corporate tax revenues.

Trade tax, on the other hand, is purely a municipal tax. As the most important source of income of the communities, it is allocated to the individual municipalities in which the relevant operating facilities are situated. The Federal Government and the Federal States’ share in the revenues of the trade tax through a specific allocation and redistribution mechanism.

With regard to the revenues from extraction royalties, redistribution between the Federal Government and the Federal States also takes place. The revenues flow into inter-state financial equalisation. The Federal Government is entitled to the revenues from electricity and energy taxes.

As per Section 3 of the Tax Code, the tax revenues from the extraction of natural resources are not earmarked for a specific purpose; the persons responsible for the Federal Budget, the Federal State budget and the municipal budgets decide how they will be used. The amount and use of revenues and expenditure are disclosed in detail every year. To this end, the Federal Government and the Federal States adopt budget laws (the municipalities adopt budget statutes) that include their own budgets. When the budgets are published, all citizens then have free access to the information.

To facilitate public access to information on the use of tax revenues, the BMF publishes information about the Federal Budget on 1


1 You can also visit the website for information on other budgets. The project is currently being restructured.

Sustainability in raw material extraction

Sustainability in raw material extraction


The Federal Government presented the first national sustainability strategy in 2002 and has updated it every four years since 2004.1 In the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy (DNS) for 2021, the Federal Government emphasises that “the promotion of sustainable development is the fundamental goal and benchmark of government action” in order to “meet the needs of present and future generations – in Germany and in all parts of the world – and to enable them to lead a life in full development of their dignity”. The goal is a progressive, innovative, open and liveable Germany that lives up to its international responsibilities and is characterised by a high quality of life, effective environmental protection and inclusive and integrative policymaking.2 3

The new edition of the German Sustainability Strategy in 2016 was aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda adopted in 2015 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for which specific implementation measures were defined.

These were further developed with the DNS 2021, with the 17 sustainability goals serving Germany as a “compass (…) for all policy areas”4 and thus also for the extraction of natural resources. One goal of DNS 2021 is to “use resources sparingly and efficiently” and to increase Germany’s overall raw material productivity.5 The aim is to return to the trend of the years 2000 to 2010 (annual increase of 1.6%) by 2030. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), total raw material productivity increased by 9 percentage points from 2010 to 2018 (0.9% per year), which is below the target path.6 As in many other market economies, a relative decoupling of economic growth and the use of natural resources7 can be observed in Germany, but not to the extent desired in terms of environmental and climate protection.

An update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy is planned by the end of 2024, involving relevant stakeholders and citizens.8 The dialogue presented for this purpose is structured thematically along “transformation areas” and “levers”; from a raw materials perspective, the transformation area “circular economy” is of particular relevance. The target contained in the 2021 Sustainability Strategy (DNS) for a further increase in total raw material productivity in the trend 2000-2010 (indicator 8.1) is expected to be adopted in the 2024 DNS.

The German Sustainability Strategy is based on a holistic, integrative approach: Sustainable solutions can only be achieved in the long term if the interactions between the three dimensions of sustainability – ecology, economy and social issues – are taken into account. The strategy aims to achieve economically efficient, socially equitable and ecologically sustainable development, with the planetary boundaries of our planet and the goal of a life in dignity for all as the absolute guidelines for policy decisions. This also applies to the various value chains in the extractive industries.9

For the natural resources sector, the goal of the German Sustainable Development Strategy was reaffirmed in the natural resources strategy10 adopted by the Federal Government in January 2020 and in the key points11 presented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in January 2023 to further concretise the strategy. Germany is one of the world’s leading technology locations and, as an exporting nation, depends on a reliable supply of natural resources. Against the backdrop of the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and the associated double transformation of energy transition and digitalisation, primary resource consumption in Germany is even expected to increase in the coming years (see Effects of the energy transition and Supply security). This entails a responsibility to promote the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources in a manner that is environmentally and socially responsible. The German government has therefore set itself the goal of reducing the consumption of primary natural resources and closing material cycles. To achieve these goals, the circular economy will be significantly strengthened as a pillar of the natural resources strategy and a national circular economy strategy will be developed by 2024. Both strategies should be closely interlinked (see Circular economy).

The chapters Managing human intervention in nature and landscape; Environmental protection, renaturation, recultivation; Employment and social affairs and Circular economy, in particular recycling, highlight some important contributions regarding the three dimensions of sustainability ecology, economy and social issues; in addition, reference is made to various sustainability reports by public, civil society and private actors.

The chapter Managing human intervention in nature and landscape explains the legal framework in Germany with regard to human interventions in nature and landscape due to natural resources extraction in Germany. It also contains information on compensatory measures and payments, provisions and implementation securities from extractive companies for the restoration/rehabilitation of former mining areas and water abstraction fees.

The chapter Environmental protection, renaturation, recultivation additionally describes for the various extractive sectors which aspects are important for the rehabilitation of former mining regions and areas in Germany and which legal principles apply in this respect.

The chapter Employment and social affairs covers the area of employment and the legal provisions for the social protection of employees in the extractive industries in Germany. The diversity and equal opportunities section focuses on gender equality. The importance of co-determination and cooperation between employee representatives and employers as part of the German social partnership is discussed. Information is also provided on measures to mitigate the loss of jobs resulting from the end of the extraction and use of fossil fuels for electricity generation.

The “Corporate responsibility” section includes references to areas such as private sector initiatives for greater sustainability and appropriate collaborative agreements with civil society. In addition, the current legal situation regarding sustainability reporting is presented.

The chapter Circular economy, in particular recycling examines the status of Germany’s efforts to use resources efficiently and economically. As Germany is highly dependent on imports of natural resources, this is an area with great potential for innovation.


1 Federal Government (2021): German Sustainability Strategy. Update 2021. URL: 1875176/3d3b15cd92d0261e7a0bcdc8f43b7839/deutsche-nachhaltigkeitsstrategie-2021-langfassung-download-bpa-data.pdf p. 15 (accessed 11 September 2023).

2 Ibid p. 14 et seq.

3 Ibid p. 225

4 German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2021). Sector Programme Extractives and Development: Agenda 2030 –Sustainable Development Goals. URL: (accessed 3 January 2024).

5 In order to reduce the sometimes massive environmental impact associated with the consumption of raw materials, natural resources should be used as efficiently as possible. This is measured by means of the total raw material productivity. In order to determine this productivity, the performance of an economy (especially the production of goods) is related to the consumption of raw materials. Natural resources that were needed for the production of the imported goods are also included.

6 Destatis (2022): Sustainable development in Germany – Indicator Report 2022 (p. 68, 69). URL: (accessed 2 September 2024).

7 We speak of relative decoupling when the gross domestic product (GDP), i.e. the production of goods and the provision of services, is increased and the resulting resource consumption and emissions do not increase to the same extent. In order to comply with the planetary boundaries, a rapid global absolute decoupling would be required, i.e. a decrease in energy and resource consumption, even if the GDP increases.

8 Federal Government (2024): The Federal Government is updating the German Sustainability Strategy.URL: (accessed 2 September 2024).

9 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) (2024). German Sustainability Strategy. URL: (accessed 2 September 2024).

10 Federal Government (2020): Natural Resources Strategy of the German government. Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands mit nichtenergetischen mineralischen Rohstoffen (Securing a sustainable supply of non-energy mineral resources for Germany). URL:  blob=publicationFile&v=4 (accessed 11 September 2024).

11 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023). Eckpunktepapier Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und resilienten Rohstoffversorgung (Key issues: Pathways to a sustainable and resilient resource supply) URL: (accessed 11 September 2024).

Managing human interventions in nature and landscape


Rules of intervention under nature conservation law

Every mining activity is associated with interventions in nature and landscape and can result in serious environmental impacts. Compensatory actions, such as compensatory or substitution measures according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) are intended to compensate for interventions in nature and landscape and to restore or replace their impaired functions. Only if real compensation is not possible, compensatory payments are to be made, provided that the nature conservation interests are of secondary importance. The compensatory payment shall be earmarked for nature conservation and landscape conservation measures.

Overall, it is estimated that just over 1% of Germany’s entire area will be necessary to ensure the country’s natural resources in the medium and long term. On the last key date of 31 December 2022, according to the Federal Office of Statistics approx. 1,340 km², i. e. approx. 0.375% of the area of Germany is used as mining land.1 In the last 30 years or so, the amount of land required for quarrying in Germany has therefore decreased by over 28% (538 km²). The equivalent in area for the volume of natural resources used in 2022 was just over 28 km². In relation to the total area of Germany (357,582 km²), this results in a temporary land requirement of approx. 0.008% of the country’s area for 2022.2 The areas used for the extraction of natural resources are concentrated in different regions, which means that there are significant differences in how strong the different regions are affected by the impacts on nature and landscape.

Legal framework

The Federal Mining Act (BBergG) requires the mining operator to take the necessary precautions to reclaim the surface to the extent required by the circumstances (Section 55 (1)(7) BBergG). The term “reclaiming” means proper shaping of the surface used by the mining operation, considering the public interest (Section 4 (4) BBergG). This term covers all activities required for recultivation, without the status quo ante having to be achieved. Within the scope of the obligation under mining law to rehabilitate the area, the obligation that simultaneously exists under nature conservation law to compensate for interventions in nature (Section 13 BNatSchG) may have already been met in the individual case – depending on type and scope of the measures taken for this purpose.3

The Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) establishes the general principle that major interventions in nature and landscape are to be primarily avoided and minimised by the polluter (avoidance obligation). Unavoidable interventions are to be compensated by means of compensatory or substitution measures (hereinafter “compensatory measures”) or, if this is not possible, by a compensatory payment in money (Section 13 BNatSchG). It is not possible to deviate from this general principle and the ensuing legal consequences (first the avoidance, then compensatory measures and, as a last resort, a compensatory payment). In the case of mining measures, the avoidance rule primarily targets a variant that is as environmentally friendly as possible. Unavoidable interventions in nature and landscape must therefore be offset or mitigated, particularly through the promotion of natural succession, renaturation, near-natural design, rehabilitation, or recultivation (Section 1 (5) p. 4 BNatSchG). Interventions are avoidable if there are reasonable alternatives to achieving the purpose of the intervention in the same place, without or with less impairment of nature and landscape (Section 15 BNatSchG).

Compensatory measures must be maintained and legally secured during the required period. The period of maintenance is determined by the approval authority in the certificate of approval. The perpetrator of the intervention (the polluter) or its legal successor is responsible for the execution, maintenance and safeguarding of the compensatory measures.

In accordance with German federal and European regulations, the possible effects of a project on particularly protected species of animals and plants (special species protection legislation) and on the European protected area network NATURA 2000 is one of the aspects that must be examined in the approval procedures for nature conservation law interventions.

The BNatSchG contains a full regulation, viz. that the laws and norms of the Federal States on the instrumental design of the intervention regulation may not contradict it. To make the regulation more applicable, some Federal States have made supplementary regulations, whereby the practice differs from Federal State to Federal State. For example, the concrete assessment of the amount and the use of compensatory payments differ from Federal State to Federal State. As different biotope type lists are used at Federal State level, the Federal Government produces conversion keys that allow the respective biotope types to be counted.4

The Federal Compensation Ordinance (BKompV) provides specific details of the rules of intervention intended under nature conservation law for projects in the area for which the Federal Administration is responsible. It covers public infrastructure projects (e. g. power lines and pipelines, offshore wind farms, waterway projects and usually also Federal autobahns). The objective of BKompV is to standardise the rules of intervention under nature conservation law across all Federal States and make them both more transparent and more effective. Different regulations continue to apply in some countries.5

Approval practices in the extraction of natural resources

If a company plans to intervene in nature and landscape by extracting natural resources, the rules of intervention under nature conservation law are examined at the level of the responsible approval authority. Different laws may apply depending on the natural resource extracted. This depends on which authorities are responsible in a Federal State. A nature conservation authority may be responsible for the extraction of mineral resources that are not subject to mining law or water law (The nature conservation legislation of many federal states includes specific procedures for extraction e.g. in Saxony-Anhalt6). In addition, the mining authorities of the Federal States (in the case of free-to-mine and privately-owned mineral resources or underground extraction) or the Federal State authorities responsible for enforcing the state excavation laws, the building and water management laws or the Federal Immission Control Act (in the case of so-called landowners’ natural resources) may also be involved.7 This procedure corresponds to the “piggyback procedure”: The rules of intervention are always examined within the framework of the notification and approval procedure under the specific legislation, without separate administration proceedings. The nature conservation authorities must be involved, and they will give their opinion as nature conservation experts. The responsible approval authority then grants the authorisation taking account of the opinion in “consultation” with the responsible nature conservation authorities (Section 17(1) BNatSchG).8 The responsible approval authority, which makes the decision on the legal consequences of the intervention, is here not bound by the opinion of the nature conservation authorities that go beyond the legal requirements of the nature conservation laws and the recognised professional standards in nature and species conservation.

It is allowed to differ from these on objective grounds. It is compulsory to comply with the provisions of the specific species protection independently of the rules of intervention. Statutory biotope protection, national and European area protection, like special species protection, are nature conservation concerns that are independent of the intervention regulation and must be dealt with separately.

In the approval procedure, the entrepreneur shall provide a nature conservation expert opinion to the competent authority, in which the contents are processed in accordance with Section 17(4) sentence 1 BNatSchG.  A Landscape Management Plan (LBP) for example provides information on the location, nature, extent, and timing of the intervention, as well as the intended avoidance and compensatory measures and, where required, the amount of the compensatory payment. In this case, a major part of the necessary compensation is to be regularly provided for renaturation or recultivation (see target definition in Section 1(5) sentence 4 BNatSchG).

Compensatory measures on external surfaces are necessary, for example, if certain landscape or biotope structures at the place of intervention cannot be restored in the same way, if the time that has elapsed between the damage and renaturation is too long or if specific measures are necessary for reasons of biotope protection, protection area or species protection.9

In the case of the extraction of the so-called “free-to-mine” (e. g. coal, salts, oil, and natural gas) and privately-owned natural resources (e.g. quarried natural resources, and industrial minerals) governed by the German Federal Mining Act (BBergG), the intervention regulation is processed as per the BNatSchG in accordance with the operating plan procedure under mining law, whereby the obligations as per the BNatSchG apply in full. Compensation for interventions can in general already take place within the scope of the obligation under mining law to rehabilitate the area (Section 55(1) no. 7 BBergG, Section 1(5) sentence 4 BNatSchG). If this is not possible, compensatory and/or substitution measures or subordinated compensatory payments pursuant to BNatSchG are necessary (see North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) example below). In the case of procedures which are subject to the Federal Mining Act (BBergG), the legal instruments of the Federal Mining Act are applied, such as (and in particular) regular monitoring based on the main operating plans, which must be submitted and re-approved every two years.

Documentation of compensatory measures for interventions in nature and landscape

Since the amendment of the BNatschG in 2010, German Federal States are obliged to create compensation directories for all interventions in nature. However, these take various forms and are not publicly available in all Federal States.

Example of the transparency of compensation directories in Baden-Wuerttemberg10

The basis for the compensation directory in Baden-Wuerttemberg is formed by Section 17(6) of the BNatSchG and Section 18 of NatSchG BW, the compensation directory regulation (KompVzVO) and the eco-account regulation (ÖKVO) of the State, which provide for the obligation to make documentation available for the public. The latter two regulations can be downloaded from the website of the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Law:

The Baden-Württemberg compensatory register is divided into the sections “eco-account” and “impact compensation”.

An eco-account is an instrument for the perpetrators of interventions (polluters). It enables them to decouple compensation measures temporally and spatially from the extraction site, making the measures more flexible to manage. Compensatory measures can be stockpiled via so-called “eco-points”, which are accumulated by means of the targeted enhancement of external areas through nature conservation. The corresponding eco-points can be allocated for later interventions to compensate for the interventions either in whole or in part.11 Polluters such as natural resource companies and local authorities are involved here as bodies of measures, consumers, and traders of eco-points.

A central overview of the total number of all interventions in Baden-Wuerttemberg, including their compensatory measures, is not available; however, the legal environmental protection eco-account measures and the compensatory measures already assigned to an intervention under nature conservation law can be accessed via the Internet sites of the responsible nature conservation sub-authorities at city and county levels (https://www. oeffentliches-verzeichnis-abteilung-oekokonto).

There, you can view the following information on the nature conservation compensatory measures of the districts:

  • description of the approval authority and the compensatory measure (brief description),
  • file number and date of the approval certificate,
  • type of project causing the intervention,
  • project developer,
  • location of the compensation area,
  • measures for the timely implementation of the compensatory measure and the fixed period of maintenance,
  • state of the implementation.

The following information on eco-account measures can also be accessed:

  • complex of measures,
  • status,
  • natural area,
  • location of the measure,
  • eco-points.

Compensatory measures on intervention areas and substitute areas are documented in the compensation directory of the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Measures taken since April 2011 have been listed. At present work is proceeding with updating KompVzVO. In future, compensatory measures under building planning law within the meaning of Section 1a (3) and 200a BauGB are also to be included, if they are carried out outside the impact area of the development plan, in a spatially separate partial area of application of the impact development plan, in the area of application of a compensatory development plan, on areas provided by the municipality outside the impact development plan or on areas in another municipality (Section 18 (2) NatSchG BW). In addition, Natura 2000 and species protection-related measures are to be recorded. It is intended that this will provide greater transparency and make it easier to verify these measures.

Besides, impairments of Natura 2000 sites below the significance threshold should also be recorded to better determine possible summation effects (as documented in the so-called summation register), cf. Section 18 (3) NatSchG BW.

Example of the assessment of compensatory payments in North-Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) 12

According to Section 15 (6) BNatSchG, in the case of an authorised intervention the polluter can make a payment as an Ultima Ratio if negative impacts on nature are unavoidable, or if they cannot be compensated or replaced within a reasonable period. The compensatory payment is based on the average costs of the non-feasible compensation measures, including the necessary average costs for their planning and maintenance, as well as the provision of the area, which encompasses personnel and other administrative costs. If these costs cannot be ascertained, the compensatory payment is based on the duration and severity of the intervention, considering the advantages accruing to the polluter (Section 15(6) sentence 1 et seq. BNatSchG).

The assessment of the amounts of compensatory payment is the exception rather than the rule in the approval of the activities of the extractive industry in North Rhine-Westphalia. Nevertheless, there are cases in which, for example, a major part of the compensation takes place in recultivation, but a small computational, compensation deficit still must be implemented on an external area, or the assessment of the compensation through rehabilitation will not be appropriate. If the area in question or the required measure is unavailable or can neither be implemented nor is expedient at a reasonable cost, a relevant compensatory payment is assessed. In North Rhine-Westphalia, this assessment is made in accordance with the provisions of the State-level Nature Conservation Law (LNatSchG NRW) in consultation with the nature conservation authorities of the same administrative level (Section 33 (1), LNatSchG NRW).

The recipient of the compensation payment is the district or town/city in which the intervention is carried out; the compensation money is to be earmarked for nature conservation and landscape management measures (Section 31 (4) LNatSchG NRW).

If the compensatory payment is to be paid for an intervention in forested areas or to be used for the afforestation of land, the payment will be made available to the forestry administration and earmarked for that purpose (Section 31(4) LNatSchG NRW).

Examples of the assessments of compensatory payments are the open-cast gravel mines in the open-cast mining zones in front of the lignite mining projects. In three of the open-cast mines, rehabilitation that is valuable in nature conservation terms was not indicated because open-cast lignite mining would use the area directly after the gravel or sand extraction operations. In these cases, the local sub-authority for nature conservation developed a simplified procedure by means of which an appropriate compensatory payment could be assessed. A total of €265,767.90 in compensatory payments was assessed for the three projects mentioned above.

For another open-cast gravel mining project, a small-scale expansion was planned for which a compensatory payment was assessed, if the intended recultivation could not be implemented. The district sub-authority for nature conservation, however, would have to use the compensatory payment of €21,900 it received to implement another equivalent compensatory measure.

In the period between 2011 and 2015, only a total of around €300,000 in compensatory payments were assessed for the North Rhine-Westphalia mining authorities. The significance of compensatory payments in the procedures carried out under mining law has fallen considerably between 2015 and 2019. During this period, the total amount was less than €100,000.

So far, there have been no compensatory payments for the opencast lignite mining industry in North Rhine-Westphalia; intervention compensation is mainly carried out in the form of rehabilitation. The ratio of the many open-cast mining projects (especially lignite mining projects, some of which are on a large scale) conducted under mining law in North Rhine-Westphalia to the few small projects mentioned above shows that the assessment of compensatory payments plays a subordinate role.

Cooperation between stakeholders

Since each extraction of natural resources represents a significant intervention in nature and landscape, an environmentally friendly extraction development and technology approach must be standard for companies in this sector. Timely renaturation and recultivation can contribute to the promotion of biological diversity; but operating extraction sites may also sometimes be habitats for rare animals and plants. Cooperation between the extractive companies, the employees there and nature conservationists who are familiar with the area has proven to be useful. This means that operational management can be adapted to local and specific biodiversity requirements. This usually succeeds if the company management and employees are continually involved in dialogue with specialist nature conservation institutions and persons. In the case of expansions or new extraction projects, an early dialogue between the stakeholders can also avoid conflicts before they arise. Information and training materials on the subject help to broaden the impact of initiatives like this, which are supported by strong memberships in the environmental and nature conservation associations, the industrial trade union for the construction, agriculture and environment sectors, and economic associations at Federal Government and Federal State levels.


In Germany, federal legislation stipulates that extractive companies must conduct recultivation measures. These usually include measures which are still necessary after closure of the mine concerned, such as measures for the rehabilitation of the mine area and recultivation measures.

Provisions are set aside for these financial obligations under accounting rules. The amount of the provisions to be set aside is based on the requisite amount calculated according to reasonable and prudent business judgement to meet financial obligations. When assessing provisions, future cost increases must be taken into consideration. The expected dates of fulfilment are dependent on the remaining economic useful life of the extraction sites in question. The obligations of some companies extend far beyond the year 2050. Long-term provisions with a residual maturity of more than one year are discounted according to the average market interest rate appropriate for the residual maturity and calculated by the German Bundesbank in accordance with a legislative decree and announced each month. Provisions are shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet in the annual financial statements of the extractive sector companies. They are imperatively examined by auditors as part of the audit review from a legally determined company size. The appropriateness of provisions is audited by the tax authorities regarding tax issues.

Provisions made by companies which must publish their annual financial statements are shown transparently at Companies with mandatory reporting obligations with fiscal years starting after 31 December 2021 publish their financial statements at The duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 325 HGB always applies to all limited companies and all commercial partnerships without a natural person as a personally liable shareholder (e. g. GmbH & Co. KG).

Implementation securities

Implementation securities are an instrument provided in Germany to implement the renaturation, safeguarding and rehabilitation measures to be taken by extractive sector companies. If a company should fail or refuse to carry out the above measures, the authorities ensure that no additional costs will have to paid by the public by means of so-called “substitute performances”.

Implementation securities are expressly provided for under the Federal Mining Act (BBergG) as an official instrument for natural resources extraction projects which are subject to the BBergG. Individual Federal States have introduced similar legislation in their excavation laws (or other subordinate excavation regulations) for the extraction of natural resources which is outside the legal scope of the BBergG. Implementation securities can also be established to ensure the implementation of compensatory and substitution measures for interventions in nature and landscape, pursuant to Section 17(5) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG).

Within the scope of its discretion pursuant to Section 56 (2) BBergG the mining authority may make the granting of operating plan permits dependent on an implementation security if this is necessary to guarantee (in particular) the implementation of measures for risk prevention and rehabilitation in the areas affected by the extraction of the natural resources. This applies to follow-up measures of mining activities such as water drainage, for example, but also to the dismantling of equipment, the removal of water-endangering substances and the securing of former extraction sites by backfilling them or blocking them off completely.

In principle, the mining authority may permit any suitable form of implementation security if it considers that such a security is necessary and if there are no restrictions arising from the relevant statutory provisions. Forms of implementation security include the deposit of cash and bonds, mortgages, special default insurances, operational provisions, bank, or group guarantees and so-called strict letters of comfort.

Operating provisions, bank guarantees or insurance guarantees and, particularly in the case of large companies, corporate guarantees and letters of comfort are customary in the natural resources extractive sector. Cash and bonds are not usually accepted as securities since the management of these instruments is too complex for the authorities. Therefore, securities are not deemed to be payments from companies to government agencies. The amount of the implementation security to be set is based on the estimated cost of a (necessary) substitute performance. If a project is to be implemented in stages, the implementation security is set up in stages based on the actual intervention and is approved on a pro rata basis after successful partial rehabilitation.

The special purpose vehicles planned for the Lausitz lignite coalfield are a special case. These were set up in the course of the 2018/2019 precautionary agreements (amended in 2021)13 between the open-cast mine operator LEAG and the Federal States of Brandenburg and Saxony to ensure compliance with the obligations to rehabilitate and provide any aftercare for the mining areas.14 The company provides these special purpose vehicles with a special fund earmarked for the purpose. A basic amount is planned for this purpose, and it is intended that this will be increased every year, depending on the company’s current profits. If the company becomes insolvent or if it relocates abroad, the special fund is to be pledged to the respective Federal States. Compensation payments connected with the phasing out of coal (see chapter 8) will be paid directly into the special purpose vehicles. The precautionary agreement in the central German coalfield (Saxony) was updated and continued on 29 March 2022 by means of an addendum. The precautionary agreement in the central German coalfield (Saxony-Anhalt) will continue with minor changes.

Overview of compensation directories in the Federal States

Federal State Publicly visible Central for the federal state Comprehensive information on the intervention area and type of compensation Weblink Information on Replacement Payments*
Baden-Württemberg Yes No Yes natur-und-landschaft/oeffentliches- verzeichnis-abteilung-naturschutzrechtliche- kompensation A list of compensatory payments can be obtained on request from the Stiftung Naturschutzfonds (Nature Conservation Trust Fund).
Bavaria Yes Yes Yes oeko/oekoflaechenkataster/index.htm The compensatory payments are managed by the Nature Conservation Trust Fund. Lists of compensatory payments can be requested from district-level administrative authorities.
Berlin Yes Yes No Lists of compensatory payments can be requested from regional-level administrative authorities.
Brandenburg Yes Yes Yes Lists of compensatory payments can be requested from the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection.
Bremen Yes Yes Yes A list of replacement payments can be requested from the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing.
Hamburg Yes Yes Yes The total amount of the compensatory payments is publicly accessible via the annual balance sheet of the Special Fund for nature conservation and landscape management.
Hessen Yes Yes Yes ces/apps/natureg/index.html?lang=de Compensatory payments cannot be viewed by the public.
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Yes Yes Yes wiki/index.php/Hauptseitehttps:/ dex.php Compensatory payments cannot be viewed by the public.
Lower Saxony Partly No Partly (see example district of Cuxhaven) e. g. Cuxhaven District,1779.2612.1&sub=0 Compensatory payments cannot be viewed by the public.
North-Rhine Westphalia Yes No Partly The nature conservation sub-authorities (districts and urban districts) keep directories of compensatory payments that are published via the internet and contain information (including on the use of the compensatory payments).
Rhineland-Palatinate Yes Yes Yes A list of compensation payments can be requested from the Nature and Environment Foundation.
Saarland No No No Eco-account measures can be viewed via the Saarland Geoportal (
Saxony No Yes No kompensationsflachenkataster-8111.html Lists of compensatory payments can be requested from district-level administrative authorities.
Sachsen-Anhalt Partly (eco accounts: yes, compensation register: no) Yes No Compensatory payments cannot be viewed by the public.
Schleswig-Holstein Yes No No welt-und-gewaesserschutz/oekokonto/ Lists of compensatory payments can be requested from the Ministry of Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature.
Thuringia No** Yes Yes Compensatory payments must be made to Stiftung Naturschutz Thüringen (Thuringia nature conservation foundation, SNT). The corresponding overview lists cannot be accessed by the public. To date, there have not been any compensatory payments from mining projects.

* Information on compensatory payments is kept at the level of the nature conservation sub-authorities, i.e. in all urban and rural districts but it is not collected centrally for the relevant Federal State. Furthermore, the data is not broken down according to sectors, so it is not possible to report on the amount of compensatory payments per Federal State and specifically per extractive sector as part of the D-EITI report.

**Publication planned for the end of 2024 / beginning of 2025.

Source: own presentation, as of: October 2024


1 Destatis, table 33111-0001. URL: (accessed 9 July 2024).

2 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (1): Germany – Raw materials situation 2022 (dated December 2023), page 28. URL:;jsessionid=5E3B0196D0DD8463753064EE00230A18.internet991?__blob=publicationFile&v=7 (accessed 9 July 2024).

3 For more information on compensation for impacts on nature caused by the extraction of natural resources, see section Documentation of compensatory measures for interventions in nature and the landscape.

4 The conversion keys are published here: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (2021): Impact regulation. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

5 Different regulations apply in Baden-Württemberg (Section 15 (5) sentence 3 NatSchG BW) and Bavaria (Art. 8 (3) sentence 2 BayNatSchG), who have made use of the deviation option according to art. 72 (3) GG.

6 See also In Saxony-Anhalt, Section 11 of the Nature Conservation Act of Saxony-Anhalt (NatSchG LSA) states that the extraction of mineral resources that are not subject to mining law or water law, including sand, gravel, marl, loam, clay, limestone and other rock, gypsum, peat and mud, requires the approval of the nature conservation authority (usually the lower nature conservation authority) if the area to be extracted is larger than 100 m². The content and procedure, including the avoidance, compensation, or replacement measures to be taken as well as compensation payments and securities, are governed by the provisions of Section 13 to 18 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act and Sections 6 to 10 NatSchG LSA, unless the provisions of Sections 12 to 14 NatSchG LSA provide otherwise.

7 TIf there is no relevant legal regulation in which the intervention regulation is processed, the respective nature conservation authority is always responsible in accordance with Section 17(3) BNatSchG.

8 State law may require a more extensive form of participation – for example, an agreement under Section 7(1) Thuringian Nature Conservation Act (ThürNatG).

9 The species protection assessment and any measures and the intervention regulation are generally carried out in parallel. Species protection measures are often presented in the accompanying landscape conservation plan. In individual cases, species protection measures can also be taken into account under the intervention regulation (see Section 15(2) sentence 4 BNatSchG).

10 Information on other federal states; General information:

11 According to Section 16 No. 1 BNatSchG, stockpiling measures must fulfil the requirements of Section 15(2) BNatSchG. Accordingly, at least one natural area reference (in the case of replacement) is required.

12 The procedure described applies nationwide

13 Cf.: (accessed 17 September 2024).

14 Cf.: and (accessed 17 September 2024).



Abstraction of water for the extraction of natural resources

The abstraction of ground and surface water may be necessary during the extraction and further processing of natural resources. The volumes of water abstracted in Germany for the activities of the natural resources extractive sector are published by the Federal Office of Statistics based on the data of the responsible statistical authorities of the Federal States.1

The mining and quarrying sector abstracted a total of 1,289 million of m³ of water in 2019 (mainly groundwater). groundwater). Coal mining accounted for around 75% of this volume. This corresponds to around 6.5% of all water withdrawn by industry in Germany in 2019.2 Depending on the regional importance of the extractive sector – especially coal mining – the proportion is higher in some Federal States (in some cases more than 50%).3

Use of water

During the initial development of a deposit of natural resources, the pumping out of groundwater can lead to a lowering of the groundwater level. Water abstractions during extraction of the natural resources may also be necessary e.g. to keep shafts or excavation pits dry. If necessary, this so-called drainage and mine water is treated, purified, seeps away or is reused, if applicable, complying with the approval conditions, e. g. to maintain moist biotopes or introduced into surface water without being used further.

The use of water by the mining industry is associated with consequences for the water balance. Environmental impacts may result, inter alia, from changes in groundwater levels, the flow velocity of water bodies and the discharge of marsh and pit water into surface water bodies.

Example: Use of water in potash and rock salt mining

In potash and rock salt mining, water from different origins and of different quality levels including river water, groundwater and drinking water is used in many processes.

Raw salt is mined by means of drilling and blasting in the underground mining of potash and rock salt. However, salt can also be extracted in a brine plant, where fresh water is introduced into soluble (salt) rock by means of a borehole, resulting in the creation of chambers filled with salt water. The salt-saturated water (so-called brine) is then conveyed to the surface via another pipeline. The salt is extracted when the brine evaporates.

Legal framework for water abstraction

The Water Resources Act that came into force in 1960 dictates that water can only be abstracted from the groundwater and surface water if a permit has been granted in which this usage has been regulated in terms of the nature and quantity of usage. An EU-wide legal framework for the protection of water and groundwater was created in 2000 with the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 (WRRL). The WRRL stipulates (inter alia) that the costs of water services (including certain water abstractions) and environmental and resource-related costs are covered by the polluter-pays principle.4 Water abstractions must also be checked for compliance with the general environment targets of the WRRL. If the volume of ground or surface water abstracted exceeds certain thresholds, environmental impact assessments must be carried out for the projects concerned.

The implementation of the WRRL into national law took place in Germany through the Water Resources Act, which regulates the protection and use of surface and groundwater at national level. Water abstraction procedures are subject to the reservation on the granting of permits by the water authorities. The State Water Acts of the Federal States supplement and concretise the federal water laws. Overall, the Federal States are left to regulate the water abstraction fees.

[1] In its ruling of 11 September 2014 (docket ref. C-525/12), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed that with these regulations of the Federal Government and the Federal States, Germany had sufficiently implemented the principle of cost recovery from the EU Water Framework Directive. The ECJ also expressly points out that in accordance with the provisions of Article 9(4) of this directive, the EU Member States are in any case empowered not to apply the cost-covering principle to certain water uses, while addressing the purposes and objectives of the directive.

Structuring of water abstraction fees

The structuring of fees for water abstraction is carried out by the Federal States that receive these fees. This is why water abstraction fees levied in Germany differ widely in 13 out of 16 Federal States. In Hesse, Bavaria, and Thuringia no water abstraction charges are currently levied. The total revenue in the 2024 budgetary plans of the Federal States was estimated at around €452.9 million. These revenues are partly used for water management tasks, or they flow into the general budget of the respective Federal State.5

Most Federal States levy consumption-related fees for the abstraction of ground and surface water.6 Depending on the individual structure, these fees are also intended to reflect the “value of the public services” for the utilisation of resources and can therefore function as incentive taxes for a sustainable water management programme and for the allocation of environmental and resource costs (Section 1 and Section 6a of the Water Resources Act).

In most Federal States, levy rates differ according to the type of abstraction, volume, origin of the water (surface water or groundwater) and the purpose for which the water is to be used. There are also various state-specific deviations from the relevant rules through exemptions or discounts, and these may also apply to the extractive sector.

Water abstraction fees in the natural resources sector

Quite different rates are levied nationwide for the abstraction of water in the extractive sector. For example, fees of between 0.5 and 6 cents/m³ for surface water are applied in some Federal States for certain types of mining operations (e. g. in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), while in other Federal States, the fees for groundwater abstraction can range from 5 to 18 cents/m³.

In some Federal States, including Rhineland-Palatinate and Schleswig-Holstein, on the other hand, groundwater excavation is exempt from water abstraction charges. In some Federal States, there are explicit regulations for dewatering operations in mines, or for water that is reintroduced into surface waters without being subsequently used.

The various fee levy rates, exemptions and discount rules are published in the individual State Water Acts or ordinances of the Federal States. The German Federal Environment Agency provides an overview of the relevant fee levy rates in the extractive sector.7 However, a publicly accessible source of information on the amount of revenue from water abstraction fees paid by the extractive sector does not exist in all Federal States. Reports on this are regularly given to the State Parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Water abstraction fees represent a flow of cash between companies that extract natural resources and the German State. Due to the different levy rates (inter alia) in individual Federal States, most payments lie below the materiality threshold agreed in the D-EITI, which is why they are not disclosed as a payment flow in the D-EITI report. Where companies in the extractive sector have reported water abstraction charges above the materiality threshold of €100,000, these can be found in the BilRUG payment reports.8

Water abstraction in the natural resources sector by Federal State in 2019 (in thousands of m³)

Source: Federal Statistical Office, own presentation.


1 Federal Statistical Office (2022): Environmental economic accounting. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

2 Destatis, Fachserie 19 Series 2.2 (2023). URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

3 For example in Saxony, see Office of Statistics of Saxony (2022) “Water supply and wastewater disposal in the non-public sector in the Free State of Saxony”. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

4 In its ruling of 11 September 2014 (docket ref. C-525/12), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed that with these regulations of the Federal Government and the Federal States, Germany had sufficiently implemented the principle of cost recovery from the EU Water Framework Directive. The ECJ also expressly points out that in accordance with the provisions of Article 9(4) of this directive, the EU Member States are in any case empowered not to apply the cost-covering principle to certain water uses, while addressing the purposes and objectives of the directive.

5 Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V. (Association of municipal enterprises) (VKU) (2024): Comparison of water abstraction charges in the Federal States. URL: 17 September 2024).

6German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2022): Overview of Federal State regulations on water abstraction charges. URL: (accessed 26 September 2024).

7German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2023): Table “Overview of Federal State regulations on water abstraction charges” of August 2023. URL: (accessed 17 September 2024).

8 For 2022, the following companies reported payments of water utilisation fees in accordance with Section 341v HGB: LEAG Lausitzer Energie Bergbau AG: €541,044.93 EUR; RWE Aktiengesellschaft €13,218,419; source: Annual payment reports –

Environmental Protection, Renaturation, Recultivation


The extraction of natural resources is responsible for lasting interventions in nature and the landscape in Germany, e. g. because overburden has to be removed and heaped up in piles or areas are temporarily used to erect conveyors or other operating plant. The statutory requirements of the Federal Mining Act guarantee that rehabilitation will be planned at an early stage and taken into account. A balance is achieved between the interests of the extractive sector and the environment in the approval procedure reflecting the Federal State’s plans and mining law. Citizens, the elected political representatives of mining regions together with sectoral authorities, environmental associations and other public interest parties have various opportunities to exercise influence and be involved in co-determination. In general, the principle that the burden on the environment must be kept to the minimum applies to both the planning and operation of mines. In addition to this, the mining operator has an obligation to rehabilitate the areas affected by the extraction of natural resources (Section 55 BBergG). The measures on how the surface will be structured in an individual case is part of the planning and approval process and depends on the original condition of the area used for mining and what the plans are for its future use.

When the mining authorities approve the respective operating plans, one of the aspects they also check is whether the company can finance the costs that will be incurred at the time as a result of future rehabilitation obligations. If there are any doubts, the mining authorities can make approval of an operating plan dependent on implementation securities (Section 56(2) BBergG).

As a rule, the companies make provisions to meet their future mining-related obligations. The purpose of these provisions is to provide financial security for the rehabilitation and the amount must be assessed accordingly. The principles of provisions are the rules on setting up provisions for future obligations that are binding for all businesses under commercial law.

Coal and mining

Rehabilitation during the operational and closing-down phase

Rehabilitation during the operating phase

Where rehabilitation is carried out during extraction and processing operations, the areas taken for extraction are generally rehabilitated in parallel to the continuing extraction. In the course of extracting natural resources, the material on the site is piled up and the shape of the land changed whilst adhering to safety requirements. The land is rehabilitated by means of geotechnical, landscaping, hydraulic engineering, agricultural and forestry measures to restore the land usage or biotopes.

One example of this is groundwater lowering required for operation in opencast mines. In these cases, backfilled areas1 must be designed in such a way that no unwanted waterlogging occurs preventing the intended public interest use (including agriculture, forestry or construction). In addition, the final slopes of opencast mines that are not backfilled and in which a lake is to be created after the end of coal extraction must be laid out and designed in such a way that permanent stability is ensured during and after the rise of groundwater and the filling of the former opencast mine with water. To this end, appropriate technical guidelines are applied and expert assessments are used. A prerequisite for successful reclamation of mine sites is the targeted, selective extraction of soil and the refilling of mining holes using soil material that meets the requirements relevant for the intended subsequent use of the mine site. This requires a correctly coordinated management of soil material. In slope areas, for example, this soil material must primarily fulfil the requirements relevant for ensuring stability. If, for example, a subsequent agricultural use of backfilled areas is planned, the primary reclamation and thus recultivation objective is to restore soil fertility and soil functions as a habitat for plants and cultivation.

The objectives of reclamation and the measures to be taken and requirements to be met for this purpose are defined in lignite plans or the operating plans approved under mining law. Depending on the type of use, the topsoil used for restoration must be “cultivated” and the areas must be gradually looked after and developed:

  1. Agricultural rehabilitation includes scientifically tested crop rotation to achieve the rehabilitation of the soil. Once successful rehabilitation is complete, the areas are made available for their subsequent use and released from supervision by the mining inspection authorities.
  2. Rehabilitation through forestry aims to establish mixed woodland with a variety of uses. Depending on site conditions, native species of trees dominate an effective mix of broad-leaved trees and conifers.

Elements to benefit nature are incorporated to support integrated and widespread nature conservation, e. g. planting native trees, including dead wood and other small structures, hedge planting, planting solitary trees, including wild fruit, creating dry biotopes and wet scrapes, retention of small unplanned areas and small areas of succession sites. This work is undertaken according to locally recognised methods and in close cooperation with the specialist nature conservation authorities. It will still be necessary to dewater the surface, build paths and contour the surface for optimum site restoration in order to facilitate functional use after extraction has finished.

Rehabilitation during the closing-down phase

Once the natural resources have been extracted, renaturation will be undertaken in accordance with the specification in the final operating plan. In the large majority of cases, a remaining lake exists at the end once open-cast lignite mining has finished. The needs of future use after mining will be taken into account in the completion work, providing it has been agreed with future users before the mine was authorised. Underground coal mining has finally ceased in Germany since the end of 2018. After the cessation of hard coal extraction, the operator will withdraw from the operating buildings. Mechanical equipment, operating materials, pipelines and other operating equipment have to be dismantled and removed from the mine site. In addition, the isolation of mine fields and the backfilling of extraction holes may be necessary. Besides, waste must be disposed of properly. As a rule, the withdrawal from an underground mine site is followed by a rise in mine water. The mine water level must often be limited by removing excess water to avoid any risk to aquifers used to extract drinking water. This usually requires conversion work in mining shafts to be able to resume mine water extraction in due course to limit the rise in mine water.

Land used for mining activities above ground shall also be properly reclaimed with due regard to the public interest. Here, too, operational facilities and equipment must be dismantled, provided that they are not to be used later for any other purpose. If the result of risk assessment indicates a need for remediation, any necessary remediation or safeguarding measures are planned and then implemented. Waste rock piles must also be made usable again so that they do no longer pose a danger even after filling of further material has stopped to enable a duly planned subsequent use.

Any temporary storage or outside heaps created during mining operations are removed or recultivated. Once checks have been carried out to ensure that the soil is safe, waste that had accumulated in heaps since the start of mining is recultivated to form features such as landmarks and also to meet regional planning criteria.

Mining potash and salts

Potash and salts are natural resources mined in underground mines at depths of up to 1,500 metres. In contrast to above-ground extraction of natural resources in open-cast mining, apart from the areas required for processing plants the mining of potash and salts does not take up large areas of the surface that would then require extensive rehabilitation of the surface used. For areas used for heaps of residues in potash mining, compensatory and substitution measures are implemented (e. g. reforestation, species protection measures). The heaps are established, operated and shut down (including possible rehabilitation, e.g. by covering and recultivation) in line with the relevant requirements under mining and environmental law and taking the relevant site conditions into account.

Drilling boreholes for crude oil and natural gas

Restoration and recultivation of operating sites after drilling and extraction

Once the drilling phase that lasts between two and five months depending on the depth has been completed, the operating site is reduced in size. As only the borehole seal and a few items of plant to separate, collect and transport the extracted crude oil/natural gas remain there, the production equipment is barely visible or audible any more during the entire period of usage.

The deposit is depleted after 20 to 30 years on average. The plant is then removed, and the whole borehole filled up and sealed. The production and processing plant as well as the operating site including the seal are completely removed and the area used recultivated. Aquifers therefore remain protected in the long term and the area can be used again.2


Quarrying can be authorised both under mining law and outside mining law (as described here (cf. section b.). The regulations in the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), Water Resources Act (WHG) and the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) are important for the extraction of natural resources which, as what are termed free-to-mine and privately-owned natural resources, do not come under mining law as defined by Section 3 BBergG.

The provisions of these laws guarantee that the impact of the mining will be balanced out (see Managing human intervention in nature and landscape). This means the operating licence is granted on the basis of planning and rehabilitation considerations or, expressed in other terms, authorisation to operate will not be granted unless provision has been made for the needs of nature conservation. A balance is achieved in the approval process between the interests of the extractive sector and the environment, both in respect of regional planning criteria and also the plant. The groups that are to be consulted (citizens, elected representatives, sectoral authorities, environmental associations and chambers) are given various options to participate.

In general, the principle that the burden on the environment must be kept to the minimum and both land and soil must be carefully conserved applies to both the planning and the operation of plants that require a licence. Besides the plant operator has an obligation to compensate for significant unavoidable impacts to nature and the environment through compensatory and substitution measures. In addition to the condition of the surfaces, the measures to take for shaping the surface in an individual case and also during the extraction phase depend on the future use of the site.

The companies in the sector temporarily intervene in nature and the landscape because of economic considerations. A wide variety of habitats for plants and animals which we hardly ever find in our cultural landscape can already be created during the active extraction phase.

Even after the end of extraction, these former extraction sites can still represent important refuges for rare animals and plants. Valuable biotopes may develop here after a short time.

For this reason, nature conservation concerns often dominate the subsequent use of quarrying areas. In general, the areas on which natural resources were extracted are upgraded through recultivation and renaturation and returned to society.

The companies encourage biodiversity as a result of cooperation with nature conservationists and targeted management measures. In 2004, the building materials industry affirmed its commitment at national level with a declaration together with the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), the industrial trade union for construction, agriculture and environment (IG BAU) and the industrial trade union for mining, chemicals and the energy trade (IG BCE). In addition to this, companies in the quarried natural resources industry are involved in the “Biodiversity in Good Company” corporate network; the German Building Materials Association – Quarried natural resources (bbs) is involved as the sector’s umbrella organisation in the corresponding “Enterprise biological diversity” association network.

The bbs, in cooperation with its members in the extractive sector, has established a nationwide biodiversity database to document the contributions that the quarried natural resources sector is making to protect and conserve biodiversity. Further data is continuously added to this database.


1 The term “backfilled areas” refers to the areas that are backfilled after lignite mining with overburden, i.e. the material that was removed during mining and cannot be used.

2 Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG) (German association for natural gas, petroleum and geothermal energy) (2021): Verantwortung fördern. Für uns ein Muss. (Promoting responsibility. A must for us.) URL: (accessed 11 July 2024); BVEG (2023): Umsetzung vor Ort. Erfahren Sie mehr über unser Engagement für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz vor Ort. (Implementation on site. Find out more about our local commitment to environmental and climate protection.) URL: (accessed 11 July 2024).

Employment and Social Affairs


Employment in the natural resources sector

The extractive industry provides industrial jobs in a variety of different occupations and activities. At the end of 2022 (2023), around 59,000 people (58,000 people)1 were employed in the extractive industry. This corresponds to around 0.17% (0.17%) of all employees in Germany subject to social security contributions. At around 65% (65%), most employees worked in the quarrying and other mining sector, followed by the provision of services for mining and quarrying at around 15% (15%).

Compared to the reporting period 2016 (1st D-EITI report), the number of employees in the sector fell by around 12,300 in 2022 (13,300 in 2023), mainly due to the phasing out of the hard coal mining by the end of 2018.

Each direct job in the extractive industry is associated with additional jobs in upstream and downstream economic sectors.2

The role of legislation

The German economic system is characterised by the interplay of free market activities and state social policy. At the same time, there is a strong social partnership, especially in the extractive sector, by means of which existing differences of interest between employers and employees can be compensated.

In principle, the German legislature regulates a uniform (minimum) level of protection for employees (e.g. working hours, holidays, protection against dismissal, protection laws for young people, pregnant women or the severely disabled, safety and health at work, etc.).3 Above this level of protection, the social partners are free to regulate working conditions independently for the company or the respective sector within the framework of their collective bargaining autonomy guaranteed by Article 9(3) of the German Basic Law.

Statutory social security provides protection against life risks such as unemployment, illness, dependency, accident and occupational disease as well as old-age security. In particular, employees are insured under the social security scheme; self-employed persons are partially covered by this scheme. Social insurance funds are mainly raised through contributions from insured persons and employers. An exception is the statutory accident insurance, which is financed exclusively by the employer. Some branches of social security are additionally financed by taxes. The social security institutions are corporations with legal capacity under public law with self-government. Self-government is generally exercised by the insured persons and the employers.

The role and cooperation of the social partners


One of the main pillars of the social market economy in Germany is co-determination, i.e. the right of employees and their stakeholders to participate in company or entrepreneurial decisions. The scope and form of participation differ according to company size, legal form and industry.

Company co-determination goes furthest in mining and in the iron and steel producing industry (co-determination in the coal, iron and steel industry: (MontanMitbestG (~Act on Co-determination in the Coal, Iron and Steel Industry),4 MontanMitbestGErgG (~ Supplementary Co-determination Act)5): Here, the supervisory boards are made up of an equal number of shareholder and employee representatives. In addition, a labour director is appointed, who is responsible for personnel and social affairs as an equal member of the management. According to the MontanMitbestG, his/her appointment is subject to the approval of the majority of employee representatives in the supervisory board.

For other companies, which are managed in the legal form of a corporation or a cooperative, the equal representation of employees and shareholders in the supervisory bodies according to the Co-Determination Act (MitbestG) also applies in case of more than 2,000 employees. However, there are two significant differences compared to the co-determination in the coal, iron and steel industry.

If there is a tie in votes, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who is generally attributable to the shareholders, has the casting vote. This dual voting right of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board effectively overrides the formal parity between employees and employers. In addition, the labour director can in principle also be appointed against the votes of the employee representatives on the supervisory board. To companies with 500 to 2,000 employees, the one third participation of employee representatives on the supervisory board (DrittelbG6) applies.

Company co-determination is governed by the Works Constitution Act. In every company in Germany with at least five employees, employees have the right to elect a works council. As representative of all employees, the works council represents the interests of the employees vis-à-vis the employer. It has different rights of participation, especially in social, personnel and economic matters. Works agreements are a key instrument in the work of the works council. Similar to collective agreements, they are legally binding agreements between the employer and the works council and regulate the employment relationship of the employees. Frequent topics are regulations on working hours, occupational health and safety, health promotion, data protection or further training, which are tailored to the conditions prevailing in the company. However, the works council must also be involved in the introduction of new technical equipment and work processes or the drawing up of social plans in the event of planned operational changes.

Collective bargaining coverage

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are guaranteed in Germany by Article 9 of the Basic Law. Collective agreements are concluded by one or more employers or employers’ associations with one or more trade unions. They are binding only on their members (collective bargaining coverage). However, it is common practice for employers bound by collective agreements to allow employees who are not unionised to participate in what has been agreed by collective agreement by referring to the relevant collective agreements in individual contracts. In addition, many companies that are not bound by collective agreements are guided by existing collective agreements. In 2022, 32% of the companies in the extractive sector7 were bound by collective agreements; 25% within the framework of a regional collective agreement and 7% with a company collective agreement. The collective agreements apply to 62% of employees in the sector, with 25% subject to the terms of a regional collective agreement and 37% subject to those of a company collective agreement.8


The demanding activities in the extractive industry require well-trained specialist personnel. Approximately 74% (74%) of employees have a recognised vocational qualification9, and another 11% (12%) have an academic degree10 in, for example, engineering.

Vocational training in Germany is essentially carried out via the dual vocational training system, in which training takes place in parallel at two learning locations. The trainee concludes a training contract with the company and learns the necessary practical vocational skills and competencies in the workplace. The second pillar of the system is the vocational school, which teaches general and specialist theoretical knowledge. The duration of training depends on the respective profession and varies between two and three and a half years. During this time, the trainee receives a training allowance from the company. After successful completion of the training, you are qualified to work directly as a qualified specialist.

The sector provides training in a number of different professions. These include, for example, mechatronics technicians, electronics technicians, industrial and process mechanics, reprocessing mechanics, miners and machine operators, mining technologists and industrial clerks. At the reporting date11, 1,998 (1,992) of the employees in the extractive industry were trainees, which corresponds to a training rate of 3.4% (3.3%). The training rate in the sector was therefore below the German average of 4.5% (4.5%). Looking at individual sectors, the picture for the extractive industries is relatively differentiated. For example, the training rates in the mining and quarrying industry fluctuate (from 0.8% (0.5%) to 4.9% (4.4%) (2022 (2023)) because the importance of training occupations varies and the proportion of semi-skilled workers varies accordingly.

Earnings level

Gainful employment plays a central role in both social and individual terms.

Work is undisputedly seen as the main source of livelihood, and earnings are the most important component of personal income for employees. The average gross monthly earnings of full-time employees in the sector amounted to EUR 4,682 per month in 2023, with an additional EUR 687 per month in special payments.12 This means that average monthly earnings in the extractive sector are a good 8.8% higher than the average in the manufacturing and service sectors.13 Due to the income tax to be deducted and the proportionate social security contributions to be paid, employees’ individually disposable net wages are significantly lower than their gross wages.14

The average paid weekly working time was 40.5 hours, which was relatively high compared to the manufacturing industry as a whole, at 38.7 hours.15

In Germany, equality between women and men is protected by constitutional law. A key component of this is the requirement of equal pay for women and men for equal work and work of equal value. This means that gender-specific income differences in particular must be further reduced. This is also the aim of the Act on the Promotion of Pay Transparency between Women and Men (Pay Transparency Act (Entgelttransparenzgesetz (EntgTranspG))). Among other things, it includes an individual right to information for employees, reporting obligations for large companies and the requirement for large private employers to carry out company audit procedures to review pay structures.

The planned further development of the Pay Transparency Act will also take into account the EU Pay Transparency Directive, which entered into force in June 2023. The directive must be transposed into national law by June 2026. In 2023, the average gross monthly earnings of 5,636 euros of women in the extractive industry were 5.5% higher than the average gross monthly earnings of male employees (5,340 euros).16

Diversity and equal opportunities

The different life experiences and work horizons of employees make a significant contribution to the economic success of companies. By consciously promoting diversity, companies can tap into an important success and competitive factor that has a positive impact on both companies and their workforces.

Diversity can be measured using a range of quantitative indicators, such as the proportion of women among all employees and managers, the proportion of foreign employees or the age structure of the workforce.

At the end of 2022 (2023), the proportion of women among those employed in the sector subject to social security contributions was 13.7% (13.7%). Foreign nationals accounted for 6.7% (6.9%) of the total workforce.17

The proportion of female supervisory board members in the mining industry is very low at 15.4% (fiscal year 2021). Of the management board members of these companies, only 10.8% are women. In order to further increase the proportion of women in the workforce and in management positions, there is also a great need for action compared to other sectors. It should be noted that the employment structure is traditionally characterised by male-dominated technical training occupations and degree courses.18

At 61.4% (60.6%), the 25 to under 55 age group made up by far the largest proportion of the workforce, followed by the 55 to under 65 age group at 30.1% (29.8%). 7.4% (7.5%) of the employees were younger than 25 years and 1.3% (1.5%) of the employees were older than 65.

Equal opportunities in Germany are promoted by the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). It prohibits discrimination in employment on grounds of race or ethnic origin, sex, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.

Climate policy and structural change

The Federal Government has committed itself to implementing the climate targets and the Paris Climate Protection Agreement.19 In order to support this objective, in addition to ending the production of hard coal in 2018, hard coal and lignite-fired power generation in Germany will also be phased out by 2038 at the latest. With the political change in 1990, there was considerable intervention in lignite mining in eastern Germany, and in the early 1990s there was a drastic reduction in the number of people employed in the lignite mining areas in eastern Germany.20 In order to make the decision to phase out coal and the associated structural change socially just, the German government set up the Commission on “Growth, Structural Change and Employment”21, which drew up proposals for shaping the structural change in Germany based on energy and climate policy. The aim of the commission was to make recommendations for the preservation and creation of new, good jobs secured by collective agreements in the affected regions, for the secure and affordable supply of electricity and heat at all times and for the preservation and further development of the coal-mining areas into regions that remain attractive and worth living in.

Climate policy requirements, security of energy supply and competitiveness were the subject of the Commission’s comprehensive dialogue. This social agreement on the use of coal was confirmed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat in July 2020 and resulted in the adoption of the Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation and to the amendment of other laws (Coal Phase-out Act) and the Coal Regions Investment Act (InvKG) (see below). The main component of the Coal Phase-out Act is the Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation (Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation – KVBG). With the adoption of these

laws, a social compromise was reached. Coal mining and coal-fired power generation are mostly located in structurally weaker regions, where they account for a significant share of industrial value creation. An industrial job has indirect and induced employments in various sectors, depending on the region.22

The extraction of lignite in open-cast mines has an impact on the economic, ecological and social structure of the communities directly affected and the communities on the edge of the open-cast mines in the mining areas. The polluter pays principle applies to the influence and use of infrastructure and property. Compensation, relocation and resettlement must be arranged and paid by the mining companies. Since German lignite mining began in the early 1920s, 120,000 people have been relocated.23

Villages are still affected by the resettlement. The owners of the affected areas are compensated by the companies for the resettlement. The same applies to municipal property. Municipal facilities will be rebuilt in agreement with the affected municipalities. Rare cases of compensation for expropriation under mining law24 are stipulated by law (Art. 14(3) GG in conjunction with Section 84 et seq. German Federal Mining Act (BBergG)).

In the event of an agreement under private law, the parties concerned are directly responsible for determining the amount of compensation payments; only in the rare case of a necessary expropriation/assignment of land is this determined by the authorities following a valuation by an expert. It is subject to judicial review. The agreement on the lignite phase-out path has an influence on the expansion and adaptation of open-cast mines. New buildings planned in terms of infrastructure may not be necessary.

Based on the Coal Regions Investment Act (InvKG), which entered into force on 14 August 202025, the lignite coalfields26 are supported with 40 billion euros, so that the mining areas can continue to exist as successful economic regions and the lost employment is compensated for (see also Effects of the energy transition). The Federal Government has also made a legal commitment to create 5,000 new jobs in federal authorities and other federal institutions in the coal regions by 2028. Even structurally weak hard coal-fired power plant locations receive funding under the Coal Regions Investment Act. Up to €1 billion is planned for this by 2038. The former lignite mining areas of Helmstedt and Altenburger Land will also each receive 90 million euros.

As part of the Coal Regions Investment Act, the “STARK” 27 funding programme aims to continue to support the economically, ecologically and socially sustainable transformation of coal regions with the aim of turning them into internationally visible model regions for greenhouse gas-neutral, resource-efficient and sustainable development (see also Effects of the energy transition). On the one hand, this is achieved by investing in people and their commitment (networking, education, knowledge transfer, public services, understanding of the future and innovation). On the other hand, it requires business investment in transformation technologies (such as wind, PV, H2, batteries and CCSU).

In order to cushion the social consequences of the coal phase-out, the German government has also introduced an adaptation payment (APG) for older employees aged 58 and over in line with the recommendations of the Commission on “Structural Change, Growth and Employment”. The aim is to make it easier for these workers to retire earlier by granting an APG for a maximum of five years. Details of the APG under the Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation (KVBG) were regulated in separate APG guidelines by the former BMWi in agreement with BMAS and BMF dated 3 September 2020.

Corporate responsibility

German companies are closely integrated into global supply and value chains. As a result, the companies have a special responsibility, not only nationally but also internationally, to consider the conditions under which natural resources are extracted, and to combine economic success with social justice and ecological compatibility. This applies especially in the area of international mining, which can be associated with high human rights and social and environmental risks. Legislators, the German government and companies are addressing these challenges on several levels.

Internationally, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, which were last revised in 2023, provide an internationally recognised cross-sector framework for human rights due diligence and responsible business conduct. Although not legally binding, the principles and recommendations for companies laid down there correspond to the expectations of the Federal Government.

The Federal Government’s National Action Plan (NAP) to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights contains a broad catalogue of measures to protect human rights. At the same time, the German government has enshrined the responsibility of German companies to respect human rights for the first time in the action plan. The NAP is currently being revised and the work is to be completed this year.

On 11 June 2021, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act(LkSG) was adopted by the German Bundestag. The LkSG is closely aligned with the requirements of the NAP and the core elements of corporate due diligence enshrined therein. The LkSG is intended to improve the protection of human rights and certain environmental concerns in supply chains. Since 2023, the Act has applied to companies with a registered office or branch office in Germany and from 3,000 employees, and since 2024 to companies with 1,000 employees or more in Germany. In February 2022, the European Commission also presented a proposal for an EU directive on corporate due diligence regarding sustainability (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, CSDDD). The Council of the European Union adopted the CSDDD on 24 May 2024. The Directive entered into force on 25 July 2024.30

The so-called Conflict Minerals Regulation (EU) 2017/821 introduced mandatory due diligence requirements for EU importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten, their ores and gold (3TG) for the first time from certain thresholds in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The aim of the ordinance is to curb the financing of armed conflicts through the proceeds from the sale of the minerals mentioned. The ordinance lays down numerous due diligence obligations that importers of 3TG have to comply with since 1 January 2021.

The national implementing law 29,which entered into force on 7 May 2020, ensures the effective application of the Conflict Minerals Ordinance in Germany.

A directive on CSR reporting has been in place at EU level since 2014, which aims to increase transparency with regard to the environmental and social aspects of companies (Directive 2014/95/EU, Non-Financial Reporting Directive). Since the 2017 financial year, large companies of public interest in Germany with more than 500 employees have been reporting on their concepts for respecting human rights, among other things. In January

2023, the so-called Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive came into force.30 This Directive will gradually extend the group of companies obliged to report on sustainability to all large or capital market-oriented companies, starting with financial years beginning after 31 December 2023. Furthermore, binding EU reporting standards and mandatory auditing of the information to be reported are provided for the first time. Implementation into German law is to be completed by the end of 2024.

In addition to mandatory regulations, there are voluntary standards for environmental management systems, such as the globally applied ISO 14001 environmental management system standard or the more ambitious European environmental management system “Eco-Management and Audit Scheme” (EMAS), which promote sustainable business practices.31

Initiatives for greater sustainability are also increasingly being launched at industry level. For example, the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Trade Union and the Construction, Agriculture and Environment Industrial Trade Union drew up a joint declaration on the sustainable use of natural resources in 2004 together with the Bundesverband (Federal Association) Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V. and the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU).32 In addition to the most environmentally friendly natural resources extraction and the strengthening of biodiversity and resource efficiency, the high importance of employee training is also addressed. Employees and employers are also working together to achieve greater sustainability in the industrial processing of natural resources. For example, the social partners (trade unions and associations) in the German cement industry founded the “Cement connects sustainably” initiative back in 2002. In addition to nature and environmental protection measures, key issues include safeguarding domestic production, the economic interests of companies and the social interests of employees. The main aim of the sustainability initiative is to promote dialogue between politics and society as well as trade unions and employers.33


Employment under the mandatory social security scheme by economic sector

Persons employed under the mandatory social security scheme as of the reporting date 31 Dezember 2021 No. of apprentices among these employees
Total Men Women Total Men Women
Mining and quarrying in total, including 59.122 (58.789) 51.116 (50.754) 8.006 (8.044) 1.887 (1.998) * *
Coal mining 7.704 (7.910) 6.728 (6.965) 976 (945) 221 (199) 181 (162) 40 (37)
Extraction of crude oil and natural gas 2.948 (2.996) 2.294 (2.328) 654 (668) 85 (83) 69 (67) 16 (16)
Ore mining 757 (781) 681 (708) 76 (73) 11 (6) * *
Quarried natural resources, other mining products 38.396 (38.229) 33.279 (33.097) 5.117 (5.132) 1.325 (1.273) 1.137 (1.099) 188 (174)
Services for mining and quarrying 9.317 (8.882) 8.134 (7.656) 1.183 (1.226) 245 (437) 211 (382) 34 (55)

Source: Federal Employment Agency (2022), reporting date 31 December 2021

* For reasons of data protection and statistical confidentiality, numerical values of 1 or 2 and data from which such numerical values can be mathematically deduced are made anonymous.

Each direct job in the extractive industry is linked to further jobs in upstream and downstream economic sectors.2



1 Federal Employment Agency (2024): Employees by economic sector (WZ 2008) – Germany, West/East and Federal States (quarterly figures) – December 2023. URL: (accessed 23 August 2024).

2 See example DIW Econ (2022): Economic importance of the building materials and quarrying industry, including indirect and induced effects. A study by DIW Econ on behalf of the Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V., URL: (accessed 12 July 2024)

3 Further information on statutory provisions and social security contributions: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) (2023): Social protection at a glance. URL: (accessed 22 October 2024).

4  One-Third Participation Act (DrittelbG). URL: (accessed 12 July 2024).

5 Act on Co-determination in the Coal, Iron and Steel Industry (MontanMitbestG). URL: (accessed 12 July 2024).

Supplementary Co-determination Act (MontanMitbestGErgG). URL: (accessed 12 July 2024).

7 Federal Employment Agency (2024): Employees by economic sector (WZ 2008). Section B.

8 Federal Statistical Office (2022): Collective earnings, collective bargaining coverage. URL: (accessed 12 July 2024).

“recognised vocational qualification” is the sum of “with recognised vocational training” and “master craftsman/technician/equivalent technical college qualification”

10 “academic degree” is the sum of “Bachelor”, “Diploma/Magister/Master/State Examination” and “Doctorate”

11 Federal Employment Agency (2024): Employees by economic sector (WZ 2008), reference date 31 December 2023.

12 Destatis (2024): Average working hours and gross earnings of full-time employees in 2023 – the data are provided by Destatis on request.

13 Ibid.

14 In an international comparison, the tax ratio, which includes social security contributions as well as taxes, was 39.3% in Germany in 2022. See: Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) (2024): The most important taxes in international comparison in 2023. URL: (accessed 31 October 2024).

15 Ibid.

16 The proportion of men employed is significantly higher among “skilled workers” in “mining” than the proportion of women. In contrast, the higher proportion of “specialists and experts” are employed women. Women are more likely to be represented in the administration (possibly higher positions) in this sector. For this reason, the structure of employees in higher paid employment affects the average results of gross earnings “as a whole”. A breakdown of average gross monthly earnings by job level can be found in the D-EITI report portal.

17 Federal Employment Agency (2024): Employees by economic sector (WZ 2008), reference date 31 December 2023.

18 Federal Government (2023): Eighth annual information from the Federal Government on the development of the proportion of women at management levels and on boards in the private and public sectors. URL:… (accessed 14 August 2024).

19 Paris Climate Protection Agreement. URL: (Accessed 12 July 2024).

20 Hauke Hermann, Katja Schumacher, Hannah Förster (Öko-Institut Berlin) on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency (2018): Employment development in the lignite industry. URL: p. 13 (accessed 4 January 2024).

21 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (2019): Final report of the Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment. URL: (accessed 4 January 2024).

22 See example DIW Econ (2022): Economic importance of the building materials and quarrying industry, including indirect and induced effects. A study by DIW Econ on behalf of the Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V., URL: (accessed 4 January 2024)“

23 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (2019): Final report of the Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment. URL: (accessed 4 January 2024).

24 In that regard, the Basic Law (Article 14(3)) states: “Expropriation shall only be permissible for the public good. It may only be ordered by or pursuant to a law that determines the nature and extent of compensation. Such compensation shall be determined by establishing an equitable balance between the public interest and the interests of those affected. In case of dispute concerning the amount of compensation, recourse may be had to the ordinary courts

25 Structural Strengthening Act for Coal Regions (2020). URL: (accessed 4 January 2024)

26 Lausitz coalfield (federal states: Brandenburg/Saxony), central German coalfield (Saxony/Saxony-Anhalt/Thuringia), Rhenish coalfield (North Rhine-Westphalia), Helmstedt coalfield (Lower Saxony).

27 STARK is an abbreviation of the German for “Strengthening the transformation momentum and new beginnings in the regions and at the coal-fired power plant sites”

28 See (accessed 12 August 2024).

29 Act implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 laying down supply chain due diligence obligations for Union importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten, their ores and gold originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (Mineral Raw Materials Due Diligence Act – MinRohSorgG) (accessed 19 July 2023).

30 Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 and Directives 2004/109/EC, 2006/43/EC and 2013/34/EU as regards sustainability reporting by companies (OJ L 322 dated 16 December 2022, p. 15

31 German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2024): Environment and energy management. URL“ (accessed 26 August 2024).

32 Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V., Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V., Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Trade Union and Construction – Agriculture – Environment Industrial Trade Union (2004): Joint declaration on the use of natural resources in Germany. URL: (accessed 12 July 2024).

33 See


Circular economy, in particular recycling


As an industrial nation, Germany is particularly dependent on the reliable availability of natural resources. The protection of natural resources, their economical use and the extraction of secondary natural resources1 from waste or residues are highly important, not only for man and the environment, but also for German industry, which is dependent on imports for a number of natural resources it needs.

Particularly against the background of the increasing global demand for natural resources, but also the challenges posed by climate change, the focus is increasingly shifting to a circular economy in which the aim is to achieve closed natural resource cycles with as little material loss as possible as early as the product development stage.

The first legal foundations for waste disposal were already developed in some parts of the country at the beginning of the 19th century. The first uniform federal regulation was created in 1972 with the enactment of the Waste Disposal Act (AbfG).

Legal base

Environmental pollution, the scarcity of landfill sites in the 1980s and the growing realisation that materials and energy sources derived from nature are valuable resources have triggered the development of a modern recycling economy. This is largely shaped by the Recycling Management Act (KrWG), which is based on the EU Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC.2008 An essential element of the KrWG is the so-called five-level waste hierarchy to be applied by waste owners and producers in the following order of priority: 1. Avoidance, 2. Preparation for reutilisation, 3. Recycling, 4. Other form of recovery – in particular energy recovery and backfilling, 5. Disposal.

One component of German waste legislation is the transfer of product responsibility to producers and distributors, who must ensure that the generation of waste is reduced from product development and production through to use and that environmentally-sound recycling or disposal procedures are in place. A new dimension is the “duty of care” introduced in the KrWG in 2020, which requires companies to make sure that the fitness for use of their products is maintained and they do not become waste.

The goal of a modern recycling economy is a sustainable use of recyclable materials and the decoupling of waste volumes from economic performance, preferably a reduction in waste volumes with increasing economic growth. This goes hand-in-hand with the protection of water, soil and the climate by avoiding e.g. climate-damaging gases from landfills and achieving a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption through the use of recycled natural resources. In Germany, a ban on landfilling untreated municipal waste has been in place since 2005 in order to noticeably reduce the generation of climate-damaging gases from landfills.

The product responsibility for electric equipment was developed further with the amendment of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) and the re-adoption of the ordinance on requirements for processing old electric and electronic equipment, which comes into force on 1 January 2022. The Federal Government extended the existing obligation of retailers of electrical equipment to include the large discounters, supermarkets and other grocery retailers with a shop area of 800 m² or more. The collection network has been expanded, enabling consumers to dispose of old electrical and electronic equipment more easily and separating them from unsorted municipal waste at an early stage. The processing ordinance extended the existing requirements, which were essentially geared towards the targeted removal of pollutants and contaminated products from waste, to include the goal of resource conservation and thus the increased recovery of resource-relevant substances.

With the current re-adoption of the packaging law,2 which primarily came into force on 3 July 2021, further regulations were applied in addition to the existing system of extended manufacturer responsibility that already existed in relation to packaging. For instance, since 1 January 2023 the final distributor must offer multi-use packaging alternatives when placing on the market single-use food packaging and single-use beverage cups. In addition, a mandatory minimum proportion of recycled material was introduced for certain single-use plastic drink bottles on 1 January.

As part of the implementation of the amendment to Directive (EU) 2019/904 (EU Single-Use Plastics Directive), the marketing of certain single-use plastic products (e.g. cutlery, plates, plastic straws and to-go packaging and cups made of expanded polystyrene) was initially prohibited by the Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Ordinance (EWKVerbotV).3 The aim of the prohibitions is to help to manage plastics more sustainably along the value chain, to reduce throwing away waste carelessly and to combat pollution in the sea.

The Single-Use Plastic Marking Ordinance (EWKKennzV), also services these objectives. It is intended that this will help to further reduce the use of products made of single-use plastic. The EWKKennzV stipulates that single-use plastic products must be marked to indicate that, if the product is not disposed of in the proper way, it will have negative implications for the environment. The establishment of a single-use plastics fund is the final step in the transposition of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive into national law. Extended producer responsibility is being introduced for certain single-use plastic products (such as to-go food containers, bag and film packaging, drinks cups and containers, lightweight carrier bags, wet wipes, balloons and tobacco filters (products) containing plastic). The central element is the creation and management of a single-use plastics fund, based on the Single-Use Plastics Fund Act (EWKFondsG). The manufacturers of the single-use plastic products pay an annual levy as contribution to the fund. The public waste management organisations and other legal entities under public law entitled to claim from the fund receive compensation for the costs they have incurred with regard to the waste management services provided and the cleaning of public spaces, as well as for awareness-raising measures. Up to now, these costs have been borne by the general public. The levy is to be paid for the first time in 2025 on the basis of the quantity of products sold in the calendar year 2024. The Single-Use Plastics Fund is intended to help promote cleanliness in public spaces and reduce littering of the environment with single-use plastic products.

The regulations on the export of plastic waste from the EU were tightened as of 1 January 2021 by amendments to the European Waste Shipment Regulation. The changes stem from amendments to the Basel Convention adopted in May 2019 and amendments to an OECD decision adopted in September 2020. According to these amendments and decisions, the export of hazardous plastic waste and non-hazardous plastic waste that is more difficult to recycle from the EU to non-OECD countries is prohibited. Further restrictions apply to the export of non-hazardous plastic waste that is easily recyclable from the EU to non-OECD countries in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007.

The new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance,4 as part of umbrella ordinance, stipulates requirements that apply nationwide and are legally binding regarding the production, quality assurance and the inclusion of mineral replacement substances in certain technical structures. Mineral substitute building materials within the scope of the ordinance include recycling building materials from construction and demolition waste, slag from metal production and ashes from thermal processes. The substitute building materials ordinance assists the aims of the circular economy. The aim is also to improve acceptance for using substitute building materials. This umbrella ordinance entered into force on 1 August 2023.

Waste volume and waste recovery

The total gross waste volume in Germany in 2021 was 411.5 million tonnes, a further decrease from the previous peak in 2018 (417.2 million tonnes). Construction and demolition waste accounted for €222.0 million tonnes, slightly more than half of the total gross volume (approx. 53.9%). The volume of municipal waste, secondary waste (from waste treatment plants) at around 51.8 million tonnes and other waste, which comes mainly from production and industry, was considerably lower at around 49.6 million tonnes. Around 29.9 million tonnes of waste was generated from the extraction and processing of natural resources.

Around 336.9 million tonnes of waste were recycled in 2021, of which 288.5 million tonnes were recycled as materials and 48.1 million tonnes as energy.5 The recycling rate for all waste has risen continuously over the last ten years from 74.3% in 2006 to 82% in 2021 and it has remained stable in recent years.6 The recycling rate measures the proportion (input) of collected waste that is fed into a material or energy recovery process. The (input) recycling rate, in other words, the proportion of waste recycled or prepared for reuse has remained constant over the last three years at around 70%.7

A new, output-centred calculation method was introduced with the amendment of the EU Waste Framework Directive in 2018. The recycling rate is no longer based on the quantity of waste sent to the recycling plants (input quantity) but instead how much material is actually recycled (output quantity, after screening out material that cannot be recycled). The recycling figures achieved according to the new procedure will only become gradually available.; the estimate is approx. 53% for 2020.

Recycling involves processing waste so that the materials obtained can be used to replace primary raw materials required for new products, whereas products prepared for reuse by means of repairs and other methods are returned to be used for their original purpose. A comprehensive network of approx. 14,400 pre-treatment, treatment, sorting and processing plants8 has been established in Germany for the recycling and, in particular, material recovery of waste. The network includes soil treatment plants, building rubble processing plants, sorting and dismantling plants (inter alia) in addition to chemical-physical, biological and mechanical treatment plants.

Examples of recycling and usage rates 9

In 2020, 91.4 per cent of tinplate from private final consumption was recycled in Germany. The recycling rate for total consumption of tinplate has also been stable at around 90% since 2006.10 Around 18.8 million tonnes of steel scrap were used in steel production in 2021. This corresponds to a utilisation rate of 46.6%.11 In 2020, around 2.25 million tonnes of non-ferrous metals (such as copper, aluminium, zinc, bronze, lead and brass) were produced. Of this, around 1.04 million tonnes were secondary metals, corresponding to a share of around 46.3%.12

Aluminium recycling rates range from 90 % to 95 % depending on the sector. The energy input for recycling aluminium is up to 95% lower compared to primary production.13 In 2021, the usage rate was approx. 53%.14 The recycling rate for copper is about 45%. In copper production around 38% of the copper used is recycled copper.15 The share of secondary raw materials in copper production has temporarily decreased in 2021 compared to 2020, partly due to remediation measures in the recycling smelter sector.16

Paper and glass also have high recycling and usage rates while the recycling of plastics still requires additional efforts:

  • Paper/paperboard/cardboard, which is mainly collected separately, achieves a recycling rate of almost 100%.17 The usage rate of recovered paper was 79% in 2021.18 Recycling saves primary natural resources such as wood, kaolin and lime, as well as water and energy. However, paper is not infinitely recyclable, since the fibres become progressively shorter during recycling and fresh fibers have to be added again.
  • In the case of glass packaging collection, the recycling rate also amounts to almost 100%.19 Today, every glass packaging unit consists of up to 60% recycled glass, and for green glass the usage rate is as high as 95%.20 The recovery of the glass reduces the demand for the primary natural resource which is quartz sand.
  • In 2021, a total of 65.5% of the packaging plastics collected via the dual systems were mechanically recovered (recycled). In total, around 5.9 million tonnes of used packaging from private final consumption was recycled in 2021. This represents an increase of around 3% compared to the previous year.21 Around 35% of the total plastic waste generated (1.96 out of 5.67 million tonnes) was recycled in 2021, 64% of plastic waste was recycled for energy purposes and 0.4% was recycled as natural resources or chemically.22 The recycling rates for 2021, some of which differ significantly from previous years, are due to the change in data collection based on EU Implementing Decision 2019/665 in the packaging sector.23
  • In 2021 the recycling rate for old electric devices was 84.5% and the utilisation rate was almost 98%. However, only just under 39% of the average amount of old electric devices placed on the market in the previous three years were actually collected in 2021 24. In order to increase this quantity and to achieve the collection rate of 65 % set by the EU from 2019 25, the Federal Government amended the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act in 2021 to extend the existing obligation of retailers of electrical equipment to include the large discounters, supermarkets and other grocery retailers with a shop area of 800 m² or more. As a result, the collection network is going to be expanded, enabling consumers to dispose of old electrical and electronic equipment more easily and separate them from unsorted municipal waste at an early stage. However, these measures will probably only have a noticeable effect in the next few years.

In the building sector, around 90% of the non-hazardous mineral construction and demolition waste generated is recycled. The processing of mineral building waste enabled the manufacture of 76.9 million tonnes of recycled building materials in 2020. Of these 50.3% were used in road construction, 23% in earthworks, 7.2% in other applications (mainly landfill construction) and 19.5% as aggregates in asphalt and concrete production.26

The building and waste disposal industry thus makes an important contribution to a sustainable and resource-efficient society. Thanks to the collection, sorting and material-based and energy-related recycling of waste, this industry not only fulfils an important ecological function, it also supplies our economy with natural resources. Overall, it now provides one sixth of the natural resources needed in Germany.27 The recycling industry also contributes significantly to Germany’s economic performance.28 It provides jobs for around 209,100 (2021) employees in nearly 7,200 municipal and private companies and has a turnover of around €48.3 billion.29 The gross value added amounts to 30.3 billion euros.30 The substitution of primary resources with secondary resources is also associated with significant savings in energy consumption, for  example.31

Future Challenges/Outlook

Germany has made a number of efforts to better close material cycles and to manage resources more sparingly. Nevertheless, there are several areas where there is potential for improvement.

For example, it is mainly the heavy, easily-recoverable natural resources and bulk metals such as iron, steel, copper, aluminium and very valuable precious metals that are recycled. In addition to the economic benefits, this is also due to the systematic nature of the existing recycling rates, which contribute to neglecting the recovery of low-concentration special elements. There is a need for action and catching up, particularly with regard to the strategically-important natural resources that are needed for new developments, the extraction of which can be problematic from an ecological and human rights perspective.32 They are partially used in very small quantities in e.g. electrical appliances, mobile phones, computers, solar panels and circuit boards. Recovery is often not yet economically feasible, even if it is sometimes technically possible and in some cases ecologically sensible. The aim must be to continue to foster research and development and, above all, to ensure that new processes and technologies come onto the market.

A very resource-intensive sector of the economy is the building and construction sector. In terms of quantity, not only is the consumption of natural resources very high here, but the largest and most relevant waste streams can be found in this sector. Although more than 90% of these quantities are already recycled today, this type of recycling is usually not a high-grade recycling, but a use in landfill construction, for backfilling excavations or as a substructure in road construction. Gypsum-based construction waste is even predominantly dumped in landfills, although gypsum is particularly well suited for use in a closed material cycle. Overall, the opportunities for higher-value use of construction waste, e.g. as an aggregate material for concrete in building construction, are hardly used; so there is still potential for development.

In the coalition agreement, the coalition partners have undertaken to promote the circular economy as an effective climate and resource protection, opportunity for sustainable economic development and jobs. In this context, the goal of reducing primary raw material consumption and creating closed material cycles was agreed. To this end, the existing legal framework is to be adapted, clear goals must be defined and waste legislation reviewed. In its final report33 presented on 19 October 2023, the Recycling Raw Materials Dialogue Platform identified a total of 94 options for action to strengthen the recycling of metals and industrial minerals. In the report, representatives from science, business, politics and society propose the following overarching measures for eight material flow-specific areas:

  • Promoting recycling-friendly product design,
  • Creating clear guidelines and framework conditions,
  • Establishing the circular economy more firmly as an overarching topic in legislation as a whole,
  • Making greater use of the potential of digitalisation (e.g. in collection, recording, sorting).

Furthermore, existing natural resources policies are to be bundled in a “National Circular Economy Strategy”.34 The National Circular Economy Strategy (NKWS) is being developed in a broad discussion process within the Federal Government, including social stakeholders and the scientific community 35. This process is supported by a research project. The dialogue process with broad stakeholder involvement started in spring 2023 and the strategy is to be adopted in 2024.

The natural resources strategy and the circular economy strategy should be closely interlinked and complement each other. The natural resources strategy supports companies in ensuring a secure, responsible and sustainable supply of natural resources, including the use of secondary resources. Besides, it should be examined whether supporting or supplementary financing instruments can secure demand for recycling natural resources and bring these technologies to the market in a timely manner through suitable investments.

The EU’s Circular Economy Package of 2018, as well as the design of the Commission’s 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan, oblige the member states to take many other measures to strengthen the waste hierarchy and the circular economy. For example, member states must take measures to promote the re-utilisation of products. The availability of spare parts, operating manuals and technical information is also to be improved.

In November 2022, the EU Commission presented its proposal for a packaging regulation to replace the current Packaging Directive. The draft regulation is currently being negotiated in the Council and Parliament. As part of the negotiations in the Council, Germany is in favour of ambitious and practical regulations.


1 DNR: Glossary. URL:  (Accessed on 4 July 2024).

2 Law on implementing the requirements of the Single-Use Plastics Directive and the Waste Framework Directive in the packaging and other laws dated 9 June 2021.

3 Ordinance prohibiting the placing on the market of certain single-use plastic products and products made from oxo-degradable plastic (EWKVerbotV) dated 20 January 2021.

4 Ordinance on requirements to include mineral substitute building materials in technical structures (ErsatzbaustoffV) dated 9 July 2021.

5 For the purposes of this Act, material recovery shall mean any recovery operation other than energy recovery and processing into materials intended for use as fuel or other means of energy production. Material recovery includes, in particular, preparation for reuse, recycling and backfilling (§3 (23a) KrWG). Energy-related recovery, on the other hand, means the preparation of waste for thermal recovery by means of incineration. However, a portion of the waste is also incinerated to dispose of it.

6 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021. URL: (Accessed on 17 July 2023).

7 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021.

8 Federal Association of the German Waste Disposal, Water and natural resources Industry (BDE) (2024): Status report of the German recycling industry 2024 (Statusbericht der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft 2024). URL: (Accesssed on 13 February 2024).

9 The recycling rate (calculated on the basis of the weight of waste sent to recycling facilities) differs from the usage rate (which is the percentage of materials actually recycled and their actual use in production).

10 Trade association for scrap, e-scrap and vehicle recycling  (bvse) (2022): Recycling News. URL: (Accessed on 17 July 2023).

11 Federal Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal (Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung) (2023) Press release entitled “Schrottverbrauch der Stahlwerke in 2022 um 10% gesunken” ( Steelworks’ scrap consumption fell by 10% in 2022). URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

12 Metal Trade Association (Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle) (2020): Metal Statistics 2020. URL:… (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

13 Aluminium Germany e.V.: Sustainability and recycling. URL: (Accessed on 4 Januar 2024).

14 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (2022): Natural Resources Situation 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

15 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (2022): Natural Resources Situation 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

16 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (2022): Natural Resources Situation 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

17 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021.

18 Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung (Federal Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal) (2023) Opportunities and limits of waste paper recycling. URL:,Es%20gibt%20jedoch%20Grenzen (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

19 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021.

20 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (2020): Energy transition in industry. Potential and interactions with the energy sector. Glass industry fact sheet. URL: (Accessed on 9 December 2022).

21 Central Packaging Register Foundation (Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister):  Packaging recycling volumes for private final consumption 2018-2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

22 BKV (2022) Material flow diagram for plastics in Germany 2021: facts and figures on the life cycle of plastics, p.32. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

23 BKV (2022) Material flow diagram for plastics in Germany 2021: facts and figures on the life cycle of plastics, p.32. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

24 The Federal Environment and Consumer Protection Ministry (2023) Reporting obligation pursuant to Art. 16 (4) of Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment. URL: (Accessed on 14 February 2024).

Destatis (2023). Waste electrical and electronic equipment accepted for primary treatment in 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

25  German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2022): Collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment: Three key figures count. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

26Association of the German building materials industry, the construction industry and the waste management industry (Verbund der deutschen Baustoffindustrie, der Bauwirtschaft und der Entsorgungswirtschaft) (2023). Circular economy in construction. URL (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

27 German Building Materials Association – Quarried natural resources (2016): Study “The demand for primary and secondary natural resources of the quarried natural resources industry until 2035 in Germany” URL: (Accessed on 14 July 2024).

28 The status report on the circular economy is published every two years and also includes the upstream and downstream value creation stages of technology and trade in the statistics on the circular economy. URL: (Accessed on 7 Februar 2024).

29  Turnover figures: Destatis: Statistisches Unternehmensregister. Rechtliche Einheiten nach Wirtschaftsgruppen und Größenklassen des Umsatzes im Berichtsjahr 2021 (Wirtschaftsgruppen 38.1; 38.2; 38.3; 39.0)
Employment figures: Bundesagentur für Arbeit (2022) – Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (2022): Tabellen, Beschäftigte nach Wirtschaftszweigen (WZ2008), Stichtag Dezember 2021, WKZ 38 und 39. URL: (Accessed on 13. February 2024).

30 Destatis (2024) URL: Seite 112 (WZ 37-39) (Accessed on 7 February 2024).

31 German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2019): Material flow-oriented determination of the contribution of the secondary raw materials industry to the conservation of primary raw materials and the increase of resource productivity. URL: (Accessed on 14 July 2023).

32 These include the 17 metals of the rare earth group such as neodymium, but also conflict raw materials such as tin, tantalum (coltan), tungsten or even platinum and lithium.

33  Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023). Press release: Mehr Versorgungssicherheit durch Recycling von Metallen und Industriemineralen – Dialogplattform Rohstoffrecycling überreicht Abschlussbericht. URL: (Accessed on 20 Oktober 2023); Dialog platform for recycling raw materials (2023). Abschlussbericht. URL: Dialogplattform Recyclingrohstoffe – Publikationen (Accessed 20 Oktober 2023).

34 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (2023). National Circular Economy Strategy. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

35Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (2023). National Circular Economy Strategy – Information platform. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).

Effects of energy transition and the structural change on the extraction of natural resources in Germany


Climate change poses major challenges for players in politics, industry and civil society worldwide. Due to international and national plans to reduce emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases, the extractive industry must make a decisive contribution to achieving the goal of climate neutrality. The energy transition will have a significant impact on demand and sales of coal, oil and gas and will initiate or accelerate structural change in these industries. At the same time, the demand for natural resources for climate-neutral technologies, renewable energies, electric mobility and hydrogen is increasing (see Security of supply).

The Federal Republic of Germany is bound by various international guidelines to tackle climate change. In the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, the global community agreed for the first time in a legally binding manner to limit global warming to 1.5° Celsius compared to the pre-industrial age. The European Union has also set concrete targets with the European Green Deal (“European Climate Law”). The core element of all agreements is a massive reduction of greenhouse gases in order to reduce emissions in the EU by at least 55% by 2030 and achieve the EU’s greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050.

In order to fulfil these obligations, the Federal Republic pursues a national climate policy, as a result of which a number of laws have been passed in recent years. The Federal Climate Protection Act sets concrete annual reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and formulates the target of greenhouse gas neutrality1 by 2045. The 2020 “Coal Phase-Out Act”2 regulates the gradual reduction and phasing out of coal-fired power generation by 2038.

In addition to the European emissions trading system, which has been in place since 2003, Germany set up its own national emissions trading system for pricing fossil greenhouse gas emissions at the start of 2021.

This chapter presents some of the laws in force in Germany to improve climate protection and highlights the state of development in the use of renewable energies. In addition, activities and measures are described that are being undertaken in Germany to tackle the challenges of the energy transition and structural change in the area of raw materials extraction.

Legal base

German Federal Climate Protection Act

The new Federal Climate Protection Act introduced in 2019 sets the legal framework for Germany’s climate policy. It sets out the German climate protection targets in law and contains a review and follow-up mechanism to ensure compliance with the climate protection targets.

The 2021 amendment adopted new, more ambitious climate protection targets with the aim of achieving net greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany by 2045. The interim targets are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and by at least 88% by 2040. In addition, the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector is to be gradually developed into a reliable dip to -25 million tons in 2030 and to -40 million tons of CO2 equivalents in 2045. The 20243 amendment abolished binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for individual sectors, removing the obligation for these sectors to submit a sector-specific immediate action programme if targets are missed. In future, a cross-sectoral and multi-year overall calculation will be decisive for the decision on further climate protection measures as part of the follow-up. To this end, cross-sectoral annual emission totals were introduced, thus clarifying the overall responsibility of the German government for achieving the climate protection targets. In addition, the switch from prior-year estimates to projection data has resulted in a forward-looking approach. At the same time, each of the energy, industry, buildings, transport, agriculture and waste management sectors must continue to make its own appropriate contribution. The basis for determining this contribution is the annual emission volumes of the individual sectors.

The Federal Climate Protection Act provides for a review and readjustment mechanism to ensure compliance with the total annual emissions in the respective decade. By 15 March of each year, the Federal Environment Agency publishes the previous year’s greenhouse gas emissions data and the projection data for all individual years up to 2030 and at least for the years 2035, 2040 and 2045. These will be reviewed by the Expert Council for Climate Issues. If all sectors aggregated according to the projection data exceed the sum of the total annual emission volumes for the years 2021-2030, the Federal Government must adopt further climate protection measures to ensure compliance with the aggregated total annual emission volumes. To this end, all departments primarily responsible for sectors, but especially those that contribute to the overrun, must submit proposals for measures. The annual emission levels of the sectors are used for the assessment. The Federal Government will then decide on the measures to be taken.

According to the Expert Council for Climate Issues, the projection data for 2024 does not show compliance with the total annual emissions for the years 2021 to 2030 for the first time. On this basis and if this is re-determined, there could be an obligation to pay additional taxes in 2025. According to the projection data for 2024, the points target for 2030 will also fall just short of being achieved, but it is within reach for the first time ever.

The Climate Protection Act requires a climate protection programme that contains an overall plan of the federal government for climate protection policy and concrete measures4. The measures for industry include the promotion of low-emission technologies, the introduction of carbon pricing systems, support for the research and development of sustainable technologies and financial incentives for the modernisation of industrial production processes.

In July 2022, the Bundestag launched a comprehensive package of measures to improve planning and approval procedures for onshore wind energy. For example, the Renewable Energy Sources Act stipulates that the use of renewable energies is in the overriding public interest and serves public safety. Furthermore, the “Act to Increase and Accelerate the Expansion of Onshore Wind Energy Systems” was passed as a key component in further accelerating the expansion of onshore wind energy. This law introduces the Wind Energy Area Requirements Act (WindBG) and amends the Building Code, among other things. The main regulatory content is the legal implementation of the stipulation from the coalition agreement regarding a 2 percent area target for onshore wind energy. In addition, the amendments to the Federal Nature Conservation Act have standardised and simplified the species protection assessment of onshore wind turbines in the approval procedure, and the Federal/State Working Group on Soil Protection (LABO) has also published guidelines on the “Soil protection requirements for the dismantling of wind turbines”5

National Allowance Trading for Fuel Emissions

The European Emissions Trading System has been in place since 2005, setting a Europe-wide CO2 price for the energy sector, energy-intensive industries and intra-European aviation. The heating and transport sectors have not yet been included. This changed with the introduction of national fuel emissions trading in accordance with the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG) on 1 January 2021. The BEHG obliges companies that place fuels (heating and motor fuels) on the market to purchase emission allowances and surrender them by 30 September of the following year. The costs are usually passed on along the supply chain. As a result, the CO2 price has a steering effect on end consumers, as more climate-friendly alternatives become increasingly attractive as prices rise.

For the introductory phase, the legislator has provided for a fixed price system. With an increasing but reliable price path, citizens and businesses should be able to gradually adjust to the CO2 price. At the same time, a trading platform is being set up to enable the certificates to be auctioned and traded. While an emissions certificate costs EUR 25 in 2021, companies will already have to pay EUR 55 per certificate in 2025. A price corridor of EUR 55 to 65 per emissions certificate is planned for 2026.

If national fuel emissions trading should lead to competitive disadvantages for German companies (known as carbon leakage), this should be offset as far as possible. The BECV (Ordinance on Measures to Prevent Carbon Leakage through National Fuel Emissions Trading) adopted by the German government relieves the burden on affected companies entitled to aid by providing financial compensation, but obliges them to invest in climate protection measures in return.

As of 1 January 2023, the financing of renewable energies has been completely restructured. The EEG levy was permanently abolished with the Energy Financing Act (EnFiG). This will reduce the price of electricity for citizens and industry.

This and other measures such as the increase in housing benefit are intended to make fuel emissions trading socially acceptable.

From 2027, national fuel emissions trading will be transferred to the newly created EU fuel emissions trading system in accordance with Directive 2003/87/EC.

German Coal Phase-Out Act

The key regulations for the German coal phase-out are set out in the Act on the Reduction and Termination of Coal-fired Power Generation (Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation – KVBG)6, which came into force in August 2020 as part of the Act on the Reduction and Termination of Coal-fired Power Generation and the Amendment of Other Acts (Coal Phase-out Act).7 At the same time, other energy industry regulations were amended in the Coal Phase-out Act – such as the German Energy Act, the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act, the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the Combined Heat and Power Act, etc. The aim of the KVBG is to reduce the generation of electrical energy from coal in Germany in a socially responsible manner, gradually and as steadily as possible, and to phase it out by 2038 at the latest. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, a secure, affordable, efficient and climate-friendly supply of electricity to the general public should continue to be ensured. The legislative package contains provisions to reduce and end coal and lignite-fired power generation, to continuously review the security of supply, to cancel CO2 certificates that become available and for an adaptation payment for older employees in the coal sector (see Subsidies and tax concessions).

The reduction in hard coal-fired power generation will initially take place gradually between 2020 and 2026 through competitive tenders for hard coal plants already participating in the electricity market.8 In the tendering process, the plant operators specified a bid value at which they were prepared to refrain from firing coal in their plant. By participating in the competitive process, plant operators were able to receive appropriate financial compensation for phasing out hard coal. Small lignite-fired power plants up to 150 megawatts (MW) were also able to participate in the tenders. This should enable the defined target dates of 2022 (15 gigawatts (GW) each of hard coal and lignite), 2030 (8 GW of hard coal, 9 GW of lignite) and 2038 (zero GW) to be achieved. The possible maximum price per reduced MW fell from EUR 165,000/MW (2020) to EUR 89,000/MW (2026). In the event that the statutory reduction targets for hard coal capacities are not achieved, the tendering process will be accompanied by regulatory provisions from 2024. From 2027, closures in the hard coal sector will be carried out exclusively on the basis of regulatory provisions.

On 25 November 2020, the European Commission granted state aid approval for the statutory regulations on the reduction and termination of hard coal-fired power generation. To reduce and end lignite-based electricity generation in Germany, the KVBG sets out a binding plan for the decommissioning of lignite plants. Among other things, it contains mandatory decommissioning dates and regulations on compensation for the operators of decommissioned lignite plants. Accordingly, RWE will receive EUR 2.6 billion and LEAG will receive EUR 1.75 billion. The statutory regulations are accompanied by a public law agreement in which – among other regulations – the lignite operators have committed to the socially responsible decommissioning of all power plants. In accordance with Annex 2 of the Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation (KVBG), the decommissioning dates for the individual lignite-fired power plants range from 2020 to 2038. The agreement also contains provisions on the use of the compensation payments to cover and secure the post-mining costs as well as a comprehensive waiver of legal remedies by the operators of the lignite plants. In the Lausitz coalfield, compensation payments are made to special purpose vehicles that were set up as part of precautionary agreements between the lignite operator and the states of Brandenburg and Saxony (see Managing human intervention in nature and landscape). From 2025, the annual compensation instalments attributable to the respective special purpose vehicle are to be contributed to the special purpose vehicles by the federal government. The additional contributions made by LEAG in the years 2021 to 2024 can be partially reimbursed by the Federal Government.

The European Commission is reviewing the appropriateness of the compensation payments to the operators of the lignite-fired power plants and their special purpose vehicles in a main investigation procedure under state aid law. The aim of the procedure is to achieve greater legal certainty for all parties involved. The compensation to RWE has already been approved by the European Commission on 11 December 2023. The European Commission’s investigation has no suspensive effect on the agreed decommissioning path for the power plants. The European Commission has procedural sovereignty.

Structural Strengthening Act

The end of coal-fired power generation also means the end of coal production in Germany. While hard coal production in Germany already ended on 31 December 2018 (see Subsidies and tax concessions) and the remaining hard coal plants are operated with imported coal, lignite plants are operated exclusively with lignite from domestic production. This production will be reduced in accordance with the decommissioning plan set out in the Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation and will end by 2038. The Structural Strengthening Act for Coal Regions (Structural Strengthening Act)9 came into force at the same time as the Coal Phase-out Act in order to mitigate the economic and structural consequences of the phase-out of coal-fired power generation and to promote economic growth in the regions affected by the coal phase-out.

An essential part is the new Coal Regions Investment Act. Its so-called first pillar consists of financial aid from the federal government for projects in the federal states. A total of up to EUR14 billion is available for this purpose, which can be used to fund investments in lignite mining areas with up to 90%. The possible applications are wide-ranging and range from the promotion of business-related infrastructure to tourism projects, research facilities, digitalisation, urban and regional development and climate and environmental protection measures.

The so-called second pillar supports measures that fall under the sole responsibility of the federal government. Up to EUR 26 billion have been earmarked for this purpose. As part of these measures, for example, transport routes to the coal regions will be improved, research projects and centres will be funded and federal institutions will be established locally.

Additional support of up to EUR 1.09 billion will also be provided to hard coal-fired power plant locations that are structurally weak and where hard coal is of particular economic importance.

These funding instruments aimed at investments are supplemented by the STARK federal programme, which primarily supports non-investment projects.10 A wide range of funding areas is covered. For example, STARK can finance the operation of structural development companies or technology transfer projects. In August 2024, the STARK federal programme was amended and expanded to include investment components. In future, among other things, direct business development will be possible on the basis of the TCTF.

Heat Planning Act

The Heat Planning Act, which came into force on 1 January 2024, introduces systematic heat planning throughout Germany. The aim of the law is to make a significant contribution to the transition to a greenhouse gas-neutral heat supply by 2045 at the latest. This is to be achieved through coordinated planning and development of local energy infrastructures and a switch to renewable energies, unavoidable waste heat or a combination of these sources.

The law obliges the federal states to draw up or have drawn up heating plans that provide citizens and businesses with guidance on which heating supply option is most suitable in their area. As a rule, the federal states will transfer this obligation to the municipalities. The heating plans should be available by mid-2026 (municipal areas with more than 100,000 inhabitants) or mid-2028 (other municipal areas) at the latest. The law enables both centralised solutions such as district heating and decentralised solutions such as heat pumps.

The Heat Planning Act ensures strategic planning at municipal level, while the GeoWG (09/2024 in draft form, see below) ensures that technological options are available. These laws complement each other and thus contribute to meeting the federal government’s climate targets and ensuring a sustainable, climate-friendly heat supply.

Geothermal and Heat Pump Act (GeoWG)

In September 2024, the Federal Cabinet passed a draft law to accelerate the approval procedures for geothermal energy plants, heat pumps and heat storage systems (GeoWG). The draft is currently in the parliamentary voting process (as of 12/2024).

The draft law is intended to implement the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) for the geothermal energy sector in mining law and also contains extensive acceleration elements in water, nature conservation and mining law as well as in legal protection procedures. Among other things, it regulates the specification of an overriding public interest for geothermal energy, heat pumps and heat storage systems and the introduction of maximum deadlines for approval procedures, as well as procedural simplifications such as deadlines for the authorities to check the completeness of documents. Private households no longer need to obtain an authorisation under water law for small groundwater heat pumps and geothermal collectors. The draft law also contains provisions on the digitalisation of the relevant approval procedures.

The law is closely linked to the WHG amendment passed by the cabinet on 28 August. It contains short procedural deadlines for large heat pumps and small heat pumps as well as a digitalisation requirement for the approval procedure.

Renewable energies

Renewable energies in Germany

Renewable energies11 make a large and growing contribution to Germany’s energy supply. In 2023, renewable energies accounted for 22% of total final energy consumption.

The share is particularly high in the electricity sector. In 2023, around 52% of gross electricity consumption was covered by renewable sources (272.4 TWh). The German government has set itself the goal of increasing the share of renewable energies in the electricity supply to 80% by 2030 and almost completely decarbonising the energy supply by 2050, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In 2021, around 83.9% of greenhouse gas emissions (601.7 Mt CO2 equivalents) in Germany were attributable to the combustion of fossil fuels.

Fossil-fired power plants are currently needed alongside renewable energies in order to meet the energy demand in Germany.

Some of the metals required for the energy transition, such as indium, germanium and gallium, are natural resource by-products, i.e. they are obtained as a by-product of mining another metal. For these metals, the raw material supply control loop12 only works to a limited extent. There is potential for such deposits in Germany and Europe, so that import dependencies could be reduced with targeted deposit development, corresponding investments and raw material extraction. The same applies to certain quarried natural resources that are being extracted for the expansion of renewable energies, such as wind power, in Germany. The ever larger wind turbines also require ever larger quantities of mineral raw materials, almost all of which come from German deposits. In its 80 m high bottom concrete part, for example, a 140 m high wind turbine tower requires approx. 430 m³ of concrete (consisting of 167 tons of sand, 626 tons of gravel or grit, 147 tons of limestone and marlstone, 9 tons of clay and sand and 5 tons of gypsum to produce the 125 tons of cement also required for concrete production), approx. 35 tons of reinforcing steel and approx. 20 tons of prestressing steel in production. Such a tower also requires a stable foundation with a diameter of 21.5 m in this case. Such a foundation requires approx. 600 m³ of concrete and approx. 70 tons of reinforcing steel. The production of glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) for rotor blades requires primary raw materials such as quartz sand, soda, limestone, dolomite, kaolin and feldspar, which are also extracted in Germany. For almost all materials used in a wind turbine there are

disposal routes that are suitable for recycling the mineral raw materials.13 In view of the necessary expansion of this energy infrastructure to achieve climate protection targets, a corresponding expansion of domestic raw material extraction and processing is to be expected.14

Investments in renewable energy plants amounted to EUR36.6 billion in 2023, while the operation of existing plants generated EUR23.1 billion in revenue. The expansion of renewable energies can create a large number of new jobs through increasing demand for electricity and heat as well as goods and services produced using renewable energies. In 2022, the Renewable Energies sector provided employment for more than 387,000 people.15 The focus was on renewable energies in electricity generation. The expansion of renewables in this area is financed by feed-in tariffs that are higher than the electricity exchange price. The difference in costs between the electricity price on the exchange and the remuneration for electricity from renewable energy plants (EEG) has so far been paid by electricity consumers via the EEG surcharge as part of their electricity bill.

The German government has also abolished the EEG surcharge as of 1 January 2023 in view of the large “cost backpack” of old systems. The EEG costs are no longer paid via the electricity bill, but from the federal budget. This makes electricity cheaper and promotes the energy transition. The government has thus also taken a major step towards reducing prices for private households and companies. Everyone benefits from this relief.

For the further expansion of renewable energies, industrial energy projects must be suitably combined with the development of renewable energies. This also applies to the German raw materials industry, which has already installed a number of projects in the wind, biomass, geothermal, solar and hydropower sectors in Germany.

Renewable energy sources are used in electricity generation as well as in heat generation and in the transport sector. The most important renewable energy source in the electricity sector is wind energy: In 2022, more than half (49.1%) of renewable electricity was generated from wind energy.16 Wind energy plays a key role in the development of renewable energies towards an economically viable and climate-friendly energy supply at reasonable prices and a high level of prosperity. The use of the wind energy accounted for 22.7% of Germany’s electricity consumption in 2022. Wind turbines have now been erected at various former mining sites, primarily on green spoil tips with favourable wind conditions. In addition to further expansion at suitable onshore locations and the replacement of old, smaller turbines with modern and more powerful ones – known as repowering – the expansion of offshore wind energy is becoming increasingly important. In 2022, plants with an installed capacity of around 2,400 MW on land and around 340 MW at sea were added. At the end of 2022, a total of around 66,176 MW of wind turbine capacity were available in Germany which produced around 124,800 GWh of electricity in 2022; one fifth of this at sea. 17,18 According to the German government’s plans, a capacity of at least 30,000 MW of offshore wind and 115,000 MW of onshore wind energy should be connected to the grid by 2030. In view of the expansion and the ever-increasing output units (more than 10 MW per wind turbine at sea), the demand for mineral raw materials will also increase. For example, concrete is needed to build the foundations of wind turbines. This is accompanied by a corresponding increase in demand for limestone for cement production and aggregates such as gravel and sand.

Biomass has become a relevant energy source for electricity generation. Due to the competing uses of land for food and fodder cultivation and energy production, bioenergy for electricity generation should be maintained at roughly the current level. In the meantime, the total capacity of plants generating electricity from biomass is 10,433 MW, with electricity generation in 2022 amounting to around 51,700 GWh (9.4% of total electricity consumption, 20.3% of renewable electricity generation). In addition to biogas (including biomethane, landfill gas and sewage gas), solid and liquid biomass and biogenic waste are also used to generate electricity, but biogas is the most important biogenic energy source for electricity generation, accounting for around 59% (2022) of the entire biomass.

Another renewable energy source with great potential is solar power generation. Around 2.7 million photovoltaic systems convert radiant energy directly into electricity and provided a total of around 67,400 MW of installed capacity in Germany at the end of 2022. In 2022, around 7,300 MW of power was added. As a result, electricity generation from photovoltaics is also continuing to rise, reaching a good 60,300 GWh in 2022. Photovoltaics thus covered 10.95% of total gross electricity consumption and provided 23.7% of the renewable electricity supply. German mining companies are also increasingly opting to use photovoltaic systems at various mining industry sites in Germany. By 2030, the total installed capacity for the use of solar radiation energy in Germany is expected to be 215,000 MW.

In addition to wind, biomass and photovoltaics, hydropower also contributed to electricity generation with around 17,600 GWh (2022).

Renewable energy sources are also increasingly being used in the heating sector. In 2022, a total of around 203,300 GWh was generated from renewable heat sources. The most important renewable energy source for heat generation, at around 132,000 GWh, is biogenic solids, predominantly wood, for example in the form of wood pellets. Biogas, biogenic waste and geothermal and environmental heat harnessed by heat pumps are also relevant renewable heat energy sources with approx. 15,000 GWh (biogas, biogenic waste) and approx. 21,700 GWh (heat pumps) of heat generated in 2022. Solar thermal energy also contributed a good 9,700 GWh to the heat supply. Deep geothermal energy is a base load-capable form of energy that makes a small but fixed contribution to electricity and heat generation. In general, the great potential of geothermal energy in Germany is not being exploited.19 In addition to energy generation, deep geothermal energy can also be used as a material at some locations, for example to extract lithium from the extracted brine. The use of brine can improve the economic viability of geothermal projects, particularly in the Upper Rhine Graben and the North German Basin. However, despite existing pilot projects, there is still a considerable need for research in this area.20

In the transport sector, biomass can reduce CO2 emissions, especially in the form of biofuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel or biogas for cars, trucks, trains, ships and aeroplanes. Electric vehicles are also a way to reduce CO2 emissions. In 2022, renewable energies accounted for 6.9% of fuel consumption in Germany. Thanks to its flexible use in the electricity, heating and transport sectors, biomass is thus the most important renewable energy source overall. In 2022, around 51.7% of the total final energy from renewable energy sources was provided by the various biomass sources used for energy purposes.

The expansion and use of renewable energies contributes to the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions and reduces the use of fossil fuels. The savings also reduce the proportion of necessary imports of mineral oil, natural gas and hard coal. However, despite the expansion of renewable energies, conventional power plants are currently still needed to meet the overall energy demand.

Structure of primary energy consumption in Germany 2020: 11.829 PJ​ in total

Source: Working Group on Energy Balances April 2022 and AGEE-Stat. of February 2022. For detailed source information see endnotes.


1 Greenhouse gas neutrality means a balance between anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases from sources and the removal of such gases by sinks. If greenhouse gases continue to be emitted in Germany in 2045, the same amount must be removed from the atmosphere in the annual balance through negative emissions.

2 Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ) (2020): Coal Phase-Out Act (KohleAusG). URL: (accessed 5 April 2024)

3 The Federal Government (2024): A plan for the climate. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

4 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (2023): Federal Cabinet adopts comprehensive climate protection programme 2023. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

5 Engineering office “Schnittstelle Boden” by order of the Federal/State Working Group on Soil Protection (Labo) (2023): Soil protection requirements for the dismantling of wind turbines. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

6 Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation URL: (accessed 25 October 2024).

7 Coal Phase-Out Act Act to Reduce and End Coal-Fired Power Generation. URL: (Accessed 5 December 2024).

8 Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) (2024): Information on the completed tendering procedures for the coal phase-out. URL: (accessed 15 October 2024)

9 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (2023): Structural Strengthening Act for Coal Regions. URL: (accessed 5 December 2024).

10 German Agency for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) (2024): STARK – Strengthening the transformation momentum and new beginnings in the regions and at the coal-fired power plant sites. URL: (accessed 28 October 2024).

11 The Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) provides up-to-date and quality-assured data on the development of renewable energies in Germany. See German Federal Environment Agency (2024): Renewable energy in figures. URL (accessed 28 November 2024).

12 For the raw material supply control loop refer to the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR): Raw material availability. URL: (accessed 6 December 2024).

13 See German Federal Environment Agency (2020): Wind turbines: Decommissioning, recycling, repowering. URL: (accessed 6 December 2024).

14 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) (2021): Natural resources – Mining, recycling, resource efficiency – important for prosperity and jobs. URL: Natural resources – Mining, recycling, resource efficiency – important for prosperity and jobs (accessed 27 November 2024).

15 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (2024): Renewable energies. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

16 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (2024): Renewable energies. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

17 German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2024): Renewable energies in Germany – data on development in 2023. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

18 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (2024): Report of the Federal-State Cooperation Committee. URL: (accessed 9 October 2024).

19 Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe [Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources] (2024): BGR Energy Study 2023. URL: (accessed 5 April 2024).

20 Bundesverband Geothermie e. V. (2020): State of research and research needs for geothermal energy. URL: (accessed 5 April 2024).

Contribution of domestic natural resources extraction to security of supply and Germany’s role in the international natural resources market


Natural resource requirements

As an industrial and technology location, Germany is dependent on a secure supply of energy and non-energy (mineral) natural resources. In the future, even more mineral resources will be needed than before for important technologies of the future such as renewable energies (RE) and technologies relevant for digitalisation and electromobility. In addition to high-tech metals, Germany needs selected industrial minerals. The specific natural resources requirements for renewable energy systems needed for the overall energy supply and for electromobility can be found in Effects of the energy transition and structural change.

Regarding the security of supply for natural resource requirements in Germany, three pillars must be considered: domestic primary resources, secondary resources, and imports of natural resources 1. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) reports annually on how the situation evolved in the field of natural resources in Germany in the previous year. Data on natural resources production, German foreign trade, the use of secondary resources from recycling, the development of prices and consumption of natural resources are presented in the context of Germany’s supply situation with mineral and energy resources.2

Domestic primary natural resources

Contrary to popular opinion, Germany is certainly rich in natural resources (see figure 8). The demand for quarried natural resources (especially for the building materials, glass, and ceramics industries), potash products (for agriculture), rock salt (especially for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and as de-icing salt) and some industrial minerals can be met entirely from domestic sources. Some energy resources such as lignite, natural gas and crude oil are also extracted in Germany close to consumers3 and contribute to the security of supply of natural resources. At the same time, high environmental and social standards are maintained by international comparison. The energy use of domestic lignite covered about 9% of primary energy consumption in Germany in 2021 and about 10% in 2022, with production volumes of 126.3 million tonnes and 130.8 million tonnes respectively.4 5 6 Domestic production of oil and natural gas covered 2% and about 5% of consumption in Germany in 2020 to 2022.7 However, metallic resources are almost no longer mined in Germany and must be obtained from recycling or imported.

Raw material production in Germany in 2022 8

Secondary resources from recycling

Metallic resources are often not only used once but several times due to their good recyclability. They can be returned to a product cycle after reprocessing. Many products made from non-metallic resources, on the other hand, are often chemically modified (e.g. cement, concrete) and can therefore not be fed back directly into the product cycle. However, they can be reintroduced into the economic cycle as substitutes for primary resources, e.g. building materials may be replaced with recycling materials.9 Secondary resources contribute to the domestic supply of resources and reduce dependence on imports. Individual data on recycling and use rates from 2021 can be found in the chapter on “Circular economy, especially recycling”.

By expanding the circular economy and improving the quality and quantity of recycling, a rising share of the German demand for natural resources can be covered in the future.10 The EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) calls for an increase in processing and recycling capacities in the EU to strengthen the supply of the EU with domestic natural resources. The DERA Recycling Atlas for metal production shows that Germany already has an efficient recycling industry for base metals such as copper, aluminium, and iron/steel.11 In the field of rare earths or other special metals, however, circular economy approaches, or recycling processes have so far hardly progressed beyond the state of research and developments.12 The necessary further development of the circular economy must aim to cover a larger share of Germany’s need for natural resources through secondary materials and make the greatest possible contribution to greenhouse gas reduction. To this end, it is necessary to establish and expand appropriate recycling channels, to reduce the necessary imports. Nevertheless, the supply of recycled material is not sufficient to fully compensate for the increasing demand for resources for the transformation of the energy supply and for other future technologies. Therefore, additional specific natural resources will have to be extracted and/or procured in the future.

Imports of natural resources

In the case of metals, individual industrial minerals, and energy resources (except for lignite), the industry is heavily dependent on non-European imports (see metal imports in chart 10) and thus heavily dependent on availability on the international raw materials markets. At 342.5 million tonnes, Germany imported almost 14 % less natural resources in 2022 than in the previous year. Imports of energy resources (-16.1%), non-metals (-9.0%) and metals (-8.3%) fell significantly. In 2022, energy resources, metals, and non-metals (of which around 57% were industrial minerals) worth €311 billion were imported into Germany.13 Further information on import volumes in the German raw materials extraction sectors can be found in the chapter on the extractive industry in Germany.

In 2023, the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), a department of the BGR, published another monitoring report on the global supply concentration of important mineral resources and intermediate products.


Origin of German imports of important industrial metals in 2022 14

See Fig. 2 at the bottom of this page.

The so-called “DERA Resources List 2023” lists a total of 36 metals, 27 industrial minerals, plus coking coal and 221 commercial products.15 The survey concludes that 46% of all mining, refining, and trading products surveyed are subject to increased supply risks. The European Commission has also published a list of 34 critical raw materials16, which are of high economic importance and for which there are also high supply risks for the EU and thus also for Germany. China dominates the international market as the most important supplier of a wide range of natural resources17 and is currently the most important country for the extraction and processing of critical raw materials. For example, around 90% of the rare earths mined are processed there, which are gaining in economic importance due to their wide range of applications for the energy transition and other key technologies.

2022 was of crucial importance for the German and European gas supply. Russian natural gas imports were cancelled and had to be replaced by other import sources at short notice. Norway became the largest exporter of gas to Germany, followed by the Netherlands and Belgium (both mainly via their own infrastructure for the import of liquefied natural gas). Following the development of LNG infrastructure in Germany, Germany has now been able to land liquefied natural gas directly since December 2022. Germany imports LNG mainly from the USA.

Challenges and goals

At the 28th World Climate Conference (2023), the participating governments decided that the capacity of renewable energies should be tripled by 2030.18 The substitution of fossil fuels with renewable energies and the transformation of industries towards the use of greenhouse gas-neutral technologies is leading to an increased demand for mineral resources, including metals.19 At the same time, the phasing out of fossil fuels causes a strong reduction in the consumption of energy resources.

The Federal Government aims to make full use of the economic and ecological potential of recycling to reduce overall resource consumption.20 Tasks to strengthen the circular economy are of a regulatory, organisational, and technological nature, such as the introduction of digital product passports (data transparency) or the recovery of low-concentration rare precious and special metals from disused ICT devices. The aim is to secure high-quality secondary resources from recycled materials for the economic cycle to achieve an increased use of secondary resources compared to primary natural resources. This requires the maintenance and, if necessary, the expansion of processing capacities for metal resources in Germany and Europe. In this respect, a decline in processing capacity in Germany, e.g. in the aluminium industry, which is important for lightweight construction, also comes with the risk of new import dependencies. From the perspective of civil society, the overall consumption of natural resources should be lowered, and resource-related dependencies reduced through a limited use of primary resources, ecological product design, product durability and reparability, sharing models, recycling, urban mining and many more.

The transformation of the industry is associated with considerable challenges because the German economy is heavily dependent on the import of natural resources. International competition for natural resources, including the “critical raw materials” mentioned above, is subject to increasing market restrictions. This is due to governmental control measures in those countries that extract natural resources and the partly high concentration of companies on the supply side, both in mining and in the processing of resources. Therefore, the export controls introduced by China in 2023 for the critical raw materials gallium, germanium and their compounds are a risk factor for a free resources market, as the country has a production share of primary gallium and germanium of 90% and 80% respectively.21

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decline in the extraction of natural resources and global supply shortages in 2020. In addition, there are increased tendencies of geopolitical escalation including high dependencies. The Russian war against Ukraine and the associated restrictions have further increased the risks for raw material procurement due to shortages, price increases and disruptions in the supply chain. In addition to natural gas, crude oil and hard coal, a number of metals such as nickel, titanium, palladium, and copper were imported from Russia. Also, metals such as copper, iron and ferroalloys came from Ukraine. The economy is making great efforts to ensure security of supply and at the same time reduce dependence on fossil and mineral resources from Russia as quickly as possible.

In view of the global situation, the German government wants to support the efforts of German companies in the procurement of natural resources. At the same time, the German government is pursuing the goal of ensuring compliance with the highest human rights and environmental standards along the supply chain of primary natural resources and thus contribute to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.22 Companies in the extractive sector have a responsibility to comply with any regulations that apply to them.23

Another challenge for companies is to react in time to rapid developments in the transformation process and the international commodity market. Changes in the plant park or in the business model often require considerable investments, complex in-house planning processes and construction phases with simultaneous shortages in natural resources, price fluctuations (in addition to high energy costs) and a shortage of skilled workers. In addition, the private sector complains about the complexity and high time requirements of approval procedures. Besides, exploration and extraction of natural resources in Germany is made difficult by the fact that the population often does not accept these activities.24 To present the ambivalent character of natural resources production25, it is crucial from the perspective of civil society to show not only the economic gains but also the social and ecological impacts of extraction of primary resources in Germany and abroad.

Measures to ensure and increase resilience 26

Securing the supply of natural resources in Germany is primarily the responsibility of the companies. The task of the public natural resources policy is to support companies with suitable and reliable framework conditions in creating a secure social, economic, and ecological basis for the procurement of the natural resources they need. This is particularly necessary when fair competitive conditions in the international market of natural resources are affected.

As part of its strategy for the procurement of natural resources, the German government has already made necessary adjustments in 2020.27 With a total of 17 measures, the German government has replaced the first natural resources strategy from 2010. The strategy identifies the three main pillars Germany relies on in the procurement of natural resources: domestic primary resources, secondary resources from recycling and imported resources. Each of these pillars is of utmost importance to ensure a secure supply of natural resources in the long term.

The “Strategy Paper of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): Ways to a Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Natural Resources” published in January 2023 supplements the existing strategy for the procurement of natural resources with current focal points of the realigned natural resources policy. These include a close integration of the circular economy and the natural resources strategy, the diversification of the supply chains used to procure natural resources, and the safeguarding of a fair market framework by means of high ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) standards28 and international cooperation.29

There are established structures of cooperation for the extraction of domestic natural resources and the safeguarding of geological data referring to natural resources in Germany. The State Geological Services (SGD) of the Federal States collect the geological and economic data required to secure natural resources, create geological maps for identifying resources and sectoral planning and prepare or contribute to monitoring reports, strategies, or concepts to secure natural resources.30 The SGD and BGR are in close contact. Furthermore, the BGR participates in various European projects and committees (e. g. GSEU31) and cooperates with European geological services. In this way, the authorities as a whole make an important contribution to securing the supply of natural resources in Germany.

Domestic extraction of natural resources continues to need a reliable legal framework. The German government intends to modernise the existing one. To this end, the Federal Mining Act is to be amended in this legislative period. The German government wishes to make the extraction of natural resources more ecological while facilitating the extraction of domestic natural resources.32

Compliance with the highest environmental and social standards can contribute to the acceptance of extraction. Appropriate and constructive stakeholder participation33 is particularly important in the extractive sector, as its activities are associated with significant impacts on society, the economy, and the environment. Therefore, from the perspective of the German government the constant, constructive dialogue with the population is essential. As part of its natural resources strategy, the German government is working to increase awareness and social understanding of the importance of the extraction of domestic resources. The implementation of EITI in Germany shares this goal. The domestic extractive industry is already implementing numerous measures to promote an informed, critical discussion, i.a. through the teaching of knowledge in schools34, active, early communication and public participation in new projects, and voluntary commitments to transparent disclosure of data along the entire value chain.35 Offering extracurricular learning sites for environmental education, e.g. in certified geoparks and geotopes36, can also contribute to the understanding of domestic natural resources extraction.

Furthermore, the implementation of largely closed natural resources cycles and thus the increased use of secondary resources from recycling can increase the resilience of the supply in resources. To promote the circular economy, existing barriers must be identified and removed.

Specific options for action to improve the recycling of specific mineral resources were developed in a two-year dialogue process and presented in the final report of the Dialogue Platform for Recycled Resources launched by the German Mineral Resources Agency DERA in 2023.37 This dialogue process has promoted the transformation of the procurement of natural resources towards a circular economy that reduces the need for primary resources. With its Circular Economy Action Plan, the EU Commission is pursuing the goal of doubling the use of recycled materials by 2030.38 Together with the shift to less material-intensive manufacturing processes and products, this can achieve greater resilience in the natural resources sector.

In view of geopolitical developments and the aforementioned challenges in the import of natural resources, the German government also sees the need to work with companies in the medium and long-term to increase diversification in the supply chains of critical and strategic raw materials.39 The diversification of the supply chains used for the procurement of natural resources is particularly necessary if there are only very few suppliers or if there is no market on the supply side (see section II). This applies both to the mining and extraction of natural resources and to the further processing of natural resources.

To better assess potential risks in connection with the prices of natural resources and supply chains, it is necessary to create a sound and up-to-date knowledge base on how the demand for natural resources might or will probably evolve to cover the needs of new technologies that heavily rely on critical natural resources. DERA continuously carries out analyses and evaluations of the international markets for mineral, fossil energy, and recycled resources, so that it can offer a comprehensive range of information and advice for the companies, policymakers and society as a whole. The DERA resources list 202340 , a study of developments on international commodity markets, analyses the supply concentration and country risk of the production of numerous mineral resources and their intermediate products. This report is updated every two years. Part of the DERA monitoring is the project “Natural Resources for Future Technologies” including the report bearing the same title, which is regularly updated every five years. The report “Natural Resources for Future Technologies 2021”, prepared by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI and the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) on behalf of DERA, estimates the needs for natural resources for 33 future technologies for the year 2040. Drivers for the selected technologies are megatrends such as decarbonisation and digitalisation.41 DERA’s Price Monitor informs the public monthly about current price developments.42

In addition, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is working to expand cooperation with international partners in the natural resources sector. This cooperation is intended to promote the diversification of international sources of natural resources and expand cooperation with those countries and regions that share the same values as the German government.43 This involves both bilateral cooperation in the field of natural resources (e. g. with Chile, Australia and Canada, for example) and multilateral formats such as the Minerals Security Partnership (with the US, Japan, Canada, Australia, Korea, France, Norway, Finland, Sweden and the European Commission).

The diversification of procurement contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and should be achieved in compliance with high sustainability standards. The German Government expects all German companies with international operations, regardless of their size, to fulfil their responsibility to respect human rights along their value chains in the field of procurement of natural resources.44 The benchmarks for this corporate due diligence requirement are the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights45, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises46 and the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises.47 There are also OECD guidelines48 with specific recommendations in the area of human rights due diligence that have been drafted specifically for minerals from conflict and high-risk areas as well as for the participation of stakeholders (see Employment and social affairs).

The obligations under the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG), which have been in force since 1 January 2023, are in principle also applicable to the import of natural resources. This also applies to German subsidiaries of foreign companies (see Employment and Social Affairs). The implementation of the Act is controlled by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).49

In a total of eight countries or regions (Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Western Africa, Canada, Peru, Southern Africa), competence centres for mining and natural resources have been set up at the respective chambers of commerce abroad. They advise companies and conduct local dialogues with government agencies and multipliers in the respective mining and natural resources sector to raise awareness of the requirements for sustainability standards along the entire supply chain.

Security of natural gas supply and temporary state intervention in the wake of the 2022 energy crisis

On 30 March 2022, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) initially declared the early warning level and on 23 June 2022 the alert level in accordance with the national emergency plan due to expectations regarding the natural gas supply situation. Due to the extension of Regulation (EU) 2022/1369 on coordinated measures to reduce the demand for gas until 31 March 2024 and the fundamental change in the supply situation compared to previous years, it is necessary to maintain the necessary measures and regulations at federal level. The applicability of the legal consequences of the regulations is linked to the maintenance of crisis levels. This enables an adequate response to the supply situation, even at short notice, and supports or guarantees the refilling of natural gas storage facilities, particularly with a view to the supply requirements during the winter of 2023/24.

The German government implemented several measures to specifically prevent a gas shortage. These included the Ordinance on Securing the Energy Supply through Measures Effective in the Short Term (EnSikuMaV), limited until April 2023, and the Ordinance on Securing the Energy Supply through Measures Effective in the Medium Term (EnSimiMaV), limited until autumn 2024, to reduce natural gas consumption in industry and households to a level appropriate to manage the crisis. This was combined with the public campaign to save energy (“80 million people for energy change”): between July 2022 and July 2023, 6 to 31 per cent of natural gas was saved each month. The amendments to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) made to introduce fill level requirements for German natural gas storage facilities, the amendments to the Energy Security Act (EnSiG) to improve the control and potential takeover of critical energy infrastructure companies, the introduction of the Act to Accelerate the Use of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNGG) and the subsequent construction of LNG infrastructure and direct import of the first LNG volumes on the German North Sea and Baltic coasts in December 2022/ January 2023 stabilised Germany’s natural gas supply. In addition, imports of natural gas from Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway were increased to further stabilise the German natural gas supply and the requirement to deodorise natural gas from France for feeding into the German natural gas grid was lifted. Further measures to adequately prevent a severe gas shortage included

  • Purchase of liquefied natural gas: As early as in March 2022, the BMWK procured natural gas via the market area manager for gas, Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE). The immediate purchase of additional natural gas to maintain security of supply was an urgent requirement at the time when an interruption in Russian natural gas supplies to Germany could no longer be ruled out following the Russian attack on Ukraine. The immediate purchase of natural gas was also a necessary precautionary measure to secure the gas supply in winter 2021/2022 because of the low levels in German natural gas storage facilities.
  • Securing the liquidity of those responsible for the procurement of gas on the market: to ensure the functioning of the energy market and secure the energy supply and the necessary liquidity for companies particularly affected by the sharp rise in natural gas prices, the German government provided support in the form of loans by the German development bank KfW.
    In addition, the German government created a new hedging instrument as part of the protective shield for companies affected by the war in Ukraine. This relates to companies that trade electricity, natural gas and emission certificates on futures exchanges. They have to finance security deposits (known as margins), which are higher the more prices rise. To ensure that energy traders have sufficient liquidity, the German government provides financial resources in the form of credit lines from KfW and secures them with a government guarantee.
  • Takeover of Uniper SE and securing supply security: Before the Russian war of aggression, the energy supply company Uniper SE purchased around 2/3 of its gas from OOO Gazprom Export, which belongs to the Russian Gazprom Group. After the start of the Russian war of aggression, gas deliveries were initially reduced and then stopped altogether. To fulfil its firm supply obligations to customers, Uniper had to procure gas at considerable replacement costs. This led to considerable losses from replacement purchases and the resulting threat of insolvency. As Uniper was responsible for around 40% of the German gas supply (as of July 2022) and its customer base for gas supply included around 360 municipal utilities, insolvency would have had serious implications for the gas supply in Germany and the EU. To ensure continued security of supply in Germany, 99% of the shares in Uniper SE were taken over by the German government. Following the European Commission’s approval of the Uniper stabilisation measure under state aid law, the German government is obliged to reduce its stake in Uniper to a maximum of 25% plus one share by 2028. An appropriate exit strategy will be submitted by the German government to the European Commission at the end of 2023.
  • Filling of the largest gas storage facility in Rehden and other gas storage facilities in accordance with the Ordinance on the Adjustment of Filling Level Specifications for Gas Storage Facilities (GasSpFüllstV). To ensure sufficient filling levels of gas storage facilities in Germany, the Ordinance on the Adjustment of Filling Level Specifications for Gas Storage Facilities was issued on 1 June 2022. It came into force on 2 June 2022 and is currently (as of 25 August 2023) limited until 31 March 2025, with the option of extension. This ordinance enables natural gas storage facilities with particularly low levels to be topped up in good time. It also enabled Germany’s largest gas storage facility in Rehden, which previously had historically low levels, to be filled. Filling of gas storage facilities is carried out by the market area manager Gas Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE), which received credit lines for this purpose. The gas storage facility in Rehden was owned by Gazprom Germania GmbH. This company was placed under trusteeship by the German government in the course of 2022 and ultimately taken over by the German government; it has been renamed Securing Energy for Europe GmbH (SEFE). Unlike the storage facilities of other owners, the storage facility in Rehden was only filled to a minor extent in 2021/2022. The levels only rose again as a result of THE’s procurement activities.
  • Stabilisation and nationalisation of Gazprom Germania GmbH (now Securing Energy for Europe GmbH, SEFE): To ensure security of supply in Germany, the German government ordered the Federal Network Agency to place SEFE under trusteeship in April 2022 to prevent it from being wound up by the Russian shareholders at the time. When SEFE subsequently faltered due to sanctions imposed by Russia, it was initially saved from insolvency by a loan from KfW and then nationalised in November 2022. With this approach, the German government has retained influence over this part of the critical energy infrastructure and has prevented energy security from being jeopardised. SEFE makes an important contribution to security of supply by procuring natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas on the global market. SEFE is also working on a strategy to ensure that renewable and decarbonised gases can replace fossil fuels in the future.

To manage the critical supply situation in 2022 and with a view to the winters of 2022/23 and 2023/24, which are considered critical, the measures implemented in Germany were supplemented at European level with the adoption of several emergency gas regulations by the Member States and the EU Commission. These mainly included Council Regulation (EU) 2022/1369 of 5 August 2022 on coordinated measures to reduce gas demand (Gas Reduction Regulation), which expires on 31 March 2024; Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2576 of 19 December 2022 on greater solidarity through better coordination of gas procurement, reliable price benchmarks and cross-border exchanges of gas (Gas Emergency Regulation), limited until 18 December 2023; and the adaptation of Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 with regard to mandatory filling level targets for natural gas storage facilities.

Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 is a fundamental document of German and European security of supply with natural gas and provides for a comprehensive set of instruments to strengthen the EU internal market for natural gas and to achieve adequate filling levels in the event of a supply crisis. On the one hand, the course of the energy and natural gas crisis in 2022 demonstrated the Federal Republic of Germany’s acute ability to overcome the crisis by adapting relevant crisis-mitigating German and European laws and regulations. On the other hand, the cooperation between federal authorities, Federal States, the Federal Network Agency and market players such as transmission system operators and the German market area manager for gas, Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE), significantly strengthened the resilience of the German gas supply. The management of this supply crisis showed in very practical terms that the secure supply of natural gas in the EU is the joint responsibility of the Member States, their competent authorities and gas supply companies and the European Commission, that the German natural gas market can only be considered as part of an infrastructure network with neighbouring EU states and beyond, and that a supply crisis can only be resolved jointly.

Germany’s role in the international natural resources market

Within the framework of the natural resources strategy, the German government supports initiatives of the European Commission aimed at reviving the primary extraction of metallic resources required for electromobility and the energy transition in EU member states.50

Initiatives such as the European Battery Alliance have already triggered substantial public and private investments that strengthen technologies, skills and competences in refining and metallurgy as a crucial part of the value chain. The German government participated actively and constructively in the drafting of the EU Regulation (2017/821) on so-called conflict minerals, thereby establishing rules for corporate responsibility (see Employment and social affairs “Corporate Responsibility”). The European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)51 supports projects that serve the European supply of critical and strategic resources.

Access to resources is of strategic importance to Europe’s goal of achieving the Green Deal and ensuring sustainability in resource extraction. The EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) aims to increase the EU’s security of supply of critical raw materials and to strengthen all stages of the European value chains for critical raw materials. The multilateral initiative Mineral Security Partnership (MSP)52 initiative, which is also supported by the German government, also serves to strengthen supply chains for critical raw materials. The CRMA and MSP initiative aim at ensuring that critical minerals (natural resources) are extracted, processed, and recycled in a way that helps countries realise the full economic development potential of their mineral resources.

The German government supports the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), which aims to increase transparency in the extractive sector so that revenues in the extractive sector flow into the national budgets of the respective countries.53 Even though China and other EITI non-implementing countries produce most critical resources, the Mission critical54 EITI report from 2022 lists global producers and potential producers of “critical commodities” that are already implementing the EITI Standard. An overview of the production of key resources required for the implementation of greenhouse gas neutral technologies (lithium, cobalt, nickel, copper and rare earths) in countries implementing the EITI is provided in the Strengthening governance of critical minerals55 EITI report of 2022.

The gaps in the EU’s capacities for extraction, refining, processing, recycling (e.g. for lithium or rare earths) and in the circular economy clearly show the high (including the sometimes critical) dependencies in the supply of natural resources. The goal must be to reduce the critical dependencies. This requires rethinking the industrial and innovation policies at the various international levels as well as in Germany. In particular, it encompasses the targeted promotion of material-efficient approaches for the reduction of the absolute amounts of natural resources used in industrial production (e.g. lightweight construction considering recyclability), eco-design approaches (e.g. improving the durability, reusability, and reparability of products) and approaches for the substitution of non-renewable, scarce or critical raw materials. Where recycling cannot increase security of supply, at least in the short to medium term, imports need to be diversified and domestic production strengthened. It will be necessary to set effective economic and ecological incentives so that the country can control its procurement of natural resources responsibly and securely in the future.


Fig. 1: Raw material production in Germany in 2022

Fig.2: Major countries of origin for German imports of important industrial metals (ores and concentrates, refined metals) and various metal alloys (value 2022). Highlighted in blue: Supplier countries with import shares > 10 % of the respective primary product (ore and concentrate), refined metal or the various ferroalloys or recycling raw materials; in red: ores and concentrates; in green: refined metals; in yellow: ferroalloys; in blue: recycling raw materials.


1 See the Natural Resources Strategy of the German government: Securing a Sustainable Supply of Germany with Non-energy Mineral Resources (2020). URL (as of: August 2022): (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

2 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2023): Germany – Raw materials situation 2022 – 210 p.; Hanover. URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

3 Cf. the chapter on the extractive industry in Germany

4 Ibid.

5 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2023): Germany – Raw Material Situation in 2022 – 210 p.; Hanover (p.402). URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

6 Statistics of the coal industry e.V. (2023): Lignite at a glance. URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

7 State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (2023): Crude oil and natural gas in the Federal Republic of Germany 2022 56 p.; Hanover (p. 19). URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024); AG Energiebilanzen e.V. (2024). URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

8 BGR – Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2023): Germany – Raw materials situation 2022. – 2010 p.; Hanover, p. 10, Fig. 1.2: Raw material production in Germany in 2022; URL: (Accessed on 19 January 2024).

9 Ebd. (S.20).

10 Cf. Circular economy, in particular recycling

11 DERA – German Mineral Resources Agency (2024): Recycling atlas. URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

12 BMWK (2023): Strategy Paper of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): Ways to a Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Natural Resources – 11 p.; Berlin (p. 7)); URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

13 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2023): Germany – Raw materials situation 2022. – 210 p; Hanover, p. 19, fig.: 1.9; URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

14 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2023): Germany – Raw materials situation 2022. -210 p.; p. 19, fig. 1.9. URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

15 DERA – German Mineral Resources Agency (2023): DERA Resources List 2023. – DERA Information on Natural Resources 56: 122 p., Berlin; URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024)

16 European Commission (2023), Establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020; URL: (Accessed in February 2024). (Accessed on 19 April 2023).

17 DERA – German Mineral Resources Agency (2023): DERA Resources List 2023. – DERA Information on Natural Resources 56: 122 p., Berlin; URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

18 The Federal Government (2023): Historic decision at the 28th World Climate Conference – beginning of the end of the fossil age; URL: (Accessed 1 February 2024).

19 BMWK (2023): Strategy Paper of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): Ways to a Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Natural Resources – 11 pages; Berlin (p. 1); URL: BMWK – Eckpunktepapier: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und resilienten Rohstoffversorgung (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

20 Coalition agreement between SPD, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN AND FDP (2021–2025): Dare more progress Alliance for freedom, justice, and sustainability (p. 34, 42).

21 DERA – German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), a department of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2023): DERA Resources List 2023. – DERA Information on Natural Resources 56: 122 pages., Berlin; (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

22 BMWK – Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023): A 180 degree turn in industrial policy – securing Germany’s position as a highly industrialised country, renewing prosperity, strengthening economic security; URL: (Accessed on 1 February).

23 Cf. further explanations: Employment and social affairs “Corporate responsibility”. Employment and Social Affairs

24 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (2022): Germany – Raw materials situation 2021. – 162 pages.; (p.70).

25 Mancini L., Vidal Legaz B., Vizzarri M., Wittmer D., Grassi G., Pennington D. Mapping the Role of Raw Materials in Sustainable Development Goals. A preliminary analysis of links, monitoring indicators, and related policy initiatives. EUR 29595 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019. ISBN 978-92-76-08385-6, doi:10.2760/026725, JRC112892 (p. 60).

26 Resilience is the ability to maintain the functionality of a system (here the industry processing natural resources) in the event of disruptions (e.g. of supply chains).

27 Natural Resources Strategy of the German government: Securing a Sustainable Supply of Germany with Non-energy Mineral Resources (2020). URL (as of: August 2022): (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

28 ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance.

29 BMWK (2023): Strategy Paper of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): Ways to a Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Natural Resources – 11 pages; Berlin (p. 10 et seq.); (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

30 The Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport, the Hessian State Office for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology and the Saxony-Anhalt State Office for Geology and Mining, for example, publish information on this on their respective websites:,, (Accessed on 1 February 2024)

31 GSEU – Geological Service for Europe. URL: (Accessed on 19 January 2024)

32 See footnote no. 27 BMWK (2023; p. 8).

33 OECD (2017), OECD Due Diligence Guide for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector, OECD Publishing, Paris, (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

34 Examples include open house days, sponsorship of sports clubs among others, public participation in the expansion of extraction sites, local citizen dialogues, and educational materials such as books for children on natural stone and sand/gravel or exhibitions on biodiversity and the extraction of natural resources.

35 See also German Association for natural gas, petroleum and geothermal energy (BVEG) (2021). URL: foerdern/ bzw. (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

36 Working Group of German Geoparks (AdG) (2024): Geoparks in Germany. URL: on 1 February 2024).

37 BMWK (2024): Publications made on the Dialogue Platform for Recycled Resources; URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

38 European Commission (2020): A new Circular Economy Action Plan for a clean and competitive Europe; URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

39 BMWK (2023): Strategy Paper of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): Ways to a Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Natural Resources – 11 pages; Berlin (p. 7); URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024); BMWK (2023): Industrial policy at the turn of the century – securing industrial locations, renewing prosperity, strengthening economic security; URL (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

40 DERA – German Mineral Resources Agency (2023): DERA Resources List 2023. – DERA Information on Natural Resources 56: 122 pages, Berlin; URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

41 Marscheider-Weidemann, F.; Langkau, S.; Baur, S.-J.; Billaud, M.; Deubzer, O.; Eberling, E.; Erdmann, L.; Haendel, M.; Krail, M.; Loibl, A.; Maisel, F.; Marwede, M.; Neef, C.; Neuwirth, M.; Rostek, L.; Rückschloss, J.; Shirinzadeh, S.; Stijepic, D.; Tercero Espinoza, L.; Tippner, M. (2021): Natural Resources for future Technologies 2021. – DERA Information on Natural Resources 50: 366 pages, Berlin. URL: DE/ongoing-projects/raw-materials-economy/future-technologies/lp-future-technologies_node.html (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

42 DERA – German Mineral Resources Agency: Products/Commodity prices/Preismonitor/preismonitor_node.html (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

43 BMWK (2023): Strategy Paper of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): Ways to a Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Natural Resources – 11 pages; Berlin (p. 9); URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

44 Cf. further explanations: Employment and social affairs “Corporate responsibility”. Employment and Social Affairs

45 UN (United Nations) (2020). URL: society_and_human_rights.pdf (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

46 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; 2011) URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

47 ILO – International Labour Organization (2022): Tripartite Declaration of Principles on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy. URL:—ed_emp/—emp_ent/documents/publi- cation/wcms_579897.pdf  (Accessed on 01 February 2024).

48 OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains for Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (2019), available at; OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector (2017), available at (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

49 German Agency for Economic Affairs and Export Control (2024). URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

50 Natural Resources Strategy of the German government: Securing a Sustainable Supply of Germany with Non-energy Mineral Resources (2020). URL (as of: August 2022): (p. 16) (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

51 European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA). URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

52 Minerals Security Partnership (MSP). URL: (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

53 Natural Resources Strategy of the German government: Securing a Sustainable Supply of Germany with Non-energy Mineral Resources (2020). URL (as of: August 2022): (p. 23) (Accessed on 1 February 2024).

54 Kathryn Sturman, Julia Loginova, Sandy Worden, Joshua Matanzima and Andrea Arratia-Solar (2022): Mission critical Strengthening governance of mineral value chains for the energy transition.

55 EITI (2022), Making the grade: Strengthening the governance of critical minerals. URL: minerals (Accessed on 1 February 2024)

Raw material production in Germany

Extraction of natural resources in Germany


A wide range of different mineral resources and energy resources is mined in Germany. The following tables list the natural resources extracted in Germany by quantities and estimated value in 2022.

Further information on data sources as well as links to original data are available here: Data on natural resource extraction in Germany

Extraction of natural resources in Germany in 2022 (quantities)

Hard coal: realisable production: 0

Special tone: Data not available

* including petroleum gas

Extraction of natural resources in Germany in 2022 (value)

The values are only possible for potash and potash salt products

Hard coal: realisable production: 0

* including associated gas

Economic importance

Contribution to the GDP and turnover


In 2022 and in 2023, the gross value added in Germany amounted to €3,510 and €3,768 billion at current prices, respectively. According to the International Monetary Fund, this makes Germany the largest economy in Europe and the third largest in the world, measured in current US dollars.1 The gross value added of the “mining and quarrying” economic sector amounted to €9.2 billion in 2022, which is equivalent to 0.26% of Germany’s gross value added (for detailed source information see final note iii).2

Turnover: Mining and Quarrying sector

“Mining and quarrying” sector companies generated a total turnover of around €11 billion (€11.1 billion) in 2022 (2023). Domestic sales accounted for around €10 billion (around 91%) (€10.0 billion (around 90%)) and export sales for €1.0 billion (around 9%) (€1.1 billion (around 10%)).

Sales in the mining and quarrying sector from 2016 to 2023

* Provision of services for mining and quarrying (W08-09) and in the subordinate role of ore mining (WZ08-07), related to companies with 20 and more employees


1 World Bank (2023): GDP All Countries and Economies. URL: (accessed 3 April 2024).

2 Values from previous D-EITI reports are not comparable (see endnotes).

Contribution to government revenue


The extractive sector generates revenue for the state at the various federal levels. The most important revenues are the taxes from general company taxation (corporate tax and personal income tax plus solidarity surcharge and trade tax), as well as mine site and extraction royalties specific to the natural resource extracted in each case. Together, these revenues generated by the extractive industry amounted to approximately €814 millions in 2022 (as of 06/2024). This represents 0.04% of total Federal Government revenue. More detailed information on this revenue can be found in Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance . Other payments are also made by the extractive sector to the state, such as leaseholds, energy and electricity taxes (see Revenues generated by the extractive industry), as well as payments relating to interventions in nature conservation legislation and water use (see Managing human intervention in nature and landscape) which are not described in this chapter.


The sum of the above-mentioned taxes paid by the extractive industry in 2022 amounted to around €577 million (as of 06/2024). This corresponds to a proportion of around 0.03% of the state’s total income.1 The largest amount of tax revenues is generated by trade, income and corporate taxes.

The following table shows the estimated revenues from the above taxes of the extractive industry and their share of the total tax revenue (for detailed source information see final note iv). Other payment flows not addressed in the following table are described in Revenues generated by the extractive industry and Subsidies and tax concessions.

Extraction and mine site royalties

Extraction royalties are levied by the mining authorities of the Federal States. They vary greatly, depending on the local mining activity and the fixed levy rates in the individual Federal States.

A total of €236.1 millions (€204.7 millions) in extraction royalties was collected in Germany in 2022 (2023). The amount of revenue has fluctuated significantly in some Federal States in recent years. This may have different reasons, e. g. changes in world market prices for natural resources or changes in production quantities or levy rates (for detailed source information see final note v).

Only a few Federal States publish their revenues from mine site royalties in their budgets. A summarised overview of the mine site royalties is not available. Most Federal States publish accumulated mine site and extraction revenues in their individual budgets. Their amount is significantly lower than the amount of extractive sector revenues. The revenue from the 2023 mine site royalties is only available for three Federal States: Bavaria, Brandenburg and Lower Saxony (see table 6).

Tax revenues from the natural resources sector (corporation tax, trade tax, income tax and the solidarity surcharge)

Type of tax Year
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
in million €
Körperschaftsteuer* 98 135 49 53 60 59 57 64 119
Trade tax* 201 133 123 126 138 142 135 152 285
Income tax* 61 62 65 64 67 82 78 88 164
Solidarity surcharge* 9 11 6 6 7 8 7 5 9
Totals* 369 341 243 249 271 291 278 309 557
Total income of the State** 1.313.906 1.364.857 1.426.748 1.486.925 1.557.224 1.616.462 1.569.885 1.712.862 1.821.233
Proportion of the above mentioned taxes compared to total revenues 0,03 % 0,02 % 0,02% 0,02% 0,02% 0,02% 0,02% 0,02% 0,03%
For information only
Updating factor 5,84% 2,09% 5,19% -4,50% 12,63% 86,67%

*Based on a revised database, these figures have changed slightly since 2018. From 2019 onwards, the factor stated was applied.

**Total government revenue has changed slightly due to the revision of the national accounts in August 2019.

For detailed source information see final note iv.

Extraction and minesite royalties

Data on extraction and minesite royalties​

Table: Revenue from extraction royalties paid by the extractive sector in 2017 and 2023

Extraction royalties in thousands of € 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Federal State*
Baden-Wuerttemberg 211 379 518 142 221 258 82
Bavaria 503 602 728 521 543 852 923
Berlin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brandenburg 704 777 608 553 681 662 551
Bremen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hamburg 90 108 168 100 107 176 299
Hesse 398 399 260 281 250 235 185
Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania 636 633 947 284 859 829 789
Lower Saxony** 180.737 153.652 135.393 52.383 -22.264 126.836 113.672
North Rhine-Westphalia*** 683 560 1.024 739 622 765 517
Rhineland-Palatinate 4.639 6.945 6.766 4.764 6.048 9.146 6.529
Saarland 74 62 0 15 22 325 87
Saxony 1.728 1.380 1.639 1.352 1.828 1.746 2.570
Saxony-Anhalt 1.547 2.375 2.142 2.198 2.202 2.184 2.547
Schleswig-Holstein 62.102 72.836 66.772 43.451 60.640 90.158 74.387
Thuringia 1.851 1.484 1.557 2.067 1.780 1.587 1.518
Total extraction royalties 255.902 242.192 218.523 108.835 53.540 236.051 204.659
Total income of the Federal State in millions of € 1.473.847 1.415.506 1.610.560 1.566.885 1.711.747 1.821.233 1.907.958
Proportion 0,02% 0,02% 0,01% 0,01% 0,003% 0,01% 0,01%

*Most Federal States publish accumulated mine site and extraction revenues in their individual budgets. Federal states for which individually listed revenues from mine site royalties are available are listed in Table 6 – Revenues from mine site royalties earned from 2017 to 2023.

**”Negative revenues” or refunds in Lower Saxony in 2021 result from the amendment of the Lower Saxony Ordinance on the mine site and extraction royalty of 11 February 2021, which retroactively stipulated that no extraction royalty will be levied on crude oil (Section 11) and natural gas (Section 14) from 01/01 to 31/12/2020. As a result, the payments already made for the advance declarations of quarters I to III of the 2020 collection period were reimbursed.

***The amount stated also includes income from fees for the contractual transfer of proprietary mining rights of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia to third parties.

For detailed source information see final note v.

Table: Revenues from mine site royalties earned from 2017 to 2023

Mine site royalties in thousands of € 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Federal State
Baden-Wuerttemberg 0 1,1 2,9 0 0 0 0
Bavaria 28,2 31,9 30 47,8 78,8 71 76,9
Brandenburg* 7,9 60,1 21,6 39,5 0 0 -16,2
Lower Saxony 560 476,7 296,7 708,3 526,4 519,5 414
Saarland 0 0 0 14,7 21,5 0 0
Hesse 0 0 3,5 0 0 0 0

* “Negative revenues” or refunds in Brandenburg in 2020 and 2023 result from repayments due to retrospective recognition of eligible payments for mine site royalties from previous years and the retroactive reduction of levy rates for crude oil and natural gas.

See detailed sources here: Data on extraction and minesite royalties​. Own representation.


1 Based on a revised database, these figures have changed slightly since 2018 (see table Tax revenues from the natural resources sector).


Contribution to Export 1


Germany is characterised by a strongly export-oriented and diversified economic structure. In 2022 (2023), Germany exported goods worth a total of around €1.59 trillion (€1.58 trillion)2. Products of the extractive industries accounted for some €11.4 billion of this amount (€5.2 billion), equivalent 0.72% (0.33%) of total exports. At around €9.0 billion (€2.9 billion), crude oil and natural gas accounted for the largest share of exports.

Data on the exported goods of the extractive industries also include previously imported goods, so-called re-exports (cf. “The extractive companies in Germany”). Domestically-extracted natural gas is almost completely consumed in Germany. The “Crude oil and natural gas” sector is followed by “Quarried natural resources, other mining products” with approx. €1.7 billion (€1.6 billion). Exports also included ores worth approx. €0.4 billion (€0.3 billion) and coals valued at about €0.4 billion (€0.4 billion). Here too, the figures include re-exports.3

Exports of the ‘Mining and Quarrying’ sector 2022 (2023)

Raw materials Exports in millions of tonnes Value in millions of euros
Crude oil 0,01 (0,002) 5,4 (1,2)
Natural gas 10,5 (7,5) 8.977,8 (3.574,8)
Hard coal 1,0 (0,8) 271,0 (231,5)
Lignite 0,8 (0,7) 95,4 (135,8)
Iron ores 1,5 (1,1) 258,4 (162,2)
Salt, pure sodium chloride (without table salt) 3,7 (3,5) 259,4 (296,9)
Natural sands of all kinds 9,1 (7,3) 144,9 (155,0)
Quartz, quartzite 0,6 (0,7) 11,2 (30,2)
Kaolin and kaolin-containing clay and loam 1,0 (0,7) 74,7 (73,5)
Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone 0,2 (0,1) 12,5 (11,7)
Field stones, gravel, crushed stones 10,6 (10,0) 211,6 (229,0)
Dolomite 0,2 (0,2) 13,3 (13,2)
Gypsum stone, anhydrite, gypsum 1,8 (1,5) 135,0 (142,8)
Limestone 0,3 (0,2) 5,7 (4,8)

Detailed sources see endnotes. Own representation.


1The export figures for 2023 are provisional data.

2 Destatis (2024) Statistics “External trade”, table code 51000-001 “Export and import (external trade): Germany, years”. URL: (accessed 5 April 2024).

3 For detailed source information see endnotes.

State Subsidies and Tax Concessions


The payments made by extractive companies to government agencies (see Revenues generated by the extractive industry) must be seen in the context of the subsidies and tax concessions with which the state supports companies. Here the financial help provided to hard coal mining (see section a. and b.) is the only subsidy that specifically relates to the extractive industry. This financial help provided subsidies for the sales of hard coal, compensation for bottlenecks resulting from capacity adjustments (until 2022); in addition, there are adaptation payments (APG) for socially-acceptable personnel reductions in the sector (until 2027). This financial help ensures the socially acceptable phasing out of subsidised German hard coal mining.

Companies in the extractive industry outside of hard coal can benefit from additional financial help without a specific link to the extractive industry (see section c.). An example is concessions granted by the State in respect of energy and electricity taxes for manufacturing companies (see section d.).

There are different definitions of the term subsidies at both national and international level, and several methodological approaches are used to tackle the topic. The term used here is based on the definition of the subsidy report of the Federal Government. The subject matter of the subsidy report is defined in Section 12 of the Stability and Growth Act (StabG) and includes benefits and concessions for private companies and economic sectors. Financial help is defined as financial contributions by the Federal Government to entities outside the Federal Administration that benefit private companies and sectors of the economy, while tax benefits are special tax exemptions that result in a loss of revenue for the public authorities. Individual federal states report on their financial help in their own subsidy reports (see Appendix 5 of the FederalGovernment’s Subsidy Report).

Subsidies for the sale and closure of hard coal

The German hard coal industry is not competitive, mainly because of geologically-related high production costs. An agreement was therefore reached in 2007 between the Federal Government, the hard coal-producing Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland, the RAG AG (the largest German coal mining corporation based in the Ruhr region) and the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Trade Union (IG BCE) that the subsidised hard coal industry would be terminated in a socially-responsible manner by the year 2018.

The agreement was based on the German Hard Coal Financing Act of 20 December 2007 and on a framework agreement between the Federal Government, the hard coal-producing Federal States, the RAG AG and the IG BCE. The public sector granted temporary aid to promote sales (balancing the difference between domestic production costs and the world market price) and to cope with the necessary decommissioning measures. The subsidies were gradually reduced and ultimately cycled out, a move that also addresses climate protection and resource conservation.


State aids are intended to ensure that after the permanent cessation of mining, any existing obligations (contaminated sites, in particular shaft safety and monitoring, settlement of mining damage, demolition obligations and land rehabilitation as well as personnel settlement costs) that are not borne by the RAG Foundation are fulfilled. In 2022, the Federal Government granted sales and closure aids for the last time, the amount of this aid was €264.8 million. The Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia provided more financial aid. The subsidies pledged to the hard coal mining industry for the sales of hard coal and mine closures were reduced over time. Between 1998 and 2005, Federal aid was cut by approximately 50% – and the payments were again reduced by 25% between 2006 and 2014. Deviations from the declining trend regarding the subsidisation are based on the fluctuating world market prices for hard coal (inter alia). For 2021, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia granted subsidies totalling €156.4 million for contaminated sites and decommissioning expenses for hard coal mining. In 2022, the subsidies paid by the Federal State totalled €153.7 million. From 2023 onwards, the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia will only grant payments for contaminated sites; these payments will be made for the last time in 2025.

State aid procedure and control measures

The subsidisation of the German hard coal industry is generally subject to approval by the EU – insofar as it constitutes aid within the meaning of Art. 107 TFEU and does not fall within the scope of the General Block Exemption Regulation – and has been reviewed and approved by the EU Commission. The German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) (in cooperation with auditors) also monitors how these financial subsidies are being used on an annual basis.


To cope with the necessary decommissioning activities, the private-law RAG Foundation is making the former investment assets of the RAG AG available to finance the remaining perpetual burdens following the closure of the mines (burdens such as mine water drainage1, permanent land subsidence2 and groundwater purification3).

If these assets are not sufficient to cover the perpetual burdens, the Federal Government and the hard coal-producing Federal States will provide subsidies at a ratio of one-third to two-thirds respectively.

Adaption payments

Workers who are at least 50 years of age (underground workers) or 57 years of age (above ground workers) and who, on the occasion of a closure or rationalisation measure, have lost their job before 1 January 2023, will receive adaptation payments (APG) for up to five years as interim aid until they become eligible for pension insurance benefits.4 The adaptation payments reflect the commitment of the Federal Government and the coal-producing Federal States to social responsibility. In 2022 and 2023, the Federal Government granted adaptation payments totalling €48.7 million and €38.6, respectively.


The number of employees subject to compulsory social security contributions in hard coal mining is declining. At the beginning of 2008, 32,803 persons were employed. By the end of 2021, the number of employees had been reduced to 1,520 employees in a socially acceptable manner. This figure fell to 1,011 employees subject to social security contributions in the coal mining industry as at 31 December 2022 and to 1,000 again as at 31 December 2023. The number of persons entitled to adaptation payments is following this reduction trend, albeit with a time lag. Since more employees will be retiring after the last mine closures at the end of 2018 and a declining number of employees will still be needed after 2018 to complete the closure of mines and deal with contamination and other problems caused by mining the current adaptation payment guidelines will still apply until 2027.

Control measures

In addition to the monitoring of the intended use of funds by the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control in cooperation with external auditors, the German Federal Audit Office also randomly reviews individual adaptation payment cases within the framework of the Federal Office’s annual budget review.

Transparency of State Financial Aid and Support

Extractive companies can also receive non-specific financial help from the state that is not related to the natural resources sector, if they meet the appropriate criteria for the support programme. Financial aid can be granted as a subsidy, loan or help servicing debt, although nowadays the majority of financial help is in the form of subsidies. For a long time now loans granted directly from the Federal budget have played a secondary role. The reason for this is that the Federal Government uses banks to award the loans and they generally receive an interest subsidy for implementing the programme. The Federal Government’s subsidy report provides information about the financial aid, the extent of the aid and the support objectives. There is no information in the report about the amount of financial aid paid out to the individual recipients.

State subsidies for companies are also the subject of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as this may reduce competition in the common internal market.

Instead of the term “subsidy”, EU law uses the term “state aid”, which has a legal definition that differs from the term “subsidy”.5 Government support does not only mean direct financial contributions to undertakings, debt write-offs or subsidised loans, but may also cover guarantees, tax breaks or the provision of land and goods and services on special terms which confer an advantage on the undertaking concerned. In order to guarantee fair competition in Europe, the Treaties and corresponding secondary legislation determine the conditions under which such state aid is permissible. The member states of the European Union are required each year to disclose information on any government support granted. Depending on the legal basis under state aid law, this obligation applies to each individual aid above a threshold of €100,000 per company. The respective member state has to disclose this information on a detailed state aid website.

The name of the recipient, the amount and the purpose of the state aid together with the legal basis must be published. Where companies in the extractive industry receive state aid, e. g. in the form of reduced-rate loans above the threshold, these can be viewed by the public.

Concessions for electricity and energy taxes

There are various tax concessions for both electricity and energy taxes, including tax exemptions, tax reductions and tax relief. The Electricity Tax Act (StromStG) provides concessions for certain types of use, or electricity generation. The Energy Taxation Act (EnergieStG) also covers uses in which energy products are tax-favoured. A part of these concessions is mandatory under the Energy Tax Directive (EU) 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003.

As manufacturing companies, extractive sector enterprises can particularly profit from the different tax relief possibilities provided by energy and electricity tax legislation.

Three regulations are particularly relevant here for the reporting years 2022 and 2023:

  • Tax relief for companies (Section 54 Energy Tax Act (EnergieStG, Section 9 b Electricity Tax Act (StromStG)): If a manufacturing company applies for electricity and energy tax concessions and its application is approved, it is granted a reduction of 25% of the tax rates on electricity, heating and the fuels used in its production facilities eligible for tax In the area of electricity tax law, tax relief is possible for electricity consumed in 2024 and 2025 up to the EU minimum commercial rate (relief from EUR 20/MWh to EUR 0.5/MWh). A relief within the framework of the so-called “electricity price package” that exceeds the level of individual peak compensation in any case.6
  • Tax relief in the form of so-called peak compensation (Section 55 EnergieStG, Section 10 StromStG): The statutory relief provisions expired at the end of 2023. Before that time, the additional burden of the “ecological tax reform” on manufacturing companies could be lightened by a reduction in their energy and electricity taxes. Since the increase in revenues generated by the ecological tax reform also served to reduce the factor of “work” and contributed to companies paying less for employers’ contributions to pension insurance schemes in comparison to 1999, a comparative peak compensation calculation is carried out for companies in question. In order to avoid double relief for the employers’ pension insurance as well as for the energy used, saved pension contributions are taken into account in the calculation of the tax relief. The amount of relief is therefore calculated individually depending on the company, and is also capped at a maximum of 90% of the electricity tax paid and 90% of the tax share pursuant to Section 55(3) of the EnergieStG.Prerequisites for claiming peak compensation are, among other things, evidence of a certified energy management system and an annual energy intensity reduction (by a statutory value) achieved by all the plants of the manufacturing company. The comparative value is the average energy intensity value for manufacturing industry companies between 2007 to 2012.
  • Certain processes and procedures/manufacturer privilege (Section 9a StromStG, Section 51 EnergieStG, Section 26, 37, 44 and 47 EnergieStG): Companies in the manufacturing industry can use electricity or energy products for specific, energy-intensive purposes (such as electrolysis, metal production, manufacture of glassware, etc.). and reduce their tax bills by 100%. In addition, companies that produce energy products on their own premises (refineries, gas extraction and coal mining companies) can use these self-produced energy products tax-free (or obtain tax relief) for the purposes of maintaining operations within their own companies.

The subsidy report of the Federal Government contains the total subsidies for the entire manufacturing industry; they are not shown separately for each sector such as the extractive sector. Where the concessions in the field of electricity and energy constitute state aid, these come under the reporting and transparency obligations of the European Union for state aid.

In Germany, the data on tax concessions that are to be published under EU law are collected and forwarded in accordance with the regulation on the implementation of publication, information and transparency obligations in the Energy Tax and Electricity Tax Act (EnSTransV). Under this regulation, the customs administration collects and transmits data relating to energy and electricity tax concessions to the extent prescribed by the EU. The corresponding data can be accessed on the European Commission’s website on state aid.7

According to data from the Federal Statistical Office concerning the use of energy in manufacturing companies8, the electricity consumption of the “Mining and quarrying sector” (WZ 08-B) totalled 5,847,324 MWh in 2022. Multiplied by the electricity tax tariff of €20.50/MWh without taking account of possible concessions, this figure results in an electricity tax revenue of €120 million.

The companies in the natural resources extraction industry are generally entitled to relief under Section 9b StromStG as companies of the manufacturing industry. In 2022 (also in 2023), the tax relief amounted to EUR 5.13/MWh (25%).  In relation to the theoretical tax burden mentioned above, this leaves a tax liability of around EUR 90 million or EUR 15.37 electricity tax per MWh after deduction of the tax relief under Section 9b StromStG. The second stage of the relief is the so-called peak compensation according to Section 10 StromStG (until the end of 2023). This is calculated individually for each company depending on the electricity consumption and the pension insurance contributions paid and amounts to a maximum of 90% of the remaining electricity tax. In the absence of individual company figures, a flat-rate relief of 50% of the remaining tax burden can be assumed for all extractive companies as a result of the peak equalisation.

This estimate indicates electricity tax payments from the extractive sector of about €50 million.9

Financial aid as part of the energy cost reduction programme

The Energy Cost Reduction Programme (EKDP) ran from 15 July to 31 December 2022.10 As part of the EKDP, the government was able to pay subsidies to particularly affected energy-intensive industries for the months of February to December 2022 to cover increased natural gas and electricity prices. The basis under state aid law is the European Commission’s Temporary Crisis Framework for state aid to support the economy in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine (EU Crisis Framework). Companies in some natural resources sectors11 are among the eligible economic sectors that were able to apply for grants of up to €25 million per company until 31 December 2022. However, extractive companies were excluded from the maximum funding level of €50 million per company under state aid law. A total of EUR 2.4 million was paid out to 30 extractive companies.

Subsidies in the German hard coal industry 2022 – 2023

Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) (2023): 29. Subsidy Report. URL: (Accessed on 14 September 2023). Own presentation.

Subsidies for the sale and closure of German hard coal from 2017 to 2023 (Federal Government amounts)

BMF (2023): 29th Subsidy Report. Own representation.

Adaptation payments from 2017 to 2023 (Federal Government amounts)

BMF (2023): 29th Subsidy Report. Own representation.


1 Pumping out/purifying and regulating the mine water that rises even after mining has ceased, in order to avoid contact with higher, drinking water-bearing layers.

2 Pumping off surface water in the terrain depressions created by mining to prevent flooding and waterlogging.

3 Purification and monitoring of groundwater in the area of former mining operations, especially coking plants.

4A comparable model for making adaptation payments is also planned to cushion the social consequences of phasing out coal mining. See Effects of the energy transition for more information on phasing out coal mining.

5 European Commission (2024): State aid. URL: https://competition­­aid_en (accessed 5 April 2024).

6The Federal Government (2024): Keeping energy affordable – electricity price package for manufacturing companies. URL: (accessed on 26 June 2024).

7European Commission (2024): Public search in the state aid transparency database. URL: (accessed 26 June 2024).

8 Destatis (2022): Table 43531-0002. URL: https://www­ (accessed 3 April 2024).

9 It should be noted that, under certain conditions including the generation of renewable energy and highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP) systems under 2 megawatts, producers of their own energy are exempt from electricity tax.

10 German Agency for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) (2024): Energy Cost Reduction Programme. URL: BAFA – Energy Cost Reduction Programme (accessed 26 June 2024).

11 By economic classification: 0510 Coal mining, 0620 Extraction of natural gas, 0710 Iron ore mining, 0729 Other non-ferrous metal mining, 0811 Quarrying of natural stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate, 0891 Mining of chemical and fertiliser minerals, 0893 Extraction of salt, 0899 Mining and quarrying activities not specified elsewhere.

Payment flows of the raw material sector

Disclosed payment flows 2021


Participating companies and sector coverage

A total of 17 companies or groups of companies out of the 33 companies and/or consolidated group companies identified by the Independent Administrator in accordance with the requirements of the MSG (cf. Selection of companies) participated in the reporting process during the preparation of this EITI report.

It should be noted that the identification of companies or groups of companies was based on an estimate of the companies likely to be subject to the statutory requirements (cf. Selection of payment flows for details). Following the expiry of the deadlines for publication of the payment reports for the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 and the experience gained from the publication of the payment reports for previous years, it has become apparent that the number of payment reports actually published is lagging behind the number of companies or consolidated groups that have been identified. An estimation or assessment of the number of companies or groups of companies participating in the EITI reporting process should therefore also be made against the background of the actually published payment reports. Considering the high coverage in the lignite, natural gas, crude oil, potash and salt sectors with regard to the production volume and the reported mining and extraction royalties, the participation rate seems positive.

All payment reports submitted by companies pursuant to §§ 341 q et seq. HGB are publicly available and can be inspected in the company register.1 While drawing up the first D-EITI report, the MSG, at the suggestion of the civil society, made a list of the companies identified that did not participate in the reporting for the first report of the D-EITI or in the reporting for the supplementary report. In view of the public availability of the payment reports and the legal objections that the government has raised against naming these companies, the MSG has refrained from naming the non-participating companies for this 6th D-EITI report, as it did for the previous D-EITI reports. The legal concerns which, from the government’s point of view, oppose the naming of the companies are set out as follows:

On the one hand, data protection law applies in cases where the company name allows conclusions to be drawn about a specific natural person, such as when a company is named as a sole trader (possibly with further details such as the registered office). This is true for at least two companies that have not reported under D-EITI, so that they may not be named for reasons of data protection.

On the other hand, there are concerns that the publication of company names in the D-EITI report without sufficient legal basis could interfere with the fundamental right of companies to freely exercise their profession (Article 12 GG). There is no legal obligation to name the companies.

Protected property in art. 12 GG includes free entrepreneurial activity serving profit purposes. The publication of the company names in the D-EITI report would intervene in the protected property as an act of state economic control, because the publication of all those company names that did not participate in the reconciliation could result in a certain pillory effect which could lead in turn to the fact that the companies feel compelled to agree to a reconciliation. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the data to be transmitted by the companies (including payment flows such as corporate income tax, extraction and mine site royalties, trade tax etc.) are actually trade, business and tax secrets.

Besides, publishing the names of these companies would not be compatible with the decisions of the BVerfG (Federal Constitutional Court) in the so-called Glykol2 or Scientology3 cases. In the cases in question, the Federal Constitutional Court decided that the Federal Government could fulfil its warning and information obligations even without a legal basis, especially if (as in the case of glycol) there are interests worth protecting on the part of consumers which are in favour of a warning (consumer health). However, there are no comparable interests among the companies, which did not report under the D-EITI.


Participating companies and/or groups of companies per sector

The following overview shows the distribution of the participating companies and/or consolidated companies throughout the various sectors for the current D-EITI report:

Unternehmen Sektor
1 BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH & Co. KG, Hannover Crude oil and natural gas
2 Dyckerhoff-Gruppe, Wiesbaden Quarried natural resources
3 ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH, Hamburg Crude oil and natural gas
4 Heidelberger Sand und Kies GmbH, Heidelberg Quarried natural resources
5 Holcim (Deutschland) GmbH, Hamburg Quarried natural resources
6 Hülskens Holding GmbH & Co. KG Quarried natural resources
7 MIBRAG Energy Group GmbH, Zeitz Lignite
8 K+S – Gruppe

K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH

Potash and salts
9 Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG, Cottbus Lignite
10 Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH, Lingen (Ems) Crude oil and natural gas
11 Quarzwerke GmbH, Frechen Quarried natural resources
12 RWE – Gruppe

Rheinische Baustoffwerke GmbH, Bergheim

RWE Power AG, Essen

Quarried natural resources, Lignite
13 Sibelco Deutschland GmbH, Ransbach-Baumbach Quarried natural resources
14 Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Heilbronn Potash and salts
15 Vermillion Energy Germany GmbH & Co. KG, Schönefeld Crude oil and natural gas
16 Wacker Chemie AG, München Potash and salts
17 Wintershall Dea AG Crude oil and natural gas

The recording of government revenues from the extractive sector is difficult in Germany for various reasons. First of all, it should be noted that in Germany only the mine site and extraction royalties are a specific levy for the extractive sector. Moreover, companies in the extractive sector, like companies in other sectors, contribute to tax revenue, in particular in the form of corporate tax and trade tax or, depending on their legal form, income tax. The total corporate income tax and trade tax payments made by the commodities sector are not recorded statistically or are not recorded promptly and irregularly – they can only be extrapolated from other data.

Furthermore, German tax law has special features that make it difficult to record the tax revenues of the sector as a whole. The most important of these is the fiscal unity, which results in subsidiaries operating in the extractive sector not being recorded as taxable entities themselves, but instead in income taxes being paid on their earnings by a parent company, although the parent company itself is often not active in the extractive sector. At the level of the parent company, however, it is not possible to allocate the tax payments made to the individual companies included in the scope of consolidation (cf. Selection of payment flows.). Furthermore, recording and allocation of trade tax are also made more difficult by the federal structure of the State system in Germany, as trade tax is levied by the individual municipalities.

A further difficulty lies in the clear classification of the companies that are active in the extractive sector and therefore must prepare a payment report. This may result in deviations within the scope of recording under commercial law based on the EU Accounting Directive 2013/34/EU of 26 June 2013 and the statistical recording of sector-related government revenues.

Against this background, the production volume, supplemented by the extraction royalties, is the best possible yardstick for the coverage of the sectors.

Coverage of sectors

The following overview shows the coverage of the respective sectors by the group of identified companies and the companies participating in the reporting process, with their respective reference values upon which the determination procedure was based:

Sectors* Estimated coverage of all identfied companies Estimated coverage of all participating companies Reference value- Determination Coverage
Lignite 100,0 % 99,8 % Production volume 2022
Crude oil** 95,1 % 95,1 % Production volume 2022
Natural gas 99,6 % 99,6 % Production volume 2021
Potash and potash salt products 97,5% 97,5 % usable quantity in 2022
Rock salt 95,8 % k.A.*** usable quantity in 2021
Boiled salt 99,7 % 99,7% usable quantity in 2021

* Against the background of the small-scale nature of the sector, the determination of a degree of coverage of the quarried natural resources sector was dispensed with (cf. Selection of payment flows)

** The remaining shares of the oil sector have not been included, since it is made up of several smaller companies (see

*** Coverage details have been omitted to ensure the protection of competition-relevant data.

Overall overview of reported company data

The following overview shows the 2021 payments made by the participating companies to government agencies for corporate tax, trade tax, lease payments and payments to improve the infrastructure:

Corporate tax Trade tax Mine site/ extraction royalties Lease payments Payments into the infrastructure Totals
in Euro
1 BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH & Co. KG 11.821.975,33 40.393.824,79 52.215.800,12
2 Dyckerhoff-Gruppe 8.784.591,87 13.394.532,03 22.179.123,90
3 ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH 228.306.607,00¹ 192.282.003,62¹ 25.386.506,49 445.975.117,11
4 Heidelberger Sand und Kies GmbH 169.156,00 898.852,00 1.068.008,00
5 Holcim (Deutschland) GmbH 284.000,00 368.000,00 614.000,00 1.266.000,00
6 Hülskens Holding GmbH & Co. KG 557.330,26 4.190.224,16 698.716,00 5.446.270,42
7 MIBRAG Energy Group GmbH 349.500,24 1.202.843,40 1.552.343,64
8 K+S-Minerals and Agriculture GmbH 2.529.243,17 1.108.532,15 3.637.775,32
9 LEAG – Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG 541.044,93 964.185,72 1.505.230,65
10 Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH (ehemals: Engie E&P Holding Germany GmbH) 35.131.341,74¹ 33.782.638,74¹ 23.037.181,46 91.951.161,94
11 Quarzwerke GmbH 3.270.000,00 4.083.000,00 7.353.000,00
12 RWE-Gruppe/RWE Power AG 16.603.229,00 16.603.229,00
RWE-Gruppe/Rheinische Baustoffwerke GmbH 112.455,67 112.455,67
13 Sibelco Gruppe 109.053,00 109.053,00
14 Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG 8.884.846,02 7.244.107,00 245.000,00 16.373.953,02
15 Vermillion Energy Germany GmbH & Co. KG 7.940.125,00 7.940.125,00
16 Wacker Chemie AG 384.901,00 257.824,66 12.862,70 655.588,36
17 Wintershall Dea AG 126.610.103,54 126.610.103,54
Total amount of reported payments from all companies 285.218.716,89 270.539.178,29 225.148.254,09 4.080.774,70 17.567.414,72 802.554.338,69

1 No payments have been made due to the legal form of the company

2 Payments are made by the parent company

3 No payment information available due to the existence of a consolidated tax group

The reports on the payment flows of corporate tax and trade tax illustrate the high relevance of consolidated tax groups in Germany. In these cases, if the main activity of the consolidated tax group does not involve the extraction of natural resources, the details of the taxes paid by the parent company can be omitted. On the other hand, if the consolidated tax group is mainly active in the extractive industry, a report (on a pro rata or complete basis) of the taxes paid by the parent company is required.

At the request of the MSG, the content and the composition of the reported payments to improve infrastructure were further analysed by the Independent Administrator in cooperation with the reporting companies for the purposes of the first two EITI reports. Payments are recorded based on statutory regulations (land transfer taxes) and payments based on private legal contracts between companies and public authorities (towns, municipalities, and associations). The latter include the reconciliation of additional administrative costs caused by mining activities or services in connection with the construction and maintenance of local public infrastructures. The payment reports for 2021 published pursuant to §§341q et seq. HGB also show payments of water abstraction fees.


1 Company register:;jsessionid=EF0FD8F4536B7CA4161A4DF528B64AE4.web02-1; enter the search term “Zahlungsberichte” (“Payment reports”) in the “Suchen” (“Find”) field.

2 BVerfG (Federal Constitutional Court), Resolution of the First Senate of 26 June 2002, 1 BvR 558/91 – recital no. (1-79),

3 BVerfG, Resolution of the 2nd chamber of the First Senate of 16 August 2002 – 1 BvR 1241/91 – recital no. (1-25),

Selection of payment flows


Selection of sectors

The EITI standard requires that all the important payment flows of a country’s extractive sector are considered. At various meetings, the MSG discussed which sectors of the natural resources extraction industry should be included in the 6th German EITI report. The following individual sectors were addressed:

  • Lignite
  • Crude oil and natural gas
  • Potash and salts
  • Quarried natural resources

The mining of hard coal in Germany ended in 2018. As for the previous reports, the sector is not included (cf. the general remarks on hard coal mining in Germany and State financial aid for the hard coal sector in chapter 2.a.iii., and in chapter 6).

Selection of companies

The EITI standard does not provide direct guidance for the process of selecting companies to be included in reporting – on the contrary, like the selection of sectors the selection of companies should be oriented on the objective of the EITI initiative to make the revenues of a country’s extractive industry transparent and to disclose any significant payment flows between companies and government agencies. Pursuant to EITI requirement 4.1b), payments and revenues are deemed to be significant if their non-consideration or misrepresentation could significantly affect the completeness of the EITI report.

Regarding the selection of companies, the MSG has resolved to comply with the requirements of EU Accounting Directive 2013/34 of June 26, 2013. The stated objectives of the EITI initiative and of the payment flows specified by the EITI are also largely congruent with the provisions of the EU Accounting Directive. Recital 44 and 45 of the Directive even explicitly state that

  • the regulations are intended to help governments in the implementation of the EITI principles and criteria and
  • that payments should be recorded which are comparable to those of the EITI.

The EU directive was transposed into German law by the BilRUG at the end of 2015. Pursuant to §§ 341q et seq. HGB, companies in the extractive industry must submit (consolidated) payment reports under certain conditions (registered office, legal form, size, activity) (see the comments in chapter 4.d.).

In various meetings, the MSG has agreed to further organise the content of the D-EITI process in accordance with the provisions of §§ 341 q et seq. HGB. This particularly affects:

  • the criteria for the identification of the companies that are eligible for reporting,
  • the relevant period of reporting
  • and the establishment of materiality thresholds for the payment flows which are to be reported.

The link to the statutory provisions of the HGB is intended to create the prerequisites for the widest possible participation of the companies; possible double burdens (for the participating companies), which could result from differences between the legal requirements for the (consolidated group) payment report and the reporting requirements for the EITI should also be avoided (see also chapter 4.d.ii.). According to § 341t (3) No. 1 HGB, dividend payments to a government agency that is a shareholder of the paying company are only to be listed in the payment report if they were not paid under the same conditions as to other shareholders.

Pursuant to § 267(3) of the HGB, the criteria for “large” companies were used as an initial basis for the identification of the companies. In this case, two of the following three criteria for classification as a “large” company must be fulfilled on at least two successive two successive closing dates:

  • Balance sheet total of €20 million
  • Sales of more than €40 million
  • A yearly average of more than 250 employees

Regarding the question whether or not an “activity” exists in the extractive industry, reference was made to Regulation 1893/2006/EC of December 20, 2006, which regulates the details of the statistical classification of economic activities. Section B of Annex I of this Regulation is divided into sub-sections 05 to 08. See table below.

For identifying possible companies, companies assigned to one of the sub-sections 05 to 08 are considered to be primarily “active” in the extractive industry. In addition to the statutory duty to draw up payment reports for “large” companies, there is also an obligation for parent companies to prepare group (consolidated) financial statements if at least one subsidiary is active in the extractive sector. The size of this “active” subsidiary is not relevant here (a “consolidated tax group infection”), so that even companies which are themselves not classified as being “large” can trigger a reporting obligation simply through being combined with a “large” parent company.

The approach to “consolidated tax group infection” was also addressed for the purpose of identifying extractive industry companies; and the number of such companies increased accordingly. As a result, the selection is made using a combination of size and activity criteria (cf. the explanations in chapter 10.c.iii.). In addition to the size of the companies and the economic classification, the MSG also used a substantial coverage of the sectors as a criterion for the selection of companies.

Depending on the natural resource in question, there are significant differences in the number of companies and active employees in the various sectors in Germany’s extractive industry. The coal mining and oil and gas extraction sectors, for example, are dominated by a few large companies. The quarried natural resources sector, on the other hand, is characterised by a structural mix of few large suppliers and a high proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises. Most companies in this sector are not subject to any legal obligation to prepare payment reports and are therefore not covered by the criteria for identifying companies for the EITI Report (see also the explanations in chapter 10.c.iii.).

Requirements 2.6, 4.5 and 6.2 of the EITI standard are related to government shareholdings in extractive companies. In Germany, an extractive company with a majority state participation was identified – Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG. According to the 2021 Annual Report, the town of Heilbronn and the State of Baden-Württemberg hold a total of 93.11% of the voting rights in this company (cf. Annual Report 2021, p. 179). The dividend paid in 2021 for the previous financial year totalled €16,812,000.00, corresponding to €1.60 per share (see Annual Report 2021, p. 109). The share capital stands at €27 million and is divided into 10,507,500 individual shares.

The 2021 annual report can be viewed at nancialreports/annualreports.html

Revenues as requested under requirement 6.2 of the EITI Standard (quasi-fiscal expenditures) were not identified.

In the MSG’s view, requirements 2.6, 4.5 and 6.2 of the EITI standard are sufficiently met by the above explanations.

Selection of payment flows

In accordance with the EITI standard, payment flows from the extractive industry must be considered if they are regarded as significant for a complete presentation of the company payments and state revenues. The following payment flows are recorded as part of the 6th German EITI report (see also the explanations in Revenues generated).


Corporation tax

Corporate tax is the main income tax of limited companies in Germany. It is not a specific tax for extractive industry companies but is levied on all limited companies that are domiciled in Germany or are active in the country. The assessment basis for corporate tax is the taxable commercial income, which is derived from the annual net profit; any tax modifications that may apply are also considered. If an enterprise is also active in other sectors as well as in the extractive sector, there may be delimitation problems regarding the share of corporate tax attributable to the activities in the extractive sector since the corporate tax is calculated on the basis of the total taxable income (cf. also Revenues generated).

For this reason, corporate tax is classified as a non-project-related payment in the payment reports to be prepared under commercial law. Allocation of these payments to activities within and outside the extractive sector can be selectively carried out by companies if a proper and reliable coding (based on appropriate allocation criteria) is possible. This commercial practice is pursued for the purposes of EITI reporting.

Trade tax

Commercial enterprises in Germany are subject to trade tax. The trade tax assessment procedure has two stages. Trade tax is levied on the trade income. The municipalities in which the respective company has permanent establishments are entitled to the trade tax. A permanent establishment can also extend over several municipalities. Payment recipients for trade tax payments are the relevant individual municipalities, and not the Federal Government or the federal states. This reflects the federal structure of the state in Germany (cf. also Revenues generated).

For administrative purposes, the tax authorities determine a tax assessment amount – based on the assessment basis determined for corporation tax – considering the provisions of the Trade Tax Act, which amounts to 3.5% of the trade income as the assessment base for all companies nationwide. The tax administration sends the tax assessment amount to the respective local authority in which the company has its permanent establishment. If the company has several permanent establishments or if a permanent establishment extends over several municipalities, the tax administration also divides the tax assessment amount among the municipalities according to a legally determined distribution key. The statements made in this chapter for the tax administration apply accordingly to trade tax for these sections of the administrative procedure.

Based on the upstream administrative procedure at the level of the tax offices, the respective municipality determines the amount of trade tax to be assessed and paid by the company to the municipality by multiplying the tax assessment amount notified by the tax authorities by the municipality-specific tax factor. The tax factor is determined by the elected members of the municipal council. The assessment process, which is divided between two administrative units as described above, is followed by the collection process (the actual payment process) which takes place exclusively at the level of the municipalities.

For a better understanding of the payments of corporate tax or trade tax reported in the context of data collection, further information on the recording of tax payments in certain parent-subsidiary constellations or on special features of tax payments in the context of fiscal inter-company relationships are provided below. While analysing the data collection, it became apparent that both aspects are of relevance for the classification and assessment of the reported tax payments.

Particularities with regard to the recording of tax payments in certain parent-subsidiary constellations

Business partnerships such as the GmbH & Co. KG traditionally play a leading role in Germany’s small and medium-sized enterprises, in contrast to many other jurisdictions. They are subject to trade tax, but not to corporate tax. Corporate tax is first levied at shareholder level, but only if the shareholder is a limited company. In this respect, one special feature of the German tax law should be noted, according to which business partnerships are not themselves the subject of taxes in terms of income tax; the income generated by the company is subject to taxation at the level of the shareholders, together with the income they have earned from other sources. In the subsidiary-partnership constellation of a parent limited company, consequences may arise for the recording of the tax payments (trade tax and corporate tax) within the framework of data collection for the EITI report; examples of such consequences are shown below. In each case, it is assumed that a company has voluntarily participated in the data collection for the EITI report if it is active in the extractive industry.

If both the parent limited company and the subsidiary business partnership are active in the extractive industry, all the relevant tax payments (trade tax of the subsidiary and the parent company as well as corporate tax at the parent company level) are recorded in the EITI report. If, on the other hand, the subsidiary or parent company is not active in the natural resources sector, either not all or too many tax payments to government agencies are recorded. If, for example, the parent limited company is active in the extractive industry, but the subsidiary-business partnership is not, the reported corporate tax payments of the parent company also include the financial results of the subsidiary. From a commercial law perspective, it is possible (but not mandatory) to allocate corporate tax payments to activities both within the extractive sector and outside of it.

If, on the other hand, the subsidiary-business partnership is active in the extractive industry, but the parent limited company is not, trade tax payments are only recorded for the subsidiary through the subsidiary’s (sole) participation in the data collection, but not, the corporate tax paid by the parent limited company (on a pro rata basis) for the financial results of the subsidiary.

This handling of corporate tax is due to the German tax system. The MSG has decided to pursue this legal, tax-related standpoint, also for EITI purposes.

Particularities with regard to recording the tax payments of consolidated tax groups

German tax law has specific special arrangements in the case of trade tax and corporate tax for corporate groups. Under certain conditions, a so-called “consolidated tax group” may exist. In this constellation, the integrated company (controlled companies), which is a corporation, generally does not make any tax payments. The payment of taxes levied on the financial result of all the companies incorporated in the consolidated tax group is carried out entirely and exclusively by the parent company. The parent company in turn pays taxes on its own income and on the income of its subsidiaries, which may not exclusively result from activities related to the extraction of natural resources.

For the purposes of the (consolidated group) payment report under German commercial law, the following differentiations are made at the level of the parent company:

  • If the consolidated tax group is mainly active in the extractive industry pursuant to §341r No.1 HGB, reporting can be carried out for the total amount of the taxes paid by the parent company. There is no obligation to allocate the tax payments to activities within or outside the scope of §341r No.1 HGB.
  • If, on the other hand, the consolidated tax group is not mainly active in the extractive industry as set down in §341 r No. 1 HGB, the tax payments made by the parent company may be allocated on a voluntary basis. Otherwise, details of the tax payments made by the parent company will be omitted.

The results of the survey of payments demonstrate the major practical significance of consolidated tax groups and the payment of taxes by the parent company (cf. the remarks on the payments made in Payment flows 2021).

Regarding the recording of tax payments within the framework of consolidated tax groups, the MSG has also opted to pursue the viewpoint according to German commercial law for EITI purposes.

Mine site and extraction royalties pursuant to the BBergG

Mine site and extraction royalties are levied as a specific tax on extractive companies for free-to-mine natural resources, based on the German Federal Mining Act (BBergG) (§§30, 31 BBergG) (for further details seeRevenues generated).

The MSG has decided to include mine site and extraction royalties in the EITI report as a payment flow.

Lease payments

Mine site and extraction royalties are the only taxes that are levied for the exploration and extraction of free-to-mine natural resources in Germany. However, lease payments may be paid to public authorities in connection with the extraction of natural resources that are not free-to-mine, particularly in the quarrying sector. This is the case when government agencies, as landowners, conclude private-law contracts with the extractive industry for the extraction of raw materials. Such contractual arrangements may include fixed payments or payments that depend on the quantity extracted, or a combination of both variants.

The recipients of the lease payments are the government agencies that have concluded the contractual arrangements with the company (e. g. towns and communities, forestry offices, as well as state property administration and moor management authorities).

The content and the number of contracts are not centrally documented (cf. chapter 4.b.iv.). In addition, the individual government agencies which have concluded lease contracts – unlike the individual tax offices in the case of corporate tax – cannot be centrally addressed via an organisational unit. This leads to difficulties in respect of quality assurance.

Just which government agencies – and how many of them – receive lease payments cannot be foreseen. This information can only be provided by the participating companies themselves within the framework of the data collection process.

Lease payments by companies to government agencies are therefore recorded as part of the data collection (no change here from the previous German EITI reports) but are not subject to separate quality assurance. The total amount of the lease payments, which are generally collected via the municipalities’ revenue offices, only plays a subordinate role in the 2021 reporting year when compared to the overall amount of the reported payments (this was also the case in the most recent D-EITI reports) and was at the same level as in the 2020 reporting year.

Payments for the improvement of the infrastructure

The payment flow complies with the legal provision (§ 341 r no. 3 g HGB) governing the (consolidated) payment report. The payments notified generally include measures taken by companies for restoring nature on the one hand and payments to promote municipal investments and educational institutions or for the creation or maintenance of public infrastructure on the other. In a similar way to the previous D-EITI reports, the measures reported for the 2021 reporting year can be attributed exclusively to companies from the lignite mining sector, so it is not a cross-sector payment flow.

In the first two D-EITI reports, the content and the composition of the reported payments were analysed in more detail by the Independent Administrator at MSG’s request. The results were then presented to the MSG. The results show a high degree of heterogeneity of the recorded payments. This stems from the variety of measures taken in connection with the compensation of impacts from the respective companies involved in lignite mining. Information on the recipients of payments and the purpose of these can partly be found in the companies’ payment reports.

Project level reporting

The EITI standard generally requires reporting at project levels (EITI Requirement 4.7). The MSG has decided to implement the content and scope of the project concept by the analogous application of legal regulation § 341 r No. 5 HGB. Payments to government agencies must therefore be detailed for each project if the reporting company has carried out more than one project during the reporting period. The concept of the project (“project level”) is concretised in § 341 r No. 5 HGB in the form of a summary of operational activities which form the foundation for payment obligations to a government agency and which are based on a contract, license, lease agreement, concession or a similar legal agreement or a series of operationally and geographically associated contracts, licences, lease agreements or concessions or associated agreements with a government agency which essentially provide for similar conditions.

As a rule, no project-related reporting is provided for “corporate tax” and “trade tax” payment flows, since these are flows that are based on a legal regulation and not on one of the legal agreements set down in § 341 r No. 5 HGB.

In the case of the “mine site and extraction royalties” payment flow, a further breakdown of the information below the level of payment obligations to a government agency defined as “project level” is ensured by specifying the corresponding approved/licensed site in the data report. In the case of lease payments and payments for infrastructure improvements, the data collection templates provide for a breakdown of payments between projects per government agency.

Materiality of payments

The commercial regulations for the preparation of (consolidated group) payment reports stipulate that the companies concerned must report payments of €100,000 and upwards made to individual government agencies per reporting year (cf. § 341 t(4) HGB). A government agency to which less than €100,000 has been paid during the reporting period does not have to be included.

The MSG has decided to adopt these rules also for the 6th D-EITI report. If payments made during reporting year 2021 amounted to less than €100,000 per government agency, the data collection templates require relevant proof of the existence of payments, but without mentioning any specific amounts.

The 20 municipalities that received the highest trade tax payments from participating companies for the reporting year 2021 are included in the quality assurance process.

WZ Descriptions

Selection of payment flows WZ 2008 Code WZ 2008 – Description ISIC Rev. 4
B Section B – Mining and Quarrying
05 Coal mining
05.1 Hard coal mining
05.10 Hard coal mining 0510
05.2 Lignite mining
05.20 Lignite mining 520
06 Extraction of crude oil and natural gas
06.1 Extraction of crude oil
06.10 Extraction of crude oil 0610
06.2 Extraction of natural gas
06.20 Extraction of natural gas 0620
06.20.0 Extraction of natural gas
07 Ore mining
07.1 Iron ore mining
07.10 Iron ore mining 0710
07.2 Non-ferrous metal ore mining
07.21 Mining of uranium and thorium ores 0721
07.21.0 Mining of uranium and thorium ores
07.29 Other non-ferrous metal ore mining 0729
08 Quarried natural resources, other mining products
08.1 Quarrying of natural stone, gravels, sand, clay and china clay
08.11 Quarrying of natural and artificial stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate 0810
08.12 Extraction of gravel, sand, clay and china clay 0810
08.9 Other mining; quarrying a.n.g.
08.91 Mining of chemical and fertiliser minerals 0891
08.92 Peat extraction 0892
08.93 Extraction of salt 0893
08.99 Quarrying a.n.g. 0899

Quality assurance procedure


Description of the concept for undertaking quality assurance for published information

MSG must ensure both the quality of the information of payments by companies to the state published in the report and the quality of information on the corresponding government revenues. This is a key requirement of the EITI standard. In the first two D-EITI reports, MSG relied on both sides’ disclosure of payment flows for quality assurance. This EITI standard procedure makes provision for an Independent Administrator to reconcile individual payments reported by companies with the corresponding receipts by government agencies. These did not produce any material differences between payments made and payments received between companies and government agencies.

In agreement with the international EITI secretariat, the 3rd German EITI report for the 2018 reporting period was the first to start with the development and implementation of an alternative quality assurance procedure for the payment flows to the government agencies reported by the extractive industry (“pilot procedure” or “pilot”). For this 6th D-EITI report, the alternative procedure will continue to be applied by the MSG and the IA.

The previous standard procedure included a test of details of the payment flows reported by the participating companies. Inclusion and assessment of the processes and controls associated with the payment flows were not undertaken, meaning that the knowledge gained from the standard procedure was always limited to the payment flows that are examined. The alternative procedure involves replacing the payment reconciliation procedure with a multi-stage system-based approach of obtaining information and the analysis of processes and controls relevant for EITI, in particular on the part of the government agencies in receipt of the payments. The aim is to put the MSG in a position where they can provide a well-founded assessment of whether or not there are sufficient signs of risks to indicate that payment flows to government agencies related to natural resources were not being properly processed during the respective reporting period. Regardless of the result of this risk assessment, a process for making a specific analysis of the companies’ reported payments will then be carried out. Where there are no sufficient indications for possible risks in respect of the correctness of the relevant (payment) processes and controls, the last step of quality assurance is an assessment of the plausibility of the reported payments, which is based on analyses of key indicators and further analytical considerations.

Explanation of the nature and extent of the work of the Independent Administrator

The work of the Independent Administrator encompasses the performance of investigative measures as per the International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400, “Engagements to Perform Agreed-Upon Procedures”. The investigative measures carried out by the Independent Administrator do not constitute a (final) examination or audit review of the payment flows reported by the companies in accordance with the professional standards for auditors accepted in Germany or recognised internationally. Therefore, the Independent Administrator did not submit an overall judgement (neither with sufficient nor with limited judicial certainty) regarding the reported payment flows. The Independent Administrator did not undertake any specific investigations to verify the correctness, completeness, and reliability of the payment data, in particular with regard to the data notifications of the participating companies and/or of the government agencies. In addition, the objectives of the investigative measures carried out were neither to uncover errors nor to detect violations on the part of the participating companies or government agencies.

Identification of companies

The first step was to identify the companies that were relevant for the 6th D-EITI report. Here the Independent Administrator used a database analysis1  to select all the companies which are mainly active in the extractive industry, and which are allocated to the lignite, potash/salts, crude oil/natural gas and quarried natural resources sectors. The classification criterion was the allocation of the companies to sub-sections 05 to 08 pursuant to Regulation 1893/2006/EC of December 2006 (cf. chapter 10.a.ii.). In the second step, these companies were filtered according to the size criteria stipulated by the HGB for “large” companies.

The Independent Administrator manually expanded the group of these provisionally identified companies by including groups of companies in which a potential “consolidated tax group infection” caused by “active” subsidiaries existed (for details, see chapter 10.a.ii.). The following aspects are unchanged from the previous D-EITI report and must be addressed:

  • Companies the main activities of which are allocated to the storage (e.g. construction and operation of cavern storage facilities for the storage of natural gas) of natural resources underground are not considered, since the extraction of natural resources is not their primary activity, despite their being allocated to sub-sections 05 to 08;
  • All the companies identified and allocated to sub-section 07 (ore mining) do not actively engage in extractive mining in Germany and are therefore not considered.

Against the background of the legal requirements (cf. §§ 341 q et seq. HGB) and the resulting interpretation possibilities, a final identification of all the companies obliged to report payments pursuant to HGB is not ensured, even with regard to this D-EITI report. Nevertheless, on the basis of the payment reports for 2021 that have been published in the meantime, it can be stated that the companies identified using the methodology described above are very largely the companies that have actually published a payment report to date.

It is evident that the selection criteria specified by the MSG ensured a prominent level of coverage for the lignite, crude oil and/or natural gas, potash and salts/industrial brine sectors (cf. chapter 10.b.i.). These are solely free-to-mine natural resources. They contain comparatively few, but relatively large business operations. On the other hand, quarried natural resources are extracted by a very high number of business operations with many extraction facilities and/or mines.

According to analyses by the German Building Materials Association – Quarried Natural Resources (bbs), a total of approx. 3,400 companies belonged to the building materials and minerals industry in Germany in 2021, with more than 81% of these companies employing fewer than 50 people. These smaller companies account for around 42% of sales in the building materials, bricks and mortar industry. The small-scale nature of the sector is also due to the widely varying capital intensity of production. Corporations and larger SME are more strongly represented in capital-intensive sub-sectors such as cement production than in the extraction of natural resources. The size structure of the sector has hardly changed over the past decade2.

As a result, it must be assumed that a number of companies and/or consolidated companies (which are already among the 25 largest providers in this sector) do not fulfil the size criteria in chapter 10.a.ii. so that they are not identified by the selection criteria adopted by the MSG. As a result of the high number of non-identified small and medium-sized enterprises in the quarried natural resources sector, the coverage of this sector clearly lags behind that of the other sectors.

Identification of government agencies

The total number of government bodies that generate revenues from the extractive industry in Germany stem directly from the payment flows that were defined for this 6th D-EITI report. However, due to the federal structure of the administration in Germany, no central recording of the relevant payment flows is possible. The following individual government agencies are responsible for:

  • Corporate tax: the responsible tax offices at the respective headquarters of the companies
  • Mining and extraction royalties: the responsible mining authorities of the Federal States in which the approved/licensed site is located
  • Trade tax: the municipalities in the territory of which the taxable operating facilities are located
  • Lease payments and payments to improve the infrastructure: government agencies at State or municipal level, depending on the type of payment

Managing tax secrecy

The EITI reporting encompasses tax data, viz. payment flows relating to corporate tax and trade tax, which are subject to tax secrecy pursuant to §§30ff. of the German Tax Code (AO) (cf. the comments in Tax secrecy). In the course of the preparation of the EITI report, the payment flows reported by the companies and received by government agencies were prepared and disclosed. This usage of tax-relevant data is only permissible if the taxpayer, i.e. the respective company, expressly agrees (§ 30 (4) No. 3 AO). Data collection templates ensure that this consent is obtained from each company for the purpose of publishing the data in the context of EITI reporting.

Measures for safeguarding confidential data

All project-related data were stored in an ISO 27001 and ISO 9001-certified data centre in Germany. A platform was specifically made available for the exchange of project-related data, and companies could use this to upload data (several times where required). Uploaded data could not be changed for security reasons. Measures were taken to prevent any company from gaining access to the data of other participants. The administration of the data exchange, storage and e-mail service was the responsibility of the EITI Secretariat in Berlin.

Templates and notes on data collection

In accordance with the decisions made by the MSG regarding the shaping of the contents of the D-EITI reporting process, the Independent Administrator has developed an Excel-based template to collect the relevant data from the companies. In addition to the data collection templates, the Independent Administrator has also created further “Notes on data collection within the framework of the EITI process”. These notes will give companies practical tips and help them to understand and use the data collection templates.

The data collection template is not only used by the MSG to record the actual payment flows for the reporting year, but also to communicate with the participating companies in a flexible manner. At the request of the MSG, additional queries on beneficial owners within the meaning of the Money Laundering Act and on the existence of politically exposed persons (PEPs) were included in the current report.

Quality of data provided by companies

Companies in Germany are subject to comprehensive, legally-regulated

  • accounting,
  • disclosure and
  • auditing obligations.

These obligations depend on the company’s size, legal form and activity. Limited companies and limited liability partnerships within the meaning of § 264 a (1) of the HGB must draw up an annual financial statement with notes and (where required) a management report at the end of each fiscal year. The obligation to carry out the annual audit is regulated in particular in the HGB (§§ 316 et seq. HGB). The HGB stipulates a statutory audit obligation (inter alia) for “medium-sized” and/or “large” companies, whereby two of three criteria for grouping into the size classes must be met within a given period, pursuant to § 267(2) and (3) HGB).

The statutory audit must at least include the annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes), plus the management report and the accounting records. The auditor must determine whether or not the accounting is consistent with the underlying accounting principles and with any other legal basis such as the Articles of Association or the deed of partnership (compliance/regularity audit). Furthermore, it must also be determined whether the respective financial statements and the associated management report provide an accurate picture of the company’s position as a whole. An assessment of whether or not the opportunities and risks of future development are presented accurately in the management report must also be carried out. The result of the audit is summarised by the auditor in the auditor’s report (see § 322 HGB). In the case of statutory audits, the auditor’s reports must be disclosed with the annual financial statements and the management report in accordance with § 325 HGB through an electronic filing in the Federal Gazette and these are therefore always available to the public3. The shareholders of a subsidiary can refuse to disclose the annual financial statements of the subsidiary, if the parent company’s consolidated group financial statement which includes the subsidiary concerned is disclosed, the parent company has already agreed to implement obligations entered into by the subsidiary up to the balance sheet date in the following financial year and other prerequisites exist. However, these cases must be made transparent via the electronic Federal Gazette or the enterprise register.

In contrast to the annual financial statements, the (consolidated group) payment reports pursuant to §§ 341 q et seq. HGB, however, are not yet subject to statutory audit obligations. However, as part of their duty to report in accordance with § 321(1) sentence 3 HGB, auditors must report in the report addressed to the legal representatives and those responsible for monitoring the company if they have discovered during the audit work that no (group) payment report has been prepared or disclosed despite the legal obligation to do so.

The legal representatives and those responsible for monitoring corporate activity are generally supported by an Internal Audit team as they carry out their respective duties. Even where there is no explicit statutory obligation in Germany to set up such a process-independent function, the fact that such a function is in place corresponds to the principles of good corporate governance (see the German Government’s Public Corporate Governance Code). This is particularly true for those companies that are a part of large, complex and/or internationally active corporations. At the same time, these organisational structures also increasingly reflect efforts on the part of legal representatives to set up effective compliance management systems that aim to comply with legal regulations but also to observe the ethical rules of the company or corporate group. As a rule, an integral part of these systems is also formed by external contacts contracted by the company or corporate group to whom whistleblowers can report possible breaches of legal regulations or ethical rules.

Quality of data on government revenues

The basis for showing revenues received by government agencies is the corresponding data on the payments by companies for the current year under review.

In the D-EITI reports for the 2016 and 2017 years under review, the corresponding revenues are levied by government agencies and an immediate (payment) reconciliation is made with the payments reported by the companies for which there were no or no noteworthy differences (test of details or case-by-case approach).

Building on these findings, in contrast to the original course of action the processes and controls or control mechanisms were analysed for the third and this current 5th German EITI report. These processes and controls are set up by government agencies to ensure that the respective payment flows are collected properly (debit position) and processed (payment) (system-based approach). The term “correctness” refers to EITI’s objective and means

  • that sufficient processes or procedures are in place at the relevant government agency to ensure that the debit position of payments is legally compliant and timely,
  • that processes and controls are in place which ensure any differences between the debit position of government agencies and payments by companies can be clarified in a timely way,
  • that there are adequate controls at the level of superior government agencies and
  • that a check of the controls by independent auditors is ensured.

The entirety of the processes, procedures and controls set up must be viewed as an internal control system used to assist the defined objective of proper collection of the relevant payments. In Germany, this system is based on an interaction between the legal basis (e. g. civil service law, budget legislation, criminal law, administrative regulations), the structure and organisation of the authorities (e. g. via rules of procedure, schedules of responsibilities, establishment of segregation of duties, the dual-control principle) and additional monitoring of processes and controls (e. g. via in-house audit offices and other independent auditors). This system-based approach was continued in this 6th German EITI report.

The wider official environment of these government agencies and the relevant statutory framework are necessarily also considered alongside the analysis of processes and controls set up on the part of government agencies. A comprehensive description can be found in the brochure “Die Steuerverwaltung in Deutschland” (Tax administration in Germany), 2018 edition ( Annex c also contains schedules showing the organisational structure and the processes and controls relevant for the investigation in respect of the corporate tax and the mine site and extraction royalties.

As in the previous years, the Independent Administrator analysed documents received from the MSG, publicly available reports, descriptions of various public entities or institutions and discussions with representatives of the MSC or responsible agencies to get a picture of the processes and controls that have been established. The insights gained were compared to the regulations from the framework concept of the US Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) This framework concept has gained widespread international acceptance. Its basic principles reflect the Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government of the United States Government Accountability Office, which means that it can also be applied to government agencies. At the same time, this framework concept forms the basis for the Audit Standard 261 – “Determination and assessment of error risks and responses of the auditor to the evaluated error risks” issued by the Institute of Independent Auditors in Germany (IDW) that has been routinely applied for statutory audit reviews in Germany in 2021.

According to COSO, the components of an internal control system include the control environment, risk assessments, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring of the internal control system. The IA has applied these components to the relevant payment flows for corporate tax and mine site and extraction royalties.

In addition to this, the knowledge gained from the previous payment reconciliations as part of the first and second D-EITI report has been included in the IA’s analysis and assessment as a case-by-case confirmation of the effectiveness of the processes and controls set up. Therefore, the system-based approach and the knowledge obtained to date from the payment reconciliations complement each other and together form the basis for the IA’s assessment.

As a result, the IA considers that the concept developed in the scope of the alternative quality assurance procedure is well suited to satisfy the requirements of the EITI Standard regarding the reliable disclosure of the payments from the extractive industry. Therefore, it can be considered as an alternative procedure when compared to the original procedure of an extensive reconciliation of all material payment flows during a year under review within the context of tests of details.

Based on the sources of information available to it and the information provided by members of the MSG, the IA has also assessed for the current reporting period whether there are indications of irregularities of

  • Mine site and extraction royalties
  • Corporate taxes and
  • Trade taxes.

Details of this assessment process are presented below. The work subsequently carried out by the Independent Administrator to make plausibility checks of the data reports of participating companies has led to the assessment that, the MSG can use the system-based approach for quality assurance purposes in accordance with Requirement 4.9 of the EITI standard.

The Independent Administrator’s work carried out to date under the alternative payment reconciliation procedure has been described in a comprehensive work report4.

General information on the control environment in relation to the government agencies relevant to D-EITI

The control environment of the relevant government agencies such as the tax authorities (corporate income tax) is characterised by a strictly hierarchical structure, which is defined by the Financial Administration Act (FVG)5. However, the organisation of the mining authorities is the responsibility of the respective Federal State; the Federal Mining Act (BBerG) does not contain any detailed provisions governing this subject.

The respective organisational structure is clearly governed through rules of procedure (e. g. the rules of procedure for tax offices, see the link in the footnote), schedules of responsibilities, job descriptions and administrative instructions within the relevant government agencies. Whereas the responsibilities of the job holder concerned within the assigned administrative processes result from the internal administrative job descriptions or schedules of responsibilities, the supervision obligations and authority to give instructions of the respective line managers are derived from the rules of procedure and administrative instructions. Within the administrative organisation special attention is paid to strict compliance with the principle of dual control as part of administrative processes, on the one hand, and the organisational segregation of assessment and collection processes, on the other, i.e. the enforcement of payment claims by the relevant government agencies and the receipt of payments due from the parties liable to pay. Besides this, the control environment of the relevant government agencies is largely shaped by German civil service law6 and parliamentary budgetary law and the associated control processes.

German civil service law is a separate field of law, which governs the rights and obligations of civil servants. On the one hand, civil servants have an obligation to be neutral when carrying out their work, they are banned from striking and they are required to uphold the constitution: on the other, they have the right to life-long employment with appropriate pay and retirement benefits.

Breaches by civil servants of the obligations that result from the relevant employment relationship are subject to disciplinary law, a sub-area of civil service law which governs how to proceed in the event of possible breaches of obligations and what the consequences may be for the respective civil servant if they are found to be culpable. Because of their special legal status civil servants have an obligation to act with integrity, in particular regarding adherence to and/or implementation of legal regulations, and to act in a way that observes values derived from civil service law, including the requirement to uphold the law and the constitution. This also includes explicit release from any other existing obligation to maintain secrecy in accordance with § 37(2) sentence 1 No. 3 of the German Civil Service Status Act (BeamtStG), if a civil servant reports a suspicion of a corruption offence backed up by facts to the highest administrative authority in accordance with §§ 331 to 337 of the German Penal Code.

Furthermore, the relevant control environment is largely shaped by the current budgetary law and the associated primacy of parliament on the Federal, the Federal State and the municipal level. Parliament passes a resolution on the budget law and so the budget in question is approved and thus gains its democratic legitimacy. At the same time, the executive is empowered via the budget law and is also under an obligation to implement the budget thus legitimised in the relevant budget year. Depending on the significance of the revenues for the (State) budget, the payment flows relevant for D-EITI are also shown separately in the budget planning and or the budget law. After the end of the budget year, the executive accounts to parliament for the “budget submission”. The budget submission is also subject to control by the relevant audit office, which reports to parliament on the results of its audit.

In Germany a series of further regulations over and above the stated regulations exist and these ensure the integrity of the actions of public authorities. In respect of corruption prevention, particular reference is made to the Directive on corruption prevention in the Federal administration, which contains important measures for a prevention strategy such as

  • Identification of areas of work at particular risk of corruption,
  • the cross-check principle and
  • the creation of a contact person

and a Code of Conduct for employees and guidelines for managers and the management of authorities. The purpose of the additional recommendations on corruption prevention in the Federal administration is to help to implement these guidelines. Various legal and administrative regulations exist at Federal State level to prevent unlawful and unfair effects on administrative actions (cf. in NRW, for example, see the Anti-corruption Act of 16 December 2004).

General information on the process of identifying and assessing risks

At the level of the relevant government agencies, a distinction must be made between risks in the assessment process and risks in the collection process.

Assessment process

The mine site and extraction royalties are based on self-assessment by those who have an obligation to pay, in other words the units mining the resource and/or the respective levy payers. The provisions in the relevant statutory arrangements are that the party with an obligation to pay first calculates the amount due to be paid and informs the government agency of this.

It is possible that the parties due to make the payments may make mistakes in the self-assessment procedure. This can range from a clerical or input error when entering the data in the self-assessment form or unintended incorrect interpretation of the relevant legal rules to a deliberate failure to observe the legal regulations. Accordingly, all relevant government agencies have extensive auditing rights to carry out inspections to ascertain whether the information provided by the taxpayers is correct and complete.

In contrast, there is no self-assessment in relation to income taxes (corporate tax/trade tax). The companies liable to pay tax have a statutory obligation to file income tax declarations that must be submitted every year because of period taxation. The information provided is then checked by the tax authorities responsible for the area and the nature of the tax. Once the authorities have approved the income tax declarations submitted, income tax assessment notices and thus the amount to be paid are sent to the companies. At a later point in time, tax declarations may be audited as part of company audits.

The result of the assessment process forms the basis for the collection process, i.e. the actual payment flow, which was assessed in the original quality assurance procedure (payment reconciliation) as part of a test of details. However, the requirements of the EITI Standard do not extend to the assessment process.

Collection process

A distinction must be made between the risks in the assessment process and risks in connection with the collection of payments, in other words, in the collection process. These risks can result from the concentration of tasks with staff who play an integral part in both the assessment and collection process. This risk is dealt with by strict segregation of functions within the relevant government agency between the party responsible for the assessment and the party responsible for collection. Besides the party liable to pay can settle what they owe using cashless payment, i. e. a cash payment is not possible. The segregation of duties ensures that

  • the civil servants who undertake the assessment do not have access to the relevant government agency’s (bank) accounts to which the taxpayers make the calculated and estimated payment via bank transfer and
  • that no one person handles the case in its entirety.

Dealing with differences between the payment due and the payment received

Any differences between the estimated payment due (target position) and the actual payment received (actual receipt) are clarified by the relevant collection office.

If payments of corporate tax are too low, automatic reminders are sent in accordance with the statutory regulations or these payments are recovered by the enforcement office (as a special part of the collection office) within the framework of current legal regulations. If payments are too high, they are initially held safely (suspense account) and offset against any possible other open positions owed by the taxpayer from other kinds of tax or other periods. If any difference remains after this, the taxpayer is reimbursed.

Comparable processes are established for the collection mine site and extraction royalties. No automated reminders are sent to the payers because the number of companies that pay royalties is considerably smaller. Instead, reminders are handled by administrators on a case-by-case basis. For trade tax, the specific process design depends on the respective municipality, whereby the number of employees working in the processes varies with the size of the municipality. Basically, the responsibility for clarifying any discrepancies between payments owed and payments received lies with the competent cash offices or the tax offices.

General information on monitoring processes and controls within government agencies

Implementation of the monitoring function for both corporate tax and mine site/extraction royalties is ensured by methods such as the internal audit units. For trade tax, this monitoring function is implemented through local audits.

The Internal Audit’s planning for audits is based on a systematic and targeted approach for determining risk factors where the scope of possible negative effects of administrative actions and the likelihood that they occur may play a role. The results of Internal Audits are intended for the audited department itself and the relevant managers. According to the current legal position, the Freedom of Information Act always applies to official information in documents within the internal audits carried out for national and Federal State authorities, assuming the Federal States have adopted the appropriate regulations in the Federal Government’s Freedom of Information Act. Access to information can be limited in individual cases when there is a risk that the advisory role of the internal auditors could be disrupted by the publication of the audit report. In this case, the internal auditors can no longer entirely fulfil their role as contacts for employees working in public authorities.

Corporate tax

According to information provided, the regional tax directorate or the State Finance Ministries carry out controls for corporate tax in the form of business audits on an annual basis. These audits relate to both the areas of fixing and collection. As part of these controls, cases are selected for auditing, and these are then audited to ensure that they have been processed correctly.

In addition, a separate “Internal Audit” unit is set up as a rule at the level of the State Finance Ministries and this unit is reports directly to the management of the authority. The work undertaken by the Internal Audit unit is based on the recommendations on standards for Internal Audits in the administration of the Federal State of Hesse (“Empfehlungen über Standards für Interne Revisionen in der Hessischen Landesverwaltung”), e. g. in the Federal State of Hesse.  These standards form a uniform and cross-departmental work and legal basis for the work of the internal audit departments. They are based on the auditing standards of the German Institute of Internal Auditing (Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision e.V., DIIR) and the recommendations of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior for Internal Audits (“Empfehlungen des Bundesministeriums des Innern für Interne Revisionen”). The Internal Audit undertakes independent auditing and control functions by examining the administrative actions for discrepancies and irregularities. It also makes suggestions on how to rectify these as well as how to avoid these in the future and assists the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative actions.

The Internal Audit unit produces an audit report on their work. A copy of this report is always submitted to the management the authority in change of the organisational unit that has been audited for approval. The audited organisational unit is given a copy of this report. The Internal Audit unit submits a written report on their activities to the management of their authority at least once a year. The reports on audits issued over the year are not affected by this.

§ 19 of the Tax Administration Act (FVG) states that the Federal Ministry of Finance can take part in the external tax audits of the Federal States’ tax authorities via the Federal Central Tax Office (Federal Tax Inspection). In this way the Federal Ministry of Finance is made aware of matters such as tax developments that may be significant for legislative measures or administrative regulations.

Mine site and extraction royalties

The processes in the field of collecting the mine site and extraction royalties are monitored via the Internal Audit at the level of the State of Lower Saxony’s Ministry of Finance. The Internal Audit unit is responsible for monitoring the procedures and controls within the Chief Cashier’s Office of Lower Saxony that processes the mine site and extraction royalties.

In addition, the Internal Audit unit carries out significant controls in relation to current budget management at the level of the respective State budget. The receipts are allocated to the corresponding budget item within the budget implementation system (e. g. in Lower Saxony) and allow the administrative unit responsible for the budget to reconcile the receipts planned in the budget with the amounts received. As is appropriate for the significance of the mine site and extraction royalties for the respective budgets, a comparison can be made between the planned receipts from mine site and extraction royalties and the subsequent actual amounts even across periods. Ultimately, this allows interested members of the public to undertake a control function via the usual processes for political participation. After the IA’s collection, the mine site and extraction royalties are currently shown separately in the budget plans of the Federal States of Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Rhineland Palatinate and Bavaria and can be accessed by members of the public who are interested in this subject.

Monitoring by independent audit offices

The administrative units relevant for the D-EITI are subject to auditing by municipal audit offices (e. g. NRW municipal audit office), Federal State audit offices or the Federal Audit Office (hereinafter referred to as audit offices).

Due to the Federal State structure in Germany, there are independent, state-owned audit offices to control the budgetary economy at both Federal and Federal State levels. The jurisdiction of the German Federal Audit Office is restricted to the sphere of the Federal Government’s financial practices7; it has no legal supervisory rights or right of direction over the States’ audit offices. The audit offices are independent, supreme authorities at the Federal and the Federal State levels. Their tasks, position and powers are derived from the Basic Law (Article 114 GG) or the constitutions of the Federal State, which are defined in detail by Federal and Federal State budgetary regulations.

Financial control at the level of the Federal Government and States through the audit offices (guaranteed institutions) has its equivalent at municipal level in the form of a two-stage control system made up of local and supra-local auditing. Those auditing units locally monitor the financial practices of the administrations managed by mayors. The local audits are carried out by the municipality’s own office as a form of in-house control so that certain dependencies in terms of regulations governing public services necessarily exist because of the local audit units are a part of the local authorities. Local auditing of accounts is based on regulations in the local bylaws and the tasks are performed by persons/offices who vary in different cases, depending on the relevant municipal regulations (see, as an example, §§ 102 to 104 of the NRW local bylaws).

Supra-local auditing of accounts is carried out by a state or association-based audit office. It is an independent, supra-municipal external audit in relation to the municipalities to be audited. Implementation lies with own municipal audit offices (e.g. NRW’s municipal audit office) or the Audit Offices of the Federal States or the offices for auditing accounts at district level. One of the purposes of the audit is to support local authorities in efficiency and organisational matters by providing advice in a manner appropriate to self-government. In particular, suggestions for improvement are made to the audited organisations and comparisons (including comparisons of key figures) are used for this purpose.

The following overview also shows the supra-local audit office (audit agency/State audit office) responsible for each of the 20 government agencies that received the highest trade tax payments for the year under review (2021):

Responsible supra-local audit office Receiving municipality
President, State Audit Office for Lower Saxony Stadt Hannover
Municipality of Großkneten
Municipality of Dötlingen
City of Meppen
Gemeinde Steyerberg (Flecken)
Stadt Sulingen
Gemeinde Emstek
Stadt Vechta
Gemeinde Visbek
Samtgemeinde Bothel
Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf
Samtgemeinde Hankesbüttel
Gemeinde Lastrup
Samtgemeinde Neuenhaus
Court of audit of the city of Hamburg Stadt Hamburg
NRW municipal audit office Town of Frechen
Baden-Wuerttemberg municipal audit office Stadt Heilbronn
President Hessian audit office Stadt Wiesbaden
President, State Audit Office for Lower Saxony City of Hanover
State Audit Office of Saxony-Anhalt Hansestadt Salzwedel

The following principles apply as a standard of review for the auditing of state and municipal budgetary and economic administration:

  • the regularity of the execution of the law and administrative action, as well as
  • economic efficiency and economical practices in budgetary and economic administration

The principle of regularity includes (inter alia) the accounting correctness (proper and legal calculation, justification and booking) of the individual invoice amounts. The respective audit office is solely responsible for the content, scope, and frequency of the auditing procedures.

The results of the audit offices’ work are made known to the relevant government agencies in the form of audit reports. The audit office may communicate the audit result to agencies other than those reviewed if it considers this action necessary for particular reasons. Selected audit results are nevertheless summarised in annual reports that are accessible to the public.8

The German accounting offices support the implementation of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) developed by the International Federation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The audit offices of the individual Federal States are involved in international exchange and discuss current standards and applied audit methods regularly in the context of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EURORAI). The maintenance of high auditing standards at both national and sub-national level can therefore be regarded as given.

Notes on the quality assurance process for mine site and extraction royalties

The calculation, fixing and collection of mine site and extraction royalties are always made in accordance with the Federal Mining Act (BBergG) and the Extraction Royalties Ordinance of the Federal States concerned (see Mine site and extraction royalties) in conjunction with the relevant regulations in the German Tax Code (AO). Where mining licenses date back to the time before the current Federal Mining Act came into force in 1982 (“legacy rights”), no mine site and extraction royalties apply (cf. the explanations for this in How are resource extraction projects approved?)

In Germany, the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) with its main office in Hanover is responsible for by far the highest proportion of income from mine site and extraction royalties (approx. 76% for the 2021 year under review). LBEG is supervised by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Digitalisation.

Data reported for mine site and extraction royalties according to the government agency

Feldes-/Förderabgaben Betrag lt. Unternehmen


Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Hannover (LBEG) 127.963.049,67
LBEG für: Finanzverwaltung Schleswig Holstein, Kiel 90.538.493,30
LBEG für: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg 173.654,38
Regierung von Oberbayern, Bergamt Südbayern, München 481.165,35
Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau, Mainz-Hechtsheim 4.211.378,58
Sächsisches Oberbergamt Freiberg 169.156,00
Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt, Wiesbaden 1.030.582,89
Forstamt Pfälzer Rheinauen, Bellheim 245.000,00
Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau im Regierungspräsidium Freiburg 257.824,66
Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle 77.949,26
Gesamt 225.148.254,09

For the 2021 reporting year, the results of the data reports show a significant reduction in the total amount of mine site and extraction royalties paid to the LBEG compared to previous years. The main reason for this development is a reduction in the levy rates for the 2021 levy period to 5% for crude oil and natural gas, which was decided by the Lower Saxony state parliament at the beginning of 2021. The background to this was the planned conclusion of individual agreements between the Federal State of Lower Saxony and said companies to settle a difference of legal opinion, which goes back to a decision taken by the Federal Administrative Court in December 2018 (BVerwG 7 BN 3.18). For further details, please refer to the explanations in the 5th D-EITI report (page 169 et seq.). The levy rate was set at 10% for the collection periods from 2022 to 2030.

As a result, the significantly reduced amounts of mine site and extraction royalties in the 2021 reporting year appear plausible based on the analyses carried out by the IA and the publicly available information, so that there are no indications of an increased risk with regard to the correctness of the payment processes in the area of mine site and extraction royalties.

Notes on the quality assurance process for trade tax payments

With regard to trade tax payments, it should be noted that the upstream processes for the assessment of trade tax are predominantly the responsibility of the tax offices. The decision on the level of trade tax instigated by the tax office is the base decision for the subsequent calculation of the actual level of trade tax by the respective municipality. The municipalities calculate the amount of trade tax owed by applying an individual tax factor to the decision on the level of trade tax. The level of trade tax can therefore vary from municipality to municipality depending on the level of the tax factor that the elected representatives in the respective towns and communities have decided in the parliamentary procedure.

The local bylaws as fundamental elements of local governance law provide a comparable legal framework for the organisation at local authority level. Local bylaws form the basis for work of everyone employed in local government and local politics and contain, among other things, fundamental regulations for the organisation of financial accounting and the processing of payments at the municipalities (see, for example, § 93 of the NRW local bylaws or § 126 of the Lower Saxony local governance law).

For the 5th D-EITI report, the trade tax collection process was analysed in more detail using a questionnaire developed by the IA. This questionnaire was sent to the 20 municipalities that received the highest trade tax payments from D-EITI participating companies for the reporting year 2020. The responses resulting from the questionnaires provided insight into the processes and controls put in place by municipalities of various sizes to ensure the regularity of the collection of trade tax.

The 20 municipalities with the highest trade tax payments for the current 2022 reporting period are listed below.

Receiving municipality Trade tax payments in 2022 in thousands of € Taxpayer company
1. City of Hanover 54.703 ExxonMobil

Neptune Energy

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

K+S Gruppe

2. City of Hamburg 52.848 ExxonMobil
3. Municipality of Großenkneten 15.117 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

4. City of Meppen 13.813 ExxonMobil

Neptune Energy

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

5. Municipality of Steyerberg (Flecken) 8.897 ExxonMobil
6. Municipality of Dötlingen (Neerstedt) 6.890 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

7. City of Sulingen 6.853 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

8. City of Wiesbaden 5.232 Dyckerhoff
9. Municipality of Emstek 5.013 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

10. City of Vechta 4.992 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

11. City of Salzwedel 4.372 Neptune Energy
12. City of Heilbronn 4.298 Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke
13. Municipality of Visbek 3.971 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

14. Joint municipality of Bothel / Brockel 3.814 ExxonMobil
15. Joint municipality of Kirchdorf / Bahrenborstel 3.202 ExxonMobil
16. City of Frechen 2.882 Quarzwerke
17. City of Speyer 2.867 Neptune Energy
18. Joint municipality of Hankensbüttel / Steinhoff 2.679 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

19. Municipality of Lastrup 2.661 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

20. Joint municipality of Neuenhaus / Osterwald 2.473 ExxonMobil

BEB Erdgas und Erdöl

The group of municipalities that receive significant amounts of trade tax has changed only slightly compared to the previous year. Therefore, the findings and results from the survey of municipalities conducted for the 5th D-EITI report were also used for the current reporting period. There are no findings to the contrary, e.g. findings of the MSG.

The main results of this survey and system analysis can be summarised as follows:

  • The recording of payments and the reconciliation with the respective receivables due from the companies is mainly automated, although in the case of discrepancies between payments and receivables or incomplete or incorrect information, manual corrections have to be made. The number of employees in the respective municipalities who are responsible for issuing the trade tax assessment notices and collecting the payments varies significantly with the size of the respective municipality. The number of employees in the area of the cash office is always higher than the number of employees responsible for issuing trade tax notices, regardless of the size of the respective municipality. The fact that the assessment processes are closely linked (as described above) has a direct effect on the design of the processes in the municipalities and the issuing of basic notices by the tax offices.
  • The two administrative steps of assessment and collection are strictly separated in terms of personnel so that the basic principle of separation of functions is guaranteed, regardless of the size of the municipality. Unclear payments are always handled by the cash office. In individual cases, coordination with the office responsible for issuing the trade tax assessment notice is necessary.
  • In the context of taxation, so-called equity measures may exceptionally occur. This is understood to mean both the temporary deferral of payments and the final remission of trade tax claims in compliance with the respective regulations on these equity measures. In principle, decisions on this are made within the administration of the municipality. Only in individual cases does the municipality follow the corresponding decisions of the tax administration for corporate income tax. The respective decisions are not made by the cash office and, depending on the importance of the equity measure for the municipal budget, require the involvement of higher-level decision-makers up to the mayor or main or administrative committee (a permanent, representative committee of the municipal parliament or municipal council).
  • The organisational processes and established structures or controls are of comparable quality to the processes and controls of the payment flows of the corporate income tax and mine site and extraction royalties. Equally, the organisation and design of payment processes in the municipalities differ from each other in detail, in particular according to their size.

The following overview shows the number of municipalities that received trade taxes in the reporting year 2022 from the companies participating in D-EITI

Unternehmen Number of municipalities receiving trade tax payments
BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH & Co. KG 26
Dyckerhoff-Gruppe 11
ExxonMobil 44
Holcim (Deutschland) GmbH 2
Hülskens Holding GmbH & Co. KG 7
MIBRAG Energy Group GmbH 1
Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH 17
Quarzwerke GmbH 5
Sibelco Gruppe *)
Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG 4
Wacker Chemie AG 1

*) not evident from data report

**) Number of municipalities with payments exceeding €100 thousand

The overview also shows for the group of companies that take part in D-EITI the 20 government agencies to which the highest trade tax payments in the aggregate were made in the year under review (2021):

Leistendes Unternehmen Empfangende Kommune Gewerbesteuerzahlungen in 2022 in (TEUR)
ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH Stadt Hamburg 52.848
Stadt Hannover 40.725
Gemeinde Großenkneten 12.182
Flecken Steyerberg 8.897
Gemeinde Meppen 7.592
Stadt Sulingen 6.750
Gemeinde Dötlingen 5.599
Stadt Vechta 4.674
Gemeinde Emstek 4.491
Samtgemeinde Bothel 3.814
Gemeinde Visbek 3.528
Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf/ Bahrenborstel 3.202
Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH Stadt Hannover 11.828
Stadt Meppen 6.037
Stadt Salzwedel 4.372
Stadt Speyer 2.867
Dyckerhoff GmbH Stadt Wiesbaden 5.232
Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG Stadt Heilbronn 4.298
BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH & Co. KG Gemeinde Großenkneten 2.935
Quarzwerke GmbH Stadt Frechen 2.882

A further review and analysis of the available reports from the supra-local audit offices relevant to D-EITI shows that the regularity of the payment processes, together with the associated controls (cash supervision), is also the subject of the supra-local municipal audit by the Lower Saxony State Audit Office, particularly for the state of Lower Saxony. The audit results are presented in the annual municipal reports published by the Lower Saxony State Audit Office and sent to the government and the parliament of the Federal State and the Lower Saxony Association of Towns and Municipalities, among others.

The municipal reports of the State Audit Office of Lower Saxony for 2022 and 2023 show, among other things, that the audited municipalities did not adequately implement requirements for carrying out cash audits and that service instructions did not fully comply with the requirements for ensuring cash security9. According to the reports, the State Audit Office of Lower Saxony already supported the municipalities during the audit by means of a checklist to remedy these deficiencies. In contrast, no findings were made that were relevant to the assessment of the regularity of the collection process itself and the associated payment flows.

The current findings of the audit units have shown that their control function also includes the (sub-)areas of internal organisational structure and processes relevant to the D-EITI. Therefore, the results of the audit units appear to be fundamentally suitable and usable for a risk-based alternative quality assurance procedure. In the IA’s judgement, the review of the audit units’ findings relevant to the D-EITI did not reveal any indications that could give rise to the assumption that the payment processes relevant to the D-EITI in the area of trade tax are not fully compliant.

Inspection of the transparency register and PEP assessment

As part of the 6th German EITI Report for the reporting year 2021, the Independent Administrator inspected the transparency register to find out whether the participating companies had an entry in the transparency register and whether this entry was plausible based on the information available to (and to be obtained by) the Independent Administrator. The Independent Administrator found that there were entries in the transparency register for all companies reporting to the D-EITI and that these are considered plausible.

To the extent that the Independent Administrator identified natural persons as beneficial owners in the transparency register, this was also done in accordance with the country-specific categories for politically exposed persons published by the EU10 (PEP for short), on the basis of the information available to the Independent Administrator and to be obtained, as to whether these persons are to be classified as PEPs in this sense. The Independent Administrator considers the available information to be plausible.

As a result of the ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) of 22 November 2022 in joined cases C-37/20 and C-601/2011, the transparency register has made the public access for any interested party that existed up to that point in time subject to the existence of a legitimate interest; this restriction continues to apply at the time of publication of this report. Based on such a legitimate interest, the transparency register granted the Independent Administrator access so that the information for the participating companies could be obtained and analysed by the IA; the consent of the participating companies was not required for this.


1 Orbis Europe database of the provider Bureau van Dijk ( Accessed on 27 October 2023)

2 Cf. 2022 figures of the German Building Materials Association – Quarried Natural Resources: (Accessed on 24 November 2023).

3 The financial statements of all companies participating in the report are available on the portal of the Federal Gazette: (Accessed on 24 November 2023).

4 You can find the Independent Administrator’s work report.

5 A detailed overview of tax administration in Germany, including the differences between the Federal States, can be found in: “Die Steuerverwaltung in Deutschland” (Tax administration in Germany) (BMF 2018).

6 In some cases, employees who are not subject to civil service law are hired in the responsible agencies. They, too, have an obligation to the common good and must also perform their services in an objective and unbiased way in accordance with the law. However, at least one civil servant is always involved in the decision-making process.

7 Federal Audit Office. URL: (Accessed on 24 November 2023).

8 Federal Audit Office. URL:
(Accessed on 24 November 2023).

9The municipal reports of the State Audit Office of Lower Saxony can be found at (Accessed on 24 November 2023).

10See (Accessed on 14 December 2023).

11 See Beneficial Ownership for more details

Information and recommendations of the Independent Administrator


Information and recommendations from the implementation of a system-based approach to payment reconciliation

The EITI Standard 2019 demands comprehensive publication of all material payment flows from the national extractive sector to government agencies. This information on payment flows must satisfy requirements in respect of reliability, understandability and public availability (cf. EITI requirements 4.1 and 4.9). In the first and second German EITI reports, the reliability of the published payment flows was, among other processes, ensured by the previous “standard procedure” of a direct reconciliation of the payment flows reported by the participating companies with the payments received by the government agencies (“payment reconciliation”). These did not produce any noteworthy differences between payments made and payments received between companies and government agencies.

In agreement with the international EITI secretariat, the 3rd German EITI report for the 2018 reporting period was the first to start with the development and implementation of an alternative quality assurance procedure for the payment flows to the government agencies reported by the extractive industry which has also been used for this 6th D-EITI report. This procedure replaces the test of details for payment flows from participating companies with a multi-stage system-based approach of obtaining information and analysing processes and controls relevant for EITI, in particular on the part of government agencies.

The aim is to put the MSGs in a position where they can provide a well-founded assessment of whether or not there are risks to indicate that payment flows to government agencies related to natural resources are not being properly processed during the respective reporting period. Regardless of the result of this risk assessment, the process used for assessing the participating companies’ reported payments will then be carried out. Where risks are identified to indicate that (payment) processes or controls relevant for EITI are not entirely correct, further investigations of the payment flows concerned will initially be carried out and, ultimately, a return to payment reconciliation will also be considered. Where, however, no corresponding risks are identified, the actual assessment of payment flows is made on the basis of plausibility assessments.

With the implementation of the system-based approach, the tasks of members of the MSG and of the Independent Administrator have changed, when compared to the previous standard procedure of payment reconciliation. The risk assessment process is based, among other things, on a comprehensive collection and evaluation of information that could be relevant for assessing whether payments from companies to public authorities are being correctly processed. This includes analysing reports from the responsible local and supra-local audits and the audit offices. The same applies to information from associations or clubs on findings that may be relevant to the risk assessment or reports in relevant media. We recommend that MSG members be more closely involved in this assessment process, in such a way that publicly available information and evidence from MSG members’ professional environments that is potentially relevant to the risk assessment is captured in the form of a “regular process” in cooperation with the EITI Secretariat. If no relevant findings are made in the reporting year, a negative report would have to be submitted to the EITI Secretariat.

Recommendations in connection with the implementation of the requirements of the EU Sustainability Reporting Directive

Furthermore, we recommend the MSG to deal with the content of the “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – CSRD”(Directive (EU) 2022/2464), i.e. the directive on corporate sustainability reporting. On 22 December 2023, the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2772 was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, which contains twelve standards for corporate sustainability reporting (European Sustainability Reporting Standards, ESRS). Furthermore, in February 2023, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), which is responsible for the development of reporting standards, published a working paper in preparation for a European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) on “Mining, Quarrying and Coal” . This first working paper on a sector-specific reporting standard makes explicit reference to the quality assurance mechanisms of the EITI and derives reporting obligations for companies in the extractive sector from this. Work on this sector-specific reporting standard is ongoing.

The companies that are subject to the Directive are invited to assess which disclosures are to be regarded as “relevant” in the sense of “material” for their own reporting. From the companies’ perspective, it is important to gain an appropriate overview of the aspects that the various stakeholders consider relevant in the context of sustainability reporting. As a central element of the respective EITI implementation, the MSG can be seen as an important stakeholder across all countries.

Against the background of the objective pursued with EITI requirements 4.1 and 4.9 (ensuring data quality and the regularity of payment processing), ESRS G1-3 (Prevention and detection of corruption/bribery) and G 1-5 (Political influence and lobbying activities) could be considered particular relevant aspects in the context of sustainability reporting from an EITI perspective. For the further development of the pilot procedure, we recommend that the MSG address these requirements and develop a view as to whether, and if so, under what conditions, the MSG would consider sustainability reporting by companies to be material.



Data on natural resource extraction in Germany

The figures on hard coal and lignite are based on statistics of the coal industry. The figures for crude oil and natural gas are taken from the report “Crude oil and natural gas in the Federal Republic of Germany” (Erdöl und Erdgas in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) by the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology, Hanover (LBEG). The figures for potash and potash salt products, special clay, rock salt, boiled salt, industrial brine, kaolin, quartz gravel and sand, gravel and sand, crushed natural stone, artificial stone and lime, marl & dolomite stone are based on the report  “Germany – Raw Materials Situation” by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) This is an annual publication, which also includes information about the extraction of natural resources in Germany.

Furthermore, the data on the value of the associated production volumes is not included in the official statistics. Data is therefore taken from other publications, such as the annual reports of the associations (with regard to aggregates, especially from the annual reports of MIRO) or various publications of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). In detail, the production values of hard coal, lignite, crude oil and natural gas are based on estimates from the average cross-border prices of the BGR report Germany – Raw Materials Situation. The values for potash and potash salt products, special clays (values according to Destatis), rock salt and industrial brine (values according to Destatis) and kaolin (values according to Industrial Materials Price Database) are also taken from the same publication. The values for the production of quartz sand and gravel, gravel and sand and broken natural stone are taken from the annual report “Germany -Raw Materials Situation” as well. The values for the production of natural stone, limestone, marl and dolomite stone are taken from the data provided by the Federal Statistical Office.

Data on contribution to the Gross Value Added

The data was taken from the current national accounts of the Federal Statistical Office (as of October 2023). The “Mining and Quarrying” economic sector includes the extraction of naturally- occurring solid mineral resources (coal, salt, ores, quarried natural resources), liquid mineral resources (crude oil) and gaseous mineral resources (natural gas).

In the statistical classification of economic activities (WZ 2008), the “Mining and quarrying” sector covers the whole of section B with the following sub-sectors: Coal mining (WZ08-05); crude oil and natural gas ex- traction (WZ08-06); ore mining (WZ08-07); Quarried natural resources, other mining products (WZ08-08) and the performance of services for mining and for quarrying (WZ08-09). A detailed list of these sub-sectors can be found in the publication “Classification of Economic Activities” (Klassifikation der Wirtschafts- zweige) of the Federal Statistical Office, pages 175 to 185. It should be noted that section B (“Mining and Quarrying”) includes the sub-sector “Provision of Services for Mining and Quarrying” (WZ08-09). This, however, does not include classical extraction activities. The official statistics on gross value added in section B do not contain a separate breakdown by sub-sector (see FN XX). Therefore, this figure also includes the gross value added from the sub-sectors WZ08-09 and WZ08-07, unlike in the previous D-EITI reports.

In addition, there are other companies which extract natural resources; however, these are allocated to a different economic sector due to their main activities and are therefore not included in the following.

The data disagregated by Federal Stateis provided by the  Statistical Office of Baden-Wurttemberg on behalf of the Working Group “National Accounts of the Federal States” (AK VGRdL).

Data on Employment

Data on the employees was taken from the database of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). Data on further disaggregation of emplyoment figures is provided by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).

Data on exports​

The German natural resources export data is based on information on the goods divisions of the goods catalogue from the production statistics of the Federal Statistical Office. These calculations include “coal” (GP09-05), “crude oil and natural gas” (GP09-06), “ores” (GP09-07) and “quarried natural resources, other mining products” (GP09-08).

The German natural resource export data at the Federal State level is based on information on the goods divisions of the goods catalogue from the production statistics of the Federal Statistical Office. These calculations include the areas “coal” (GP19-05), “crude oil and natural gas” (GP19-06), “ores” (GP19-07) and “quarried natural resources other mining products” (GP19-08).

The data on the exports  was taken from the Genesis Online Database by Destatis.

Data on mining authorizations​

The data on mining authorizations were provided by the mining authorities of the federal states on the basis of the official registers as of 31.12.2022.

Since 21 July 2017 and pursuant to § 76 (3) of the BBergG, the following information on granted and maintained mining rights can be viewed upon application to the mining authorities (without evidence of a legitimate

  • Owner
  • Extraction sites to which the mining right refers
  • Date of the application and granting of the right
  • Term
  • Natural resource(s) to which the mining right refers

Data on government revenues through taxes​

The tax amounts shown in the table are based on special evaluations of the corporation tax statistics from 2010 – 2018, the trade tax statistics of 2010 and 2018 and the statistics on the partnerships and communities from 2010 – 2012 and 2014 – 2018 as well as estimates and updates of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Only the “Mining and Quarrying” sector was analysed. The “Mining and Quarrying” sector includes the extraction of the following naturally-occurring mineral resources: solids (such as coal, salt and ores), liquids (crude oil) and gaseous resources (natural gas). A detailed list of these sub-sectors can be found in the publication “Classification of Economic Activities” (Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige) of the Federal Statistical Office, pages 175 to 185.

Since the most recent statistical data relate to 2018, the following years were extrapolated to 2021. The rate of change in gross value added by the economic sector B, “Mining and Quarrying” as stated in the national accounts was used for the purpose of the update (source: “National Accounts – An Overview of Key Facts” [VGR – Wichtige Zusammenhänge im Überblick], page 20 et seq.)

The tax amounts reported for the extractive sector are amounts that had to be paid by the companies for the respective year (so-called assessment year). The statistical time frame is therefore different from that of the total income of the state which is recorded in the year of the inflow (cash year).

The data was taken from the current national accounts of the Federal Statistical Office. The state’s total income includes not only income from taxes, but social security contributions, proceeds from the disposal of assets or investments (government bonds) as well as fees, administrative income and profits from state enterprises. Detailed explanations and definitions of the total public budget can be found on the website of the Federal Statistical Office: (accessed September 11, 2023).

Corporation tax​

Statistical data from the years 2010 to 2018 was assessed. For the purposes of the assessment, the corporation tax amounts imposed on unlimited and limited corporation taxpayers before the deduction of capital gains tax or the like were taken into account. The update for the years to 2021 was made on the basis of the development of the gross value added of the economic sector B, “Mining and Quarrying.”

Trade tax​

Trade tax in Germany is collected by around 11,000 municipalities according to individually-determined and thus differing rates. The basis for the calculation of the trade tax is trade income. This is the profit determined pursuant to the income tax law or the corporation tax law. The amount of trade tax may be increased or reduced by additions and reductions as per the German Trade Tax Act. The trade income is the basis to determine a tax assessment amount in a nationwide uniform procedure. If the commercial enterprise has permanent establishments in several municipalities, the taxable amount is apportioned to the individual permanent establishment municipalities. The trade tax to be paid by the commercial enterprise is determined by applying the respective assessment rate of the municipality to the tax assessment amount or apportionment share. Trade tax is levied on corporations, partnerships and natural persons with their commercial income.

Only the taxable amounts determined during the assessment procedure are included in the trade tax statistics. The Federal Statistical Office used the results of a special evaluation of statistics for the years 2010 and 2018 to assign the positive taxable amounts of the companies in question to the relevant tax rates charged by the respective municipalities. This enabled the trade tax to be determined in an approximate manner.

Income tax​

Natural persons, as individual entrepreneurs or members of a partnership, can also make profits in the extractive sector – and are therefore subject to trade and income tax. However, income tax statistics do not include breakdowns by economic activity. This effectively means that these statistics will not be used for this study. The statistics on partnerships, however, are broken down into economic sectors, but they are only used to determine the earned income, which is subject either to corporation tax or income tax imposed on the parties involved (co-entrepreneurs).

Due to the above-mentioned problems, the income tax attributable to the extractive sector was estimated by means of the following procedures, using the trade tax statistics and the statistics on partnerships and communities:

An approximate profit was determined for the individual entrepreneurs, by means of retroactive calculation, using the positive taxable amounts assessed in the trade tax statistics for this group of persons. The sum of the income of partnerships, which, in the relevant industry, is attributable to natural persons as participants, was assessed from the statistics on part- nerships and communities.

An average tax rate of 28.6% was applied to this profit or to this sum of earnings. This average tax rate was calculated using a microsimulation model for persons with commercial incomes who pay income tax. With the trade tax offset against the income tax, the results in the table show the approximate income tax amounts.

Solidarity surcharge​

A solidarity surcharge is levied as a supplementary tax to income tax and corporation tax. It generally amounts to 5.5% of the established corporation tax and income tax (see previous explanations). Since 2021, no solidarity surcharge is levied on income tax if the tax does not exceed a certain limit.

Income tax and the solidarity surcharge are not included in the report for 2021. 

Data on extraction and minesite royalties​

“The Federal States” revenues from extraction royalties (Revenues) are made available to the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) by the Federal States for purposes related to the national financial equalisation mechanism as part of the monthly report on tax revenues. They are published in the settle- ments of the financial equalisation of the Federal States on the website of the BMF.

Only few Federal States publish their revenues from mine site royalties in their budgets. A summarised overview of the mine site royalties is not available. Most Federal States publish accumulated mine site and extraction revenues in their individual budgets.

Data on turnover of quarried natural resources

The data was taken from the “Annual Report for Business Operations” (Jahresbericht für Betriebe des verarbeitenden Gewerbes des Bergbaus und der Gewinnung von Steinen und Erden) issued by the Federal Statistical Office. This report refers to companies with at least 20 employees. As this statistical data is not the same as the statistical data on employees covered by the mandatory social security scheme, the data in the report does not cover all extractive business operations.

Data on rehabilitation aid​

The data on the amounts of the subsidies was taken from the current subsidies report of the Federal Government. This report is published every two years (PDF).

Data on subsidies in the hard coal industry​

The data on the amount of subsidies were taken from the 29th subsidy report of the Federal Government.

Data on concessions for electricity and energy taxes​

The data on concessions for electricity and energy taxes are based on the State Aid Transparency Public Search of the European Commission.

Data on renewable energies​

The data on primary energy consumption was taken from the database of the Working Group on Energy Balances:

Data on water withdrawal

Data on water withdrawal by federal state is based on information from the Federal Statistical Office.

Data on environmental information​

Approval notices

The provision of permit notices is usually free of charge. From the approval notices, citizens can obtain concrete information on the effects on the environment approved by the authorities.

By way of example, the following notices can be viewed here:

Water law permit (…) for the discharge of saline wastewater from the Neuhof-Ellers and Werra plants into the Werra” for the company K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH in Philippsthal (PDF).

Data used in interactive map on natural resources

The figures on natural resources is provided by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR).

Quantity raw gas: Annual report -Crude oil and natural gas in the Federal Republic of Germany- by the State Office for Mining Energy and Geology, Lower Saxony

Furthermore, Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG)

The figures on mine-site and extraction royalties is provided by the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Disclosed payment flows and quality assurance

The previously performed payment reconciliations were replaced by an alternative quality assurance procedure for the first time on a pilot basis for the 2018 reporting period. Since then, the procedure has been continued and further developed. Explanations on the procedure as well as on the selection of sectors, companies and payment flows are presented in the D-EITI report (Chapter 10). The D-EITI report also contains recommendations by the Independent Administrator for future reporting under D-EITI (Chapter 11). The alternative quality assurance procedure is carried out by an Independent Administrator (Grant Thornton Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Düsseldorf).